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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, HAYMA1RKET.1 Under the Management of Mr. BUCKSTONE. THIS EVENING will be presented the new drama, entitletl THE OLD CHATEAU; or, A Night of Peril. Principal charnacters by Meisrs. Howe, Rogers. W. Farren, Bucketone, and H. Marston; Mliss Reynolds, Mrs. Fitt villiamO, anml Mrs. Poynter.| Atter whlich the SPANiSU DANCERS will appear in a new ballet enltitled THEl GIPSEY QUwEEN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SWt)TAR LINE (if PACKETI SHIP.-To salfohG~'~II ott the Iet of Saiptelisber, and wvill call Hi'f~pR HI L I Ptillred, thle spleltdid new clipioer ItfhLl~, ~ r)-, Al1, 13 yeaors, blonoint to NI e~sro ~ip . cwal, j N.Tiooaxx, Commntatoide loaslnig in thle Otiso B .l, Isas very superior aaomoltoitr 3~ ?? sp and great hoight, in the 'twixt rahi l~,spaessuoand iry ?? fur secon)d aild third ~ ~,,esers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11~, NAIL STEAM SHIP for AUSTRALIA, 0ftober4 it -h G2NERAJL SCREW STEAMI SHIP. S0ji'y8CREW STEAM SHIP ARGO, 1,850 tons, INCrU0011 HI DEr, Commnideiter, wvill sail from tijersjstl.'s niatis for Adelaide, Port Phillip, v.0Wendy. the 4th October, 18S4, at Two o'clock - ~ Argo, one or the fis-test ships afloat, ~ ~&ehis~d orher last prawaee to Australia, bav- lvtertout in sixty-four days, and home ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3E11AIL STEAM SHIP for AUSTRALIA, AP 1851.-Tho magnificent SCREW STEAM SHIP 'kool tons another of the fine fleet belonging to sCL:TTA se'ew Stenam 'Shipping Company, Will be despatched Genliral Scrot with her ilijeslty'e Mails for Adelaide, Port S Uilltollvsyo the 4th A ugust next. This fins vessel has att ~ og reultiesa for rapid sailing and punctuality, 2.ita cr ltis t tm Agowhih hs mdethe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VI0LINE of PACKET SHIP.-To T .Fi Grot c~ae d onl tile ist of September and will call o 'alfoll HL L IP d irecct, t he PIle nd Id sa ew ?? r o ivth fr I 5(as5 A S, 13 years, belonging to Messrs. DU' Si I iz gF~sil.J utlittl, Commander; loading in the Jul2 ?? ?? shp b5w vury snperior asecoonsnsosatiois for et1, 'rhaigafull poopssatd great heighst in the'Itwixt. T~ ~ '~~X5edary acconmmodationls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ROYAL OPERA, DRURY-LANE. THIS EVENING hor Majesty's servants will perform (by desire) ,1ellini'5 opera,LA SON~NAgfIOULA. Amins.,Widle. Agnes Bu~ry ; LIa .mei Gne.relffenhageln: Thercst, MIne. Heinrich; Rodoipho, 8ig Arnoldii and ilvmnv, Sig. tiettmui. ETISSE N Gfallery, Is. * pit, zs. *upper boxes, 3s.: drst circle, 4s. dress efrcle, Os. Box-otfice opell froal nreail Gl Sixc d;aily, rwhere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL ITALIAN~ OPERA, COV'ENT.GAR- cDENa-Mie. GREISI'S LAST Ad'PMARANCE in ENGM LAND.TgFAREWELL BENEFIT.-Mins* GRIST heg most re- spectfully to inform the nobility, gentry, and the gublic, that the DIrectors of the Royal Italian Opera having kinoly placed their theatre at her disposal, she has, previous to her departure for the United States, arranged to give a FAREWELL BENEFIT. The evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MoThARINERS. &VfION OF THE RIVER TEES. r7~ RINITY4IOUSE, Lomtox, Alne. 23, 1854. ,0IE1iiereby given, that the BUOYS at.- 10TIC %NCEof the 11IVER TEES numbered 1, 2, 3.t t iciT etf Cbeen painted White, will, on and iI 11, Ilejil fet, be COLOURED RED.h BY order, J. IEHIJIERT, Secretary. v LINE of PACKET SHIP, tot Foriee.-~ PORT PIIILLIP direct, to Faili ~ tt 7 otcbr~tilespletdidji new British ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R* OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COYENT GAR- DEN.-All persona having clatucs on the Royal Italian Opera re requested to deiver their accounts immediately, and to apply on Saturday next, August 12, for payment. Last Night but Two of the Season. ROYA L ITALIAN OPERA, CO V ENT-G ARD EN. First Night of LE COMTE ORY.-THIS EVENING, Tuesday, August 8, will bo produced (for the first time on. the Italian Stage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rADVIIKITISEMENT. I DESTRUCTIVE FIRRAT HARPERADBI Harpenden, June 16, 1854. Gentlemen-I have great pleasure in adding my tes. timoiry to tioe value of your Fireproof Safes. Last Monday night my house, warehouse, and premise, were utnloitunrately burned down ; the fire raged v-cry fear. fully for aboot two hours, and, owing to tihe great scarcity of water, ?? w hole of my premises and stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION~. MounmoutlssirO Estates. 11MESSRS. DANI, EL -SMITH tend SON reppect- YAfully apprise the rnamerous applicants that the PAIITICU- LABS and PLANS of thle SKtENFA1iri ccni othe~r coicciguous ESTATES; alesoof ?? Custle and Park Farms; alsoethe far- famned woouled domain of Wentwood and ether properties, in the eigboutrhotod of Chepstow and Mager, the proeprty of his Grace thoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TTad MO1ORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINE gITTg' SI It's -or SYDNEY direct, to sail Punic. I *~li o Augstcalling at Plymouth ti r,,thevj~eiiit igte-ltilt ship WATERLOO, (l~ligig toMesrs.D. nlbar and Sonls), 1goo ~, (lisilConleadcrlyitig iu the East India *ic 1'lsafull pioop, with niost excellent aceom-. ,a scer.her 'tween decks boling lofty and i~rw 1ortuility for second-cabin anid jilter- ni clcarrla exp ...