Advertisements & Notices

... ?? AIL STEAM SHIP for AUSTRALIA, J.. ?? bEAM ShIlP ARGO, 1,850 tolls Ne ~ t suito l~st , cosuinissider, is ill sail frorer ,aisI' 5l~--O aIwo's, far ADE-LAIDE, PORT af ,sNEY, c Wednsdaly, the WtI of Oct her, 'T-c .iiI sesal. 'he Argo, 0515 of she * ' j sdl csbxtd for her lest passage IP ii osit iln s~xiscres slays, LiPS[JC1'- e. ,5h is a0,,o thle first W.iiiselta EnJglalnd s .5 Cape I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... will stil itroto Gvfave: e-d thn 1,IF P2s'e wI]I call ait Plyrnoelih, thle splendid * I,1SA' 1, t,200 timis hurdenl, FRANtcti .ltliei~ itavalied aeommnrodatioii for ca in pa iryai tiertlitre sur~geon. Ono of lie, si ern ai holyaI tud for a laIIIlyIN. Dtilutie U-p il.tSELS, COLOGNE, HA3M- :i Zib i'C: DIttNDE~N, &'c.-Sea ?? * ldan ert pownrful 1c.ti'itt AitON aditr, icas ies the St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u700 g00, and 350 TO BE LENT 0j O0 ?? of LtttEd and House Pro- q)gtL1 5 pert).,e vailue. Ste Apply to I'I)DD, 0l iet j emllt r and A n e '1os2th August, a, SIrIUA'TION, rA\.TOD bad 18.54.lele ;Ebln were the ebtldren 1S ~UR 11, es.t'5 A-e.[1 3n and to take charge HEDf ter-le S 1e ~ ?? 'IAITHR, nas -A F oetsesetebya resroralile married ' oo\11 PMArd chartoter D Address, pre. j;bAN ~IBDR~aa~eo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Getsrran. having all aceurate, Grammatical A Youn' ( his own aend the English Language, g his leisure time in TEACRINd Ger- Sj~iiea5heter sfsrltiOO on ?? to the Ho- B n- i) qpessars N bumberland-Btreet. [22 to the Orecery 'rade. Ap- Iiastwell, Nun-street. [30 ta~yr2BiSuaeda~teyA respectable BOY to the BUI-S Apply at the &urrant aG g~tollt LAD, as an API'R3NT1ICE to a glilcksmith. Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADPTESET18RiJ, ya conseqsene of the entire repeal of the Advortlsemant Duty keProprietorsofthe 'MANCosESTER EXAMIO'EwRAND Tiatins have adopted a Soale of Charges for Short Announcements, whioh gives %to that class of advertisera the benefit of considerably more than oe amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the Shortest maiystisement has hitherto been Three Shillings and Six, tnce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'o FAMILIES REQUIRING CARPETSt CARPEr WAREHOUSEMAN, WINE-STREETANs'OHREESS-MARKET, Eeepectifwly announes to lFamilies Furnishilg that hia STOCK ,UfOARPE2TStciprisv p beautiful assortment oi thg Newest .. a a d o et a p r o v e d S t y le s in . BRSdmoStaEf P. LS TAP.E8 TR Y, * . IDDERMIINSTE KILMARNO CK .-BE'R L IN, Wit other CARPETS i ' Withvery Large Variety o' the PATENT. VICT RItA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *I ERSEY LINE of AUSTRALIAN PACKETS. 1ML sailing from ?? regularly to Port Philip, Sydney, and Adelaide, and landing ptassengers and goods on the wharves free. Ship. |Coummiandcr.Tne Destination. To sail. earntync ?? ?? Cairlyle L.O 0 0 ,Prt Philip.. r September. plonisia Catherine ?? Armsfooi S0u ?? The ibovO are first-class vesscls; carry surgeons, and are approved cf be her li .ltjrst's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cflDLX ) iet-NTIC toPASSNINGERiS. 'ft ~ ?? toratwill EMBARN t'AS- at GOVCOfl on ~l JIIAYand at Pirmoutn onl tice ~ it a s: i c .iii stil tior ?? to J. 13. tot!cx;~t tlemoth; nd AMLS11101ON sutdCv., 6, Billiter. Y'11 S )XEY Direict, hiaving, two-thirds of her Jjcarrt i'gOPi, tithipping, ant will meet oxith quick (!espatebl, Li i~ ccv t sailing s).ip JUANITA, A 1, 5o7 toils, J. P.OG. Tttt, m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B A N Q U EST- 1In S0.o;oUi OF THE RIGHT HONOUIRABLE TIlE EARL OF EGLINTON AND WVLN\TON, T., Pawmx- NI OF -rost4v NAnvoAz A e-acrslrON MIO r.;; VL'DIcsnT1o OF SCOT*Mi ICEITe, vBZ: E HE:Lm :L6 GLASGOW UPON WEDNESDAY, 4t racno Cheirman: Iris GRACI Tat DUKE OFP MONTROSE, KtT~,: Croupier. SIR TH0MiAS GLADSTONE, Eart., of Fasque. The List of Vice-Presidents end Stewards, with a1-iafther perriccars. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EE ATRE O YB L,',DBLI,. Mrl. HAlR1S retpecg.o announces a Pwrograrbm6 ,oft susie of the oosmifmplit attractions for the Season to 0om- . NWDA1, OCTOBERI, 1864. 'H ZS IP.RR I'AN R1V I VALS. h am lp ett.;e, (I in Otell 1;he~ioS iG~ir, : Th'n Giovanni. Tbhe Ledy of the1 Lake, ,, The Secret MlarriageI The Lve gpeU, 'The Crier jtf L~yons. f jhs Olci aChatean, la Cantrd'Or t The eaery,. coeta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~.~C ARMS ~,1IWAHD, ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLrEancr 28, Loees &4ovft0Son~0t1I1U to)be supplied with a large assort isent of. Ready-made Clothing. is tl.Bs mtrals R O FAPEL-Purohasers may oelept fromthe lages sok p1 oomRPapers, at XA&unros Bucoom? Wholesale afid :RetellWarehous, 90, 'Mfad %4bf mjsf'r, Dublin. j[RXSH CARPET WARESIOUSH, 22 and 23, ?? This atiabllibment 18i largely supplied ?? Oll. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THiE FOLLOTWING ADVFRT1TS'E,1EAT8 EPA COiED US TOO LATE FOR IATSEBTION IN OU F2ST E EWDITION:- - pire 8P4 ANTED, a First-Class MECIIANEC, qualified to take OaE VV charge in making and fitting-up fine Machinery, both at in wood and metal, in connection with2 new inventions. Sober _ and industrious habits indispensable. Apply by letter, fiee, addressed J. D. C. & C., Office of this Paper. _ _ W ...