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Advertisements & Notices

... rADVIIKITISEMENT. I DESTRUCTIVE FIRRAT HARPERADBI Harpenden, June 16, 1854. Gentlemen-I have great pleasure in adding my tes. timoiry to tioe value of your Fireproof Safes. Last Monday night my house, warehouse, and premise, were utnloitunrately burned down ; the fire raged v-cry fear. fully for aboot two hours, and, owing to tihe great scarcity of water, ?? w hole of my premises and stock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iGIM RACES.-SOUTH l-WESTERN ISL~\.'1t DAY, Aug. 15, and To-niorrow, Aug.16l, ai nto the ordinaryv trains onl these da~ Ns, SPECIAL ?? roilfreem WATERtLOO to STAI N ES during thc fore- kt .45 a.m.i, until 12.45 pan., returniiig from FARSeei To STAINES AND PAC.4re secid Class. First Class. 3,. lid. 03. lie order. ARIICD. SCOTT, Treulec Maiffiger, 1Ygttrl5oc Staltion, August, 1854. T__ON'DON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BDRAZILl^N FIVE PER CENT. LOAN of 18 I tizS, oontraot ted for by the late Mr. N M. Rothsebild. tLOLDE aS of HO~IDS of this LOAN who have not ilready re- CeAvzd the new Coupon bheeta are hereby apprised that the eram are READY for DELIVERY, snd may be received on application at the Connting.hbuic of Messrs. N. N. itothschild and Sony, New-court, St. Swithin's,-lar., on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SYDNEY Direct (a regular trader, has, the F greater part of her cargo engaged, and will meet with qulok desp5teh), the dse first-claeB British barque MARY CATHE rl~qF copper fastenetd and newly coppered, 345 tons O.M., 80i 1 ' N. 't *osdiurt in the Lotadtn Dhotm.-Por lreight Appiy to IlegNi NATII ilR )THIERS, 34, Whitectapal road; or to OFFOR ArIGI',A1MAX Ship and Insurance Brokers, 2, New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T SIhKDRESSEMfioiEl £T. 61l> to2&20- g-ineas. Operaclklindthroghout with sillk, I gulitta. Muslin, Uarege, and Itaizarine dresses from 7s. 6d, the robe. Irish point Collars Os. 6d.. and sleeves Be. 9d. Rich Moravilnwrkcollars I s. lid., worth 3s. 94. French cambric handkerechiefs 6Y. ?? the dozen. Patterns sent free by WHITE and COMPANY, 192? Regent.- st.rA| C RYSTAL PALACE. - PRINTED FABRIC C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAZILIAN FIVE PER CENT. LOAN of I J 13 lD, Contracted for by ?? ite Mr. N. 31. ROTHSCllILD. H{OLDERS of BONDS of thill Logon who have not already received the NEW COUPON SIIEEIS arc hereby apprised that the same are r'emdy for deliverY, and niay ho received on applicadeon at the ?? or hfebeora. N. HINI. Rothiclhd and Sons, New-court, St. Sw% itWln'6-l0o, 001 Mondays, Wcenesdays, and Thursdays, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'OYAL, ITA.IAN OPERA, COVENTGAR- biR 1N-fRANl) CONCERlr1.-I'LAYuOUsE, PRICES.-- For the PINENRI'T' of Mr. A. HARRIS.-Mr. A. HARRIS (Sta9e lIalager) ilego leve jolst respecrltilly to aequainit the oAbility, gentry, and the '-alie that hr thle Lind perimissiuon of the Director of thr Royal ?? Openra aG IIAND EVENING CONCERT will be given f`r hit IlENEFIT T0l' i TMoRlt , rThursday, August l7, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRATIAN LINE of PACKETS. - For A SYDNEY Direot the splendid Aberdeen elipper-built ship ?? 1,645 tons register, CHARLES STUART, jo o 3 in the London Doc,8-5 This fine vessel hae spa. ~bci(OOm so5 ?? a and every convesience for the cemast of passenrere. For terme of freight or passage apply to DE ad MOORE, 0, Billiter-etreet; or to HENRY and CAL. VERyoULtlIN. Si, Great 8t. iHelen's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAdverlizeWent.] THE AUTHORITY FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF GOOD FRIDAY. I It is so universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecessary, That our Blessed Lord was raised from the dead on the First Day of the week; and it is as universally admitted, that while on earth he himself declared, Mat. 12-40, F For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly s shall the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D Nl VT LI MOORE'S AUSTR ALIAN LINE if e'xcgeleT SHIPtS. -For GEELONC, direct, with ionic- dd,teit, last sbipping-day 16th, August. and will emnbalk i~r tit Griteseod t1tth August, alanding cabinl p)o1sengers at 31,11no fres i~f ?? ttie wettltiioi'ii fiftt-salting IMssele ger ~t, 0 NIC~tiE~EA I (lielenglin! t Meisrs. ltdica',de,,0 lrteiadCo.), 1030 toins ?? Iloaeieir Ctxii-e,' 3~bs ?? 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADYVEtTIS£ENNT.] 3r' TilE AUTHORITY FOi THE OBSERV- ANCA OF GOOD FRIDAY. lie ?? is AD universally admitted, as to render the production of proof unnecessary, that our blessed Lord wes raised from the dead on the first day of the week; and it is as univer. ce sally admitted, that while on earth he himself declared, Mat. a 12-40, For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRYSTAL PALACE.-GOLD CHAINS. ^ WATHER8TON and BROGDEN beg to announce that they have taken apace in the CRYSTAL PALACE with the siewv of giving universal publicity to the principle ot soiling GOLD CHAINS by Welght and Workanaship. To those vvho have not vet tested its value the tollowaing extaraples will be found useful, showing the rela. Sive prices paid for Labour in Ibepurchase of a Genuine ...