Advertisements & Notices

... 4W Ities answering a.tvortisblements in the Aferinury are weqoos8ted to attend to the followsing Ox~ot5tiatiOns0- Apply at the IMercury-i0lice vne-an that pileribital *0ppliewfien mutst be made oit'ocir Office. -Address Lea.piil letter ardi iluimbe- Mercursy office, insane that applici~tion must be' made iytetter, so'st paid, arnt In no othirc aY. Apjsllcattiinsn ntin conforft'ity with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ TIlE NEW EDITION II ON, NERVOUS AND GENIEHATIVE DISEASES. Just Pablished, 20th Thousand. Illustrated with Coloured Engravings, Price ls., or in a sealed envekope, free by post, for 18 Postage Stamps. TE&ALr1 AND HAPPINESS, the means by which tLL they may be obtained, a medical work on tbe infirmities of youth and maturity, and diseases of the gene. rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIEHB IRISH POPLIN WAREHOUSE. t i LAST FEW WEEKS OF SALE. C The remainhog portion of my IRISH POPLIN DRESS t t PIECES arenowoffered atmerelynoinlnalprloes. Gentlemen's , VEST PIECES, THruE for 18s. IRISH OAK BROOCHES, nt . BRACELETS, and IRISH POINT LACE, uncommonly aheap. hi J. C. NADIN, PARKHR-ST5R5T, Liverpool. Dl .IfjINTORN'S WAX FOR FLOWERS. i1. A Fresh Supply just arrived. G. J. KEET, 86 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJ{ Iil cellaiteou0. a' - EORGE AND RAIL WAY HOTEL, vV %j ?? .TEMPLE-GATE. B. PRING bege most respectfully to thank her numerous Friends and the Public for the iiberal support she has received, and to Inform them there will be an ORDINAIRY at the d GEORGE HOTEL, on FRIDAY Next, Sept. lst, at Half-past One o'clock, when lthe favour of their company is solicited. An expeelenoed HOUSEKEEPER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOUGLAS' HOTEL, Market A Street. ABERDEEN, PTe 6nly Hotel close to the Railway Terminus. T. DOUGLAS, PURYEYOR TO HER MAJESTY TIlE QUEEN, PRINCE ALBERT, - AND THE ROYAL FAMILY. AKES this opportunity of returnitg his Sincere acknov- Tledgments to the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Com- mercial Gentlemen, who have so kindly patronised him since he commeneOd business in the above Hotel, and assures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAFNESS.-Tiie only maedal awarded at D the Great Exhibibion of 1B1l, for acoustin istruments, eas to F. C. REIN, for his new ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS for the Deaf. They are made of different power, to suit extreme and every degree of dftfs` . To he procured only of the sole inhentor and maker, P. C. REIN, 10J, STRAND, nearly opposite Exeter Mali, where they can bc tried, arnd numerous testimonials ...

Published: Sunday 27 August 1854
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6308 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... B. NE BW.NDA begs to ca ll attention to his nO, W . Extraordinary Cheap Stock of PAPER Mc HANGINGS, which he has just received, at the follow - C Li ing low prices:- Bed Room Papers ?? at 4Ad. the 12 yards W Ditto ditto and Staircase ?? at id. yard ha Good Bed Room and Staircase at id. yard till Superior ditto atId.,id., and 1 a. yard' Dining Room Papers ?? from is. 3d. the piece to Rich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 00,- Jublicatfons. Corplee in Two up-er- 08y 8ro Vols., price £2 5s. cloth Wits, OMLINSON's CY.CLOP2DIA U 5r UBEFUL ARTS, ~Mechanics, Mining, and Civil Epgl- . This workcomprisea upwards of 2000 large Ootavo peee 19 illustrated by Forty Engravings on Steel and g477d~~ t~natrc 0,to; and 20,Prltobard-streetBrlstof. EITt .W-tII O G E S-The Largest and Cheapebt DJ oiccinic lubifati in the World. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C IRCULAi NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Tra?re;e proceeding to the Coitinent, Entt, Constantinople, rbe toeanic, .Ameraen, te., can PROCURE CIRCULAR NOTES ox £10 end £ s eQet, paabl, at all the principal towns rithout deduc- tion; ai., foreign 'monry of every country, at the Bullion and nankg ofice, 1, Lombard-street-ADAt1 SPIELMANN and Co. FRENCH and other COUPONS due and becoming duc, are PAID, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALAND ISLES AND BOMARSUND. With the Liverpool AfercUry of FRIDAY NEXT, the] 1st of September, will be presented a -MAP OF THE ALAND ISLES, WITH VIEWS OF THE FORTRESSES OF BOMARSUND; Being a companion map to those already presented to our subscribers. On the receipt of Five Postage Stamps the Map will be firwarded to any address. == = ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINE of PACKET SHIP, t -,r.vFor PORT PHIILLIP dlirect, to sailt '.4tl Al't &flobe, thce spiendid new Britsho-built L fA twele yers, 1,220 tollS register, belosghtg, to J yei lWLIiAS~X E. MdAURICII, Cummandoir l's t h Doks. IiS ship has very superior ac- dvi paseoer, hvin afull po and great .0 5dec~, WtlISpac~usandairy accommodation I 1li1 cilji paseger, ndwill carry an cxpe. Icrl'cigh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FEMALE COMPLAINTS. TEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S X L PILLS, so lng and Justly c tiedraied for their pecuar virtues fn FaU Complnts, and stronaly reeommnded even by Members of the Faculty, as a safe and certicn remedy In removing those obstruotions, and in regulating that periodic function, upon which the health of young women so much depends. These pils are most valuable also in general ...