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Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. ?? Exeetor.-CertainlY Iot. Dimrlul' has not etv. in his namne and address. An Apprcutlce.-lt. is not likely. The ?? respecting the Royal O.ik Festival is an a ivertisement. The Pharrmaceutical Correspondeonce is not ?? merit, but we must decline it. Does ' A Shipbuilder expnct us to publish his communication uponl anfoflyrlouq atithority? A. B.-The destructionll of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS. .An intimation has been conveyed to us by the Postmaster- General that, in the course of afew weeks, an alteration ,ilU take ptace in the despatch of the mails fromb the poot.fflce here, which will necessitate our going to press screral hours earlier than at present. ?? mention the ratter fwr the purpose of informning our advertising fr iends that when the change takes place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NTAIL ST A SI for US RALIA¶ I X' SIE STEAM SHIP ARGO, 1,850D tons, 00 er, bcncHyus, Cotnianwiter, ?? in - er Mojsty's inails for Adelalido 'v 'ilp IC. h Ar4o, oine of the fa test ships afloat,I I, :dfrhrlast tiassage to Australia, hutv. un otin teixty-fouir days, and. ]ionue ie erd. She is also the first steam evuii o England via Cape Horn, thus ili i erudthue world in) 128 days. The vessels; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ZOOLOGIOAL GARDENS, LIVERPOOL. ML ,iOHiN ATKINS, Lessee, 6, West Derby-road, GALA DAYS: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ZrUESDAY. FRID-tY. ENTIRE OCANGE OF PEiFORMANaE. In conesquence of the great success of the new Ballet Com- pany, re-engagement his been made for Five Nights more. qi his presient TtJSiDA!, the 29'h1 ins~tant (and durneg the week, Siaturday excepted9. tt 210 Comlo Ballet, under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION i1 Ow, INEVOUB AND' GENsRATIVE DIGEASES. Just Published, 20th Thoujand., Illustrated with ColoIred Rngravings, Price IC., or in. a see envelope, free by pol, for 1s Postage Stamps. TEiLTH AND HAPPINESS, tie means by which J-L they. may .be obtained, a medical work on the infirmities of youth and maturity,land diseases of the geoe- rative system, with observations on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITEEROT. YA'L, 1.Utder the Patrone oi% tbeir Excleencdes the LOR15 LIEUTENANT and the COUNTESS OF ST. GERMANS. ITALIAN OPERAS. Mr. HARRIS has the honour to announce a series of ITALIAN OPERAS, to commence On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I1th, 1804, BY the following eminent Artistes, From the Royal Italian Opere 'Coveent-garden:- Mdae. SOPHIA ORUVEWl, Millbe. MAlt-A, Mdlle. ALBINI, Madcame ALBIRNT, Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; rADvsR.lSZMN.\T.] To LADIEs,-During summer and autumn, which are I peculiarly the seasons of fashionable movements, the in- vigorating and refreshing properties of Rowlands' Kalydor iwill be found pleasingly effective to ladies travelling-the l r effects produced by temporary exposure to solar heat upon the face, neck, arals, and l hnds being neutralized, and the cloud induced by relaxation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fli IIEATltE ROYAL, II&YYMARKET.-The T. only Theatre 11oW open at tie West LCid.-EVERY EVEN. ING, the extraordtinary SPANIS11 D4ANCERS, THE OLD DHATEAU, ana the farie of AS ?? AS TWO PEAS.-The Box.OffiCO open from 'len till Fivc. TIIEATRtEJ ROYAL, IIAYMARKET. Under tile Mansrneilt of Mr. BIUC(gSrONE. THIS EVENING ,.ill be prencntedi tbe new drama, entitled TilE OLT) CHATEAU; or. A Nihrt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALAND ISLES AND BO1ARSUND. With the Liverpool MercUny of FRIDAY NNXT, the 1st of September, will be presented a MAP OF THE ALAND ISLES, WITH! VIEWS OF THE FORTRESSES OF BOMARSU'ND; Being a companion map to those already presented to our subscribers. The Map will also be delivered with the Mercury of Tuesday next, September 5. On the receipt of Five Postage Stamps the paper and Map will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THfE MAIL STEAMt SHIP for AUSTRALIA, 1 ~October 4, 1554. grwstesms ARGO.^L 1,>v550 tens, SOt) horsfe powser, GEORGB H¢YDE, Commanader. will sail from Southarnpton wvith her Mtxeisty's Ma st for Adelaide, Port rhillip, and Sydnoy, or WEDN ESDAY, the October, 1851., at 20'loe p~m. punctually. The ARGO, one of 3t etest ships efiati justly celebratedq for her last paessageto Amiraalia. baving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STA IOMUNleATION FROMt IV~It#'O1 ~TO 'ANTWERP AND BREMEN,! FRO.BREMfEN, id ANTWERP, TO. LIVERPOOL. U1.0ORRESIVOD ;C5 WITH THES ?? TjO TA10 UNITED STISTES. Tho BALBEC, or other frgt-class Sletian-vOSSel, w4B las qe- Ot spatchod from LIVERPout, for ANTWER1P DIliECT, 510 'IDO Goodq and PasvsnagesxO, Mecnday, 18th S.'pturnber.I Alter dolly, ry of the carto it Antwerp, the BxLREIC will' rced to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN! MWONEY. n ?? proceeding to tbe Continent, East, Constantinople, fi tbe Coleniee, America, &e., can PROCURE CIRCULAR NOTES of £1 0 and £S eacb, payable at all the principal tow na without deduc. d lion; aleo foreign money of every country, at the Ballion and blauking Office, 10, Lorobard-etreet.-ADAM ePIELAI'NX and Co.i VRENCH antd Other COUPONS ?? an~d ?? J2 due, ...