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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... GROUND ANNUALS FOR SAL.0. EVETtAL GROUND ANNUALS, amounting, ricia,2o, S to 32, 18s. d., all well secured in West End of Glasgow, to be Sold by Private Bargain. Apply to James Howie, Writer, G Miller Street. VALUABLE BUILDING GROUND, ST. GEORG E'S ROAD, FOR SALE. 1 IIAT PLOT of GRHOUlJN D, containing about 345r5 Square T Yariis, or theleby, lyi rig on tho nortlh side of Grnt Str-eet, and west ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ) ET, FUl'NISlIED, FIVE llOOMS and KITCHEN of a Fiat, 18G Snehiehall Street. Apply to MIrs. W\hitc, 129 Renfrow Street. TO LEl', AT A MOl)ERATE IRENT, FLAT (of Feour loums and Kitchen, No. 12G Renfrew ti Appiy to W: nn J. .Carswell, 133 St. Vincent Street. _ ti 'O LET, a HIOl'SE of Three Rooms and Kitchen, at 27 jN 1 Ronald Street. si FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, bs At Iliii I tod, ?? thie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUILDING GROUND TO SELL OR FEU. THAT PLOT of G I 0 U N D, containing 5580 Sqrare Yards, lying betweenl New City Road and SShaluirIck Street, with Frocit agm to cccli. It is situated in an inmproving locality, and v-eII atdapted or Bluil ding. P'rice inoderai IC. Apply to M. Fairley, No. 1441 Queen Street, whoure the Plan cae be :3een. IRONSTONE TO BE SOOLD OR LET. To wto Somn On l1t,, rpllE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MOST VALUA13LE INVESTMENT. r0 be SOLD, by Private Bargain, a Largo Number of T1 SHARES in a Compally in Clasgow. Thoec Sharces haveyielded 21.1 1perCent, of rofit dililig the lst fourlycrs; ald it is expected thiat, during the present year, thet e will bea Profit of 26 per Cent. To parties in want of ain advantageous investmeicnt for thceir capital, suchl an eligible opening is seldom _ to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT 1IDD)LE QUARITER FARM, SIIETTLI:STON, ON TULSDAY, 1211 SLII'.III.I:. G ItO W'V I N G C R O I S, T 1BY AUCTION. HUTCH ISON & DIXON are inistruieted by thie Executors AS J1 ofthie deccascd AIri Jaicel Younlgto Slil,onl the Farin oif hliddle Quarter, Shetticston, on Tuesday, 12th September, r at Twelve Noon, about 40 Acres OATS, 10 Acres WVIIEAT, a 21 Acres POTATOES, n 3 Acres YELLOW TURNIPS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALEP 1OSTPONEL5. mIffE PUBICI .5 \11 of M~l111111, advertised to tals T place at I ott U-i'e'ow oil 'lhurslay, the 28111 inst., is poS,'l'P N I) 1 11 1 l ?? NOT'ICE, onl accou it orl I that dlay be-ing the Saicrameintal Fast there. - ?? GILMOURI & CO. I Glasgow, l1th Se1,t,, 18.54. 1I - KilS WV A N'l'lI' 'Ilie ST H NW.- T St''l B iIO'i'IE s, ItcHeis to the laite I ?? 'ehil apply to itiugh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI I S S ING0. A MACK PATENT LEATHEItR PORTMANTEAUT5 A ?? in Brovwn I calher--narked vu sides with Con- r ?? and otilier lailvay Iabels-which was put on board c The half-past Elmen k.m, Boat at Inversnaid, on Friday the 3.$th instamit, going to Ibmd of Lochlonioud, aind returnhiig to Ball uch laidwty Slation. WMhoever will rettimn thim above to Mr. Price, Chester's Private MAtOl, D1)toen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIE MISSES LUTENOR heg to intimate that their SETMIN. TAY, for the Il-idcittiooi o* Young Ladies, RE-OPENEl) ol MON IAY, 4-rT SlI'n t 1ER. 8 0 1 A T 11 S T t E E T. DAY AND) IOA BA )IN G SCHOOL. lt ISSES LEGENJLEE have RIESUM EI)thioir CLASSES, Al assisted by MESS1S. M'AULAY, GlInIG, and MOIUTZ. Resident Governess, MadeliOSellC SILIIESS. 148 Randolpli Terrace, - September 1,18554. PIANO-FORTE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P E ItII It 1E G A T T A-1854. IIE REGATTA for 1851 will tale Ilaco at FIARtiToN, on T SA'rUtDA v, 2:'d Septelmber current ; whell the following MATCIIES wvill be Rlowed for, anid the undernoted PRIZES arwaded:- 1-A A''ATCII vwith Fl5I1 ING COBLElS, for a Prize of £3. The Winning Iloat to give £1 to the second. Entry- Money, 2s. 6d. 11.-A MATICH with POUR-OAl'El) GIGS-27 feetOut- riggers, end ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TO SPORTSMEN, TOURISTS, &c. rHE best and most servieeable Waterproof Garmenots, Coats, 1 Capes, Leggings, &c., as well as Ladies' Skirts, Capes, 1 and hloods, either ready-made or made to order, of the lightest z and most beautiful fabrics; also, Fishing Boots and Stockings; Waterproof Sheeting, without any smell, and warranted to boil and wash like Linens ; Patent ?? inc Respirators and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T the INAUGURATION of the QlJEEN'S STATUE -I on Wednesday, n numuber of Sll; IIANDKER- ClIIClS and a PU ltSE were found in the possession of a usnapetted l'arty. Anry l'eeon; 'having lost articles of a similar description, is requested to call at the Northern Police( Officc. U lasgowv, 7th Sept., 184. EFT in the Vulcan Stcauicr, on Saturday the Zbth of L August, 11 A.U. Boat frioni Rosgetiath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREIGN CRElDITS AND UI13CULARI NOTES. T Ii NATIONAT BANIC OF KC'OTLAND GRANTS 1 (ItEDITS of £10 tinnl upwards, available for 'iravellers, ForCign Residents, and also for .lsiness purposes, Emigrants, '1 & i., inall the prinl pal ?? ?? CONrINE''rST, l rE - I IAXIIAS, MlAD)EiRA, EAST ANt) WtII'ST INI)IES, CAPE 01 Gmot) A( lIorip, aetcd NEd v ZI.ANI), UNITED STATES, to CANADA, &C. &C ...