Advertisements & Notices

... R* OYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COYENT GAR- DEN.-All persona having clatucs on the Royal Italian Opera re requested to deiver their accounts immediately, and to apply on Saturday next, August 12, for payment. Last Night but Two of the Season. ROYA L ITALIAN OPERA, CO V ENT-G ARD EN. First Night of LE COMTE ORY.-THIS EVENING, Tuesday, August 8, will bo produced (for the first time on. the Italian Stage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bia B RIE and C O.-WEDDING ORDERS. ti 48, Conduit-street. eo n UIYSTAL PALACE.-Many inquiries having ly been made by the Patrons of Meesre. WHITE and COMPANY, ce Sik Manufacturers and Importers of Foreign Fabrics, 192, Regent. rg street, as to where their display of Novelties is to be found in the Ils Exhibition, W. and Co. think it necessary to explain that at the earnest solieitatien of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEE QUEEN'S ROYAL THiEATBE-lIiM VL T ING (Toee4ay), Auguet 8, will be pr ted tr e Now Drama of..THE COURIER OF LYONe-rqetiDub Lssurques,- Mr,5 Cooper; joseph MrWebb; Courriol, Mr Montague; Joliquet, MrasWebb;; Julia Lesurques, Mrs Vaughan. To be followed bv the la- terlude of A DAUGHTER TO MABlBY.-Mr Dobbs, Mr Cooper; Mary, Mre Webb To conclude witp tho Farce of THE SCAP1jGOAT,-Ignatlua ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yFRLAND ROUTE,-STEAM to INDIA () 0d III4A,&C. e.EytThe PENINSULAR and 0 ?? STE1AM NAIGTINCOMPANY BOOK PAS. s11'A d receive goods and piarcels for the Mediterranean, 0d-GIL ' mi packets, leavisg Soothampton on I s 9lh o every mouth, and for Australia by those of the the 41i1 r and 4th of ever), alterna~te aonth ?? 1Ii ;,etecrlis aply at the Company's ottlees, 122, Leadenhall- ficeri i nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ifl) ?? ?? U-rL A, GALL1,11I E, rti, Lmower Sw. ., ~t ,letr continue to be suppled With a large assort- 'nmitt of U Ctyle Beet materials, ), i) ?? from the larget stuck .f ltoomn rapere, at MAuxeo BRoonKs Wholesale mud Retail Warehouse, 9s, M~fsodove A ggtjreed, Dublin. NEW WATCHES, Wholesale and Retail. ENEVA and PANENT LEVER WATCHES, GOLD 1kX ICHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELLERY,) FRENCH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IREAD THE NEW EDITfOII ON lithvez AND G2NEAS wr , Just Published, 20th Thousand. ?? d ith Coloared ngravings1 , Price 18., or in a ?? sl velosr , ,fee bty Poest, for i8 PosaI Stamps., 11EALTE AND HAP iSS tbe mears by Rhich they may be, ob;ajj4iS, tedia oko b Infirmiies of youth and, by t a me alior by J ?? cS ud xld bythe rity 4u dasa m es of thad al30 rative system, with ob1C2, *flty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jqiIRE ANNIHILATOR, or VAPOUR FIRE F ENGINE.-The practical value of the Fire Anaihilator is es- i tablished by 27 remarkable cases of successtul use, and recognised by the governcoent in its adoption for emigrant ?? full par. ticulars see Bradshaw of this month, p. 132.-Engines for dwelling houes and sbops. £3 to£4; Factorics, &c., £6.-Offlce of the Fire Annihilator Company, No. 105, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fol SYNl)EY ?? (a regular trader, has the greater part of her cargo engaged, and will meet with quick -d.lcb', the sinte hinstclass Briush barque MARY CAT.lE.. aBi>E, crpper faistened anld neowty copperedi, 343 tons O.M., 16r, tar N. Mt ioadizg in the Lonldon Docks.-For freight apply to It rair NAtTli kN lBE aTIERS, 34, WVhitechapel road: or to OFFOR en~tO~llAN, Ship and Insurance Erokers, 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL SAINTS' SCHOOLS.--The ANNUAL B) ASERMOONS, in support of these Schools, will be 7 preached in All Suinta' Church, Ohorlton-on-Modlook, on Sunday, 13th of August. Morming preacher,R1ev. Dr. fltURTbON; G afternoon procber, Rev. Dr. GUST&VUS M. BURTON; evening VI preaceher, Rev. RICHARD BUJTLER, M.A. Hymns and anthems an especially adapted, and Sung by the obildron.-Serviliee at half- Si: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o GENERAL TIISPITAL, Au,;. ,3,185 ATAS PE CI AL AMIEI:LT 1N f4 OP THE GEF It 'K R L JJ 8 IT I W D IIT rT E and the this datyee appointed by The Tovn- Meeting held ;xI. M1ITjL L E N, Ls q., in th le C ha ir, It was resolve~d, that a Public ?Meeting of the Sub- jsari crs tn the Hospital be 11 I d i n th e To WN HAIL ,, cfPlcebu~ijilgs, on THIURSI)AY, the 17th inst., at e ONE o'clock-, tow thre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SAVING OF LABOUR. B Y watering your Gardens with GurTA PERCHA D TURING, which may be had from 2d. per foot, at the GUTTA PERCHA DEPOT, 17, VICTORIA-STREET, DERBY. SILK AND SHAWL WAREHOUSE, 18, IRON GATE, DERBY. N consequelee of an alteration in the state of the Silk - Market, J. RATCLIFF has determined to REDUCE the whole of his SPLENDID STOCK at once, thereby J giving purchasers the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Passengers fat Ainerloa. AL LEXANDER INGLIS, SHIP-CltANDLiER, 28, Quay, begs to ,M intimate to intending Emigrants that he bas on hand all sho articles that are required for the Passage-such as Bedding, Ilcoking Utensils; Tinware Cans, for Water and Provisions, &e. c. Mattresses, the size of the berths, at 2s. and 3s. each. Aberdeen, 28, Quay, 25th July, 1854. d Important Notice to ...