Advertisements & Notices

... Valli 'ru, WI A SHIP for AUSTRALIA, ?? miails, for ADELID)E, PORT, Vel ?? ..j~iA oo'dnecday, the 4th~ of Ochtobe., r ~p os pseectutlly. Thle Ar'io, one of ?? ticet ?? 111tly cdulchrted for her lorst pli,,slgo a' iso Icthle re ii out in 51 xtv-loor dss ?? sthe SL11is' period. Shte is altj toe Cirt to re5,l rliiit' to E1t'tiuild Vhia Csu lorhne, thus tina world inro2nd tae Wo'th essuli to- II, ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, S THSEj, 1 fR. I!OLLINGStO-RTH h~as the honour to nn. rurnce THIE NE T 'SOZREK at his iuooss *vill tatko pino a Mlonday, O~btober 2lad. Dancinglfrom Nine till Onc,:, NAVA3L EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTS-MlOUTHL Y OUNG GENTLEMEN are prepared for the YRoyal Navy, East India Ceonpanye-Xaval'Service, &ic., by Xr. THOMAS- EASTDT ,.f R.N. (Five Years Naval Instructor of H.M.S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T4AVIN G, TIs-'T 3'ETTI .'i' -, T71o0 7N .> - .;r t :i- l li -f t 1 :-.1ii,,nl If-, ;'nhitr r id Pr O , r 'o ti A ,sTiri, imi; x I:j, -.-- l~lwl lli -[in;l, : , !ilt l, 1fIV Ul|l- s S W'I -f' d n I in I P tr il _ fillt :5 i 'T i i ' r an ilI I-t~,,,l~ani iei ,. i t - d JOHN ARNOLD 4 _II G I s J 1 T3EgANilAS},stl3i 3 BEHiALF, 3 fS'' ).Ut'. i's.> SI;N,'AY aul~l n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ' U S3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ) ET, FUl'NISlIED, FIVE llOOMS and KITCHEN of a Fiat, 18G Snehiehall Street. Apply to MIrs. W\hitc, 129 Renfrow Street. TO LEl', AT A MOl)ERATE IRENT, FLAT (of Feour loums and Kitchen, No. 12G Renfrew ti Appiy to W: nn J. .Carswell, 133 St. Vincent Street. _ ti 'O LET, a HIOl'SE of Three Rooms and Kitchen, at 27 jN 1 Ronald Street. si FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, bs At Iliii I tod, ?? thie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t Advertisemect.] SATIONAL EDUCATION AND THE TRI- BJNAL OF CObIMERCE ASSOCIATION. To THE EDITOR Or TIHE DAILY NEWS. SlR,-It has been observed that the gulf which , in this country between our very rich and - verv p:tueis .-retat fortutne, as it often places toleration i th ligolt of 11 cherishing, to the disadvantage of the former. on a vcry nmemorable occasion this country et inoted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ioluse simbanto. ANTED, at Liver Dluing Rooms, 17, Lord-street, a good 71 W KITCHEN MAID. I ANTED, a Situation as COACHMAN by a steady, sober OIn W Man, of good ?? X47, Mercury-officel. gi ANJED, a SERVANT OF ALL WORK.-Apply at 71, W Whitdsor-street. W AN'TED, 8PLAIN COOK.-Apply at No. 9, Hollad of Wterrace, lDuke-street, Edge-hill. ~~ANTEO, a HOUSEMAD. She Iut hbea g--od wiaitroes. W A, not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONSOLATION FOR TIHE AFFLICTED. . The Lord /,ath esreael med oiezee out of the earlh ,and ) e Via.' is wjie still iol, sthkor thern.'-EccLus.xxxviii,4 PIRACTICAL BOTANIST, . Provience Place, DWsu, Norfolk, I 31any years celebratled fo the Treatment of Scrofulsa, i or King's EviD, Cancers, Scurvy, Leprosy, Wli/le , Sielhin as, Titussoura, Glandular Affections, Abscesses. and ail Diseases tfhat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rOR SYYDNEY Direct, having two-thirds of her csrio engaged, enud shi ei iag and will meet wiih quick doc. etch, the fin ! wwx fjst-sailing ship JUANITA, A, ll S2 trrF ' gs'it .1tE, t'sem'utder, baing m tho Su. Katharine Docks, 1ias' r icconloal~fr cabinl passengers still disengaged, at £. yar lee gilt nad passage apply to J-iAMES THROMSO:; anct Co.,Ct, OR MELBOURNE (wirh immediate despatch),1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i IRSPCT -GLA88S for- tJ4 CRYSTAL. J- PLACE.-THOS. RAREIIS and SC,1 celebate WAIS. 'COAT POCKET GLASS (a made byths¶,a for the ExhibitIon, 1851)1 wilpoeagreat acqutisinattlieE'R= aa.Poes6d the ps re superior to all imitation, Cmlyo PARceI Is. 5N. rw Oteasto the Royal Famly ARSsadSN raw obseve-No. 2, o, Oposite he Rate of ?? 42late the Museum cate.R rTHE REGIS`AlED CHURCH HA SOK, , t Lcceed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T METROPOLITAN CLOTHING MARTS. 4, HIGH STREET, DUNDEE. 20, ST. JOHN STREET, PERTH. 129, HlOGH STREET, ARBROATH. 66, HIGHI STREET, EDINBURGH. 4, HIRKGATE, LEITH. KEATING & COMPANY pul R ESPEOFULLY inform the Gentry and Public of Aberdeen GeO and the surrounding Districts, that thoy intend opOnillng, 011 in a few Weoks, in the extonsive Promises, bet 26, UNION STREET, ist A Branch of tho above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANTED, an experienced NURSE.-Apply at 102B, Duke- TIANTED, a HOUSEMAID..ppyto Mrs. MIGoverua, W baker, 16, Myrtle-street, lefr~tet WANEDa SItuation, as ]BUTLER, single handed, or .heres ar'ootman is9 kopt, Age 36. Good ebaracter.- A Ade Y1,Moreury-officeD. 'X ANTED, a YOUNG MAN to Serve In a Spirit Vaults.- ' V Address, stating what age, where last engaged, and for for what -ongth of time, Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH DEVON. ti LCOsTrNurD FROM OUR THIRD PAME) h tl CIRCULATION OF NEWSPAPERS. r The Returns for the last Three Years, are as follows: s EXETER FLYING POST ?? 330,00. a NORTH DEVON JOURNAL ?? 160,000. C BARNSTAPLE TURNPIKE ROADS. a I.TOTICE is Hereby Given, that a SPECIAL o 1N1 GENERAL MEETING of the TRUSTEES of b the said Roads, will be held in the GTUILDRALL of the tl Town of B.%R.NSTAPLE, ...