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Advertisements & Notices

... SOUND and WHITE TEETH are not only indis- K:Y pensably requisite .o a pleasing eaterior it both sexes, but they are peculiarly appreciated through life as highly conducive to health arnd Lngevity. Among the various preparaticas offered for the pur. pose, lOWLANDS' OIJONTO er PEARL DENTIFRICEstands an- rivalled in eradicating all tartar and concretions, and imparting a pear-ltike whiteness to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11~, NAIL STEAM SHIP for AUSTRALIA, 0ftober4 it -h G2NERAJL SCREW STEAMI SHIP. S0ji'y8CREW STEAM SHIP ARGO, 1,850 tons, INCrU0011 HI DEr, Commnideiter, wvill sail from tijersjstl.'s niatis for Adelaide, Port Phillip, v.0Wendy. the 4th October, 18S4, at Two o'clock - ~ Argo, one or the fis-test ships afloat, ~ ~&ehis~d orher last prawaee to Australia, bav- lvtertout in sixty-four days, and home ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATRE IROYAL, IIAYDIARKET.1 Under the Management of Mr. BUCKiSTONE. TillS ElVENING vill be preiente~d t04 new drama, entitled THE OLD CHATEAU, or, A Night of Pcril. Principal characters by Mecirs. Howe, Rogera. \v. FArreis, BPck.tonc, and 1I. Marton isa Reym~lds, Mrs. Fitzilltam, atll MrsD. Poynter. After wvhich, the SPANISII [JANCER~S asill appear in a Wiathtiie ewftrceentitilled AS bI' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHE MIAIL STEAM SHIP for AUSTRALIA, October 4, 1854. the GENERAL SCREW STEAM SHIPPING COOMPANY'S ,crew steembehip ARGO, 1,850 tone, 800 horse power, GEORGE 'HYDF, Cemmander wvill eailfrom Southampton with her IMjesty's Mails for Adelaide, Port Phillip, and Sydney, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th october, 1S54, at 2 o'clock p.m punctually. The ARGO, one of the fastest shtips afloat, is justly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UIRCULAR NOTES and. FOREIGN MOXEY. t Travellers proceeding to the Contslent, East, Constantinople, the Cotonies, America, &c., can PROCURE CIRCiULAIt NOTES of £10 and L each, payable at all tbe princlpal towns without deduc. tion; ahoc lorcigo money ot every country, nt the Bullion and Booking Offllce, 10, Loabard-strcet.-ADA71 S'IELMANN and Co. FRENCH and other COUPONS due and becoming F due, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fcrlu~cbCC te ?? to Boston will be £4, and ,,NOI York LO per Ton maeagurclment. I3RITISFI aud NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL h~ilSTEA.SIIPS, appointed by, the Admiralty to ;viiO l ad NEW YORK direct, and between ~ ~5 N (tle ostoni ships ouly), calling at L1S1II~~ andoti rceie pssegers told Iher Maijesty's mails. 8ALIA5 ~~ ~~r veselsareappoilited to sail fronm Liver. Tii ?? r uder, viz.: pc~ Cd~1~. fo NW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aegent _trre. FUTVOYE'S WEDDING and BIRTHDAY FfRESENTS.-It wonld be impossible to enumerates the enor. suaus variety ot rticies, both valuable and inexpensive, which may be inspetted daily at this Establishment. All goods marked in plain figures. Illustrated Catalolrues sent on application. It may be well to state that all visitors to this magnificent establishment will mevt with a polite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, IAYtMARKET. Under the Managerient of Mr. BUCRSTONE. THIS EVENING will be presented tlho newr drsime, entitled TaE OLD CHATEAU; or, A Night of Peril. Principal characters bv Meesro. Howe, Roe rs W. Farren, Buckstone, and H. Marston; iss Rcvnolds, Mirs. itzallir5, aol~ Mi-a. Poyuter. fter which, the SYAN1SH DANC'ERS vwill appear in a aew ballet. ontited THE GIPS&Y QUEE:N. With the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ND1A, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, and CAPE of GOOD giOPE.-V. 50. YOUNG will despatch the following fast. ~inlg A I Clipper ShI}PS at the dates named as under: shipe. T'ns a Commanders. Destination. Docs. Alfsedt 70.T. Srnith ?? ?? Calcutta ?? Liverpool.. tenniulas ?? 69' E. Underwood. Calcutta ?? London ?? 20 Sept, leonilasr. 436' . Simons.. Calcutta ?? London 25 &ug. BIr,,rA.l' 11. s. Scott .. Bombay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. %J Travellers proceeding to the Continent, East, Constantinople, the Colonies, Amerina, &a., can PROCURE CIRCULAR NOTES 0o £10 and £5 each, payable at all the prinoipal towns without deduc- tion; also foreign money of every country, at the Bullion and Banking Offlce, 10, Louabard.,trcect.-ADAM. SPIELMANN and Co. RENCH and other COUPONS due and becoming F due, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RITE HORSE LINE of AUSTRALIAN Cr;ETS.-For NEELBOUIGNE, Port Phillip, the magnt- n e Ltch frigate-built ship OUDERKiERIK, S-3 l. Veritas, ,ing ?? East India Docks. The accommodations of this eplen. lid lce1 tre ol a ?? suiperior description, having a spacious, airy, md ?? cabin, limited number ef convenient second isane~mm~d~lew cn berths for single men. The general arrange. secure the comfort ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - b- - ANADA DEBENTURES.The e)ItVeDEND, o C OANAD4 DEBENTUES negotiattd tbrougbr BAtRING I EtITIEIis and CO., will be PAID onl tbat or anyv eucceeduicv day (TuCela! anid FtrtidayI eeep~td),betweentheI our of Tel ?? Two atther CuttingbO~e, , BahOh~dte et Within, whiere Lists many, as usual, be obtained. THEATRE ROYAL, IIAYMARKET.j Under the Management of Mr. I3UCKISTONE. THiS EVENING will be ...