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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HEA-T RE ROYAL, DTJBLI: .LUsdr thw> Patronaega of thelr.Exe616ee llence tIOB W LIEUT8X4NT and the COUNTESS OF ST. GEbM 3- ' ' ' ' ITALIASb OPERAS!' Mr. MtAWRIS has tilesiofour to' manquico a e.0reri Of ITALAWA OPERAS, to commence.'.- 'On MXONDAY, SEPTEMBER lltb, 1854,;. * i7 v the followlieg eminent Artistes,:. Fkersiathe7 Ioyal 'lalisn Opera,: Covent-garden ?? .A 0O, SOP[liA CRUVELLI,1; * ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. I' 4)0)1 PAPE91t.-Parchllsers may Select from the largest It stock of Room Papers, at MAusIOE Bnools' Wholesale and Retail Warehouse. 9o, Mjiddlbeg4sj'ftwef Dublin. T-g ICIA RD ALLEN'S HALL NDGeazx,2,Loe .I')jSac4kvie-street, continue to be suppliedwtalreaso- ment of' Itoadys.-nue Clothing. First tc:'et'ztela. *RISH MANUFACTURE -SAMUEL DAVIS is con- etantly-supplied *ith - - -- Roman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EE ATRE O YB L,',DBLI,. Mrl. HAlR1S retpecg.o announces a Pwrograrbm6 ,oft susie of the oosmifmplit attractions for the Season to 0om- . NWDA1, OCTOBERI, 1864. 'H ZS IP.RR I'AN R1V I VALS. h am lp ett.;e, (I in Otell 1;he~ioS iG~ir, : Th'n Giovanni. Tbhe Ledy of the1 Lake, ,, The Secret MlarriageI The Lve gpeU, 'The Crier jtf L~yons. f jhs Olci aChatean, la Cantrd'Or t The eaery,. coeta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~.~C ARMS ~,1IWAHD, ALLEN'S HALL AND GALLrEancr 28, Loees &4ovft0Son~0t1I1U to)be supplied with a large assort isent of. Ready-made Clothing. is tl.Bs mtrals R O FAPEL-Purohasers may oelept fromthe lages sok p1 oomRPapers, at XA&unros Bucoom? Wholesale afid :RetellWarehous, 90, 'Mfad %4bf mjsf'r, Dublin. j[RXSH CARPET WARESIOUSH, 22 and 23, ?? This atiabllibment 18i largely supplied ?? Oll. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE 'ROYAL, DUBL:IN.' -- Under the Patronage of their Excellencies the LORD' LIEUTENANT and the COUNTESS OF ST. GERMANS Mr. HARRIS has the honour to announce a Series of ITALIAN OPERAS bv 'the following eminent Artietee,' from the Royal -Italian Opera, Covent-garden:- Mdlle. SOPHIE ORUVELLI, Signor FORTINI, lidlie.- MAiRAT, Signor POLONINI, Midlle. ALBINI, Signor LUCHESI. Madame ALBINI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - CARDS., XCHAIDI ALLEN'S HALL AND GALL.BIE;s, 28, Zcner Sackcde-seetotoutrnue tobe eupplied withalarge assort- senot of Heady-made Clothing. First style. Best materials. It 00M PAPER.-Purchasees may seleot from tielgest . stock of Room Papers, at MBACx BRooKsE Wholesale and Retail Warehouse. go, 90,I3,s Abbsgree Dhlbn.. A NDREWS AND CO.'8 CURIOUS OLD WRISKEYs lie. per Gallon, to which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE kT.RZE RBOYAL, DU BeI4N. mr. i RIS respiebtflfaly annooncoe a Programmei 'f some of bieenteimplated attractions for the Seasou to com1- mence on - - DIMONDAY, OCTOBER' 2; 1854. SHAKESPERIAN REVIVALS.: H am et, Othello, The Tempestt : ' 'Rking Lear. ) ,OP RAS. The Bohemian JGir . Don Giovanni. The Li~dy of the lAke, j The' Secret Marriage, The Love Spell,.. DRA MAS. 'Tbwcoirierof Iydn3,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-iH B A T l81Z BO;.Y'A Li, D.U B 1 I 1 J.Undir the Patronapof tbeir,:cslItldes-teW sD . LINUTA ?? COTtbe ESUT OF GT.EBMAS. ITALIAIN OPERA& : Mr. ARIIS bes thehnour ~ S BOttSo, ?? a ,i es ITIALIN OP99AS, to ommene,. On MONDAY, SEPi8TEMBER.iltlb,1854, By tbe following eminent ActlstF . ;t. From the Royal Italian O pera,. Covent-gardn:- Ndlle. OPHIA CRUVLLI. ' ALBINI, afadani ALBINI, Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS. ILN',HALL AND GPALLEvusS, 28, Lower 5 1C c ontinue to be supplied with a large assort- unt or sesdrmade Clothlng. First style. Best materials. g oo ?? may eeleot ?? theslaget 11. stock of Room Papers, at -Mum Brooia' Wholesl and Retail Warehouse, 90, Dubje ij NEW WATCHES, Wholesale and Retail G ENEVA and PATENT LEVER WATCHES, GOLD %f CHAINS, FINE GOLD JEWELLERY; FRENCH CLOCKS, MUSICAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION II ON .NERVOUS AND ,GENETIVS DISEASES. Justt Published, 29th Thousand. Illustratid, with Coloured Engravings, Price le., orrin a sealed envelope, free by post, for 18 Postage Stamps.: IiEALTE arlD HAPPINESS, the means by which . .D-they say bo obtained, a medical work on the infarmitites. of yonth ?? and miatrityi and diseases of the gene- rativeeystmet, with o ?? .the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1EUTRKtAJ andte40NESO ST RMJ5 &. ab.RRIS TAL1A ho P Errtonna8eea series uof ITALIAN OPERAS, trI'l2O THIS 0 -1 (Monday), Septemb 11to 1884, BDv the folwing eminentArtistes, tromn the Royal Italian Opera, Covmitgrden - Mdl~e. 86PHZ4,1CEUVELLID Signor FORTIN1, I, ?Mdlle. MARA!, -Signor POLONINI, Mdflle. SLB~J, ?nor'LUUE81, Madame ALBINI, Signor SANTIs - Sigor TAMBERLMK,. Signor MONTERASi Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 ~CAADS 'II Hl CARPET WARERou8]R, 2 and 5 Thtiff Establishment is largely uM i ?? Oil Cloti., Mattleng , Tab1e ' over;, Linen Sheetlas &e. ICHARDHA ALLGLLEI; 5,Loe ..e of Ready-thlo.dp!,:, ;Inj. 'i :J ?? ?? j{OOM bia ?? rosy ;ieat from the largest LRISHUF~ACTUP.SAMUEUFL-DAVJS15A 000 - S 1YAu pp cilo ws ,, | Supp~t~~sbMau~s~re, an :s~e ourPoorrates,', G^INX E R ' ?? Q9 UE 'U H w t ~~(An ...