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Law Intelligence

... fLaW itittiftgetim NOTICES.-THIS DAY. WrRTOF BANKRUPTCY. BASINGHALI-BSTREs. 'A ckue M ioesU EVANs.-L. F. Ballot, audit and d'ii. lF WelAbore, lstexaamination,at12;jW. Ivory,lastexa. P. Ritser, last t xamination, at l; H. J. Ashley, last '1111illtiofl, at I ; J. T. Jenkins, last exemination, at 2. iNSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-YESTERDAYS DUFOBE MR. COMMISSIOiNER 5UR'lyV. j 'lB MATTER OF LEWIS LEVEY ...


... NEWCASTLE-Before C. E. Ellison, Esq., the Mayor, and G. C. Atkinson, Eeq,-Thomeas Nose, a boy about 14 years of ago was charged with steeling a soevreign from a child whom he met in the Fish Market. e child, a girl about 8 years of age, living in the Close, was taking the money home ; it was wrapped in paper. The prisoner, accosting her, said she had lost some of the money, and asked to look ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-WixvN-EsDA. [Before tlhe Ms-YOR.] To-DAY there were only six prisoners in the dock, none[ of t'hm charged vwith very seriolus ofIenees, and no summoiises bad been issued, so that the business of the court was confined to the six unfortunatesreferred to. FURIOUIS DuRVIrre. Janses Welder, a car driver, was charged, bh Con- stables Irwin enad, Kennedy, with being draunk a'nd ...


... THE REGISTRATIQN COURtTS. MIDDLESEX. The town of Enfield, the tory stronghold of the county, was yesterday the place fixed upon by the re- vising barrister for holding his court for the purpose of re- vising the lists for Edmonton, Eofield, Friern Barnet, Had- ley, South Mims, and Tottenham. At an early hour, the large room of the King's Head Tavern was thronged with the numerous claimants, ...


... A coroner's inquest, which has resulted in some remarkable disclosures of practices on board ship, commenced at Gosport on Friday afternoon, and oc- cupied the greater part of the following day. The inquest was on ths body of a young woman named Matilda Jane Lodge, whese death was alleged to have resulted from ill-treatment of a most revolting oha- rooter, and which was said to have beer ...


... I INVESTIGATION IN THRMULLINGA UNION, - . . I ?? A-n ?.w f#.Af;h. #? .. . A correspoadent has drawri ouf attefltioinfto an inve'stiga- tion which took pilack' recently Inthe'Mulnlingari wokhouse, an inveatlgation'wlihi5 of pulilld'iuiportane'ar illu strating the'btite morility existing id theSO instationsj and to .the' extrairdilnary dedslog''of the Poolaw CmAitssloierB nDon. the csse. The ...


... (From GalignanVe MeAsenger.) A soldier, named Garbarini, of the 63d regiment, which occupies the Fort of Ivry, was tried yesterday by court-martial for having stabbed a comrade named Chau- mont. The accused, who is a Corsican, had a quarrel in the evening of the 14th ult. with a comrade named Rossignol and applied to him some very insulting epithets. Chaumont lrebuked him for speaking in such ...


... I * ~ THE RVISION COURT. ml ?? ?? - .t. 0 I.. The revision of the lists of parliamentary voters was con- tinued yesterday, but no point of any importance arose. LORD MAOR'S' COURT-YTsrERnDAY. The Lord Mayor sat yesterdy et tan o'clock, at the City Assembly House,William-street. FEAUDS Dr TEE SALE OF BAY. Doctor 'Gray summoned a bay contractor for delivering hay and oats of deficient weight. ...

The Press

... 07fir 13rr,55. VT LE, DAUNTLE,,-SS-THEF PORTSMIOUTH' ('tothe Titolesfl IT is with felijin-s oif tint most 1)ainfulj ?? thajt we Juice to direct attentionl to ?? report of aL trial whlich rnaterialix' aaffects the eilzaraeteir of thle Egish nlavv. We are just fresh froml the mnfntaotss proeeigsi rthe siuter service. whlichl have dmoneh mlore to d~iseretilt the posicior of' offi ce~rs inl our ...


... INSOL VNATDEBTORS COURT-YESTERDAy .- . [Before Mir. Commisc itnerMvRPHY.] as THES MATTSR OF LEWIS LEVY, KNOWN AS LEWIS LEWIS. This insolvent, an elderly man of 74, applied to be dis- charged from prison. .Mr. Dowse opposed for Me-sre. Stodart, pianoforte-makers; Mr. Charnock appeared for Mr. Honeyman, a builder; Mr. Simon was for Mr. Tarrantan attorney; antd Mr. Reed for two persons named ...


... TRE POLICE COURTS. 31 ?? O - f MANSION-HOUSE. 3 Henry 17aompson was charged before the Lord Mayor with having robbed a warehouse. M Mr. C. Rising, warehouseman to Messrs. Holliday and El Co., of Watliug-street, said at half-past 11 this day, while I I was in the warehouse, the prisoner came in and asked if we were in want of a light porter, and upon being answered in the negative left that ...


... One of the most eurious romances over told by a dar- ing storyteller was related on Friday last, in a drama- tic form, at the Central Criminal Court, London. The following are the facts of the case Thos.Win O'Kseefe, 46, and Francis Turenne O'Keefe, his son, were indicted for having, by fraud and by false a pretences, conspired and obtained from iriacilla East, . the sum of 125, with intent to ...