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Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Under engageme.t With Her Mesty dtof tb TC era, end no Goods can be received after the B 0 FOR MORETION BALLYA, MILES, TeSplendid Clipper..ihtt ShiWILL drMI The WILLAet H. two 0t0d and copper fastefed,m - 1,162 tone register, Al. cOPPe As she baa room for___ ani expected to make a veB y quiok eal tPpljation sbould be made eveni only a limited quantiy e E ar o; and , Lad ll tle to 6, York ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIIG9O S 6, Mlarket-street, Manchester (next door to B. Ha's). fromtweve a nen tosigt p~. Seaks Chps, oup, Toea, and Coffee, at all hours of the day. FUr ri to e O E H A SPI ,He M jet,9,Deausgae Cpoit t Anti-street.' Established gane 1525.t ~T O shald u or IRN BDSTEDSCRIE, CTs, &c. at FRANCE'S FAI4ILY INGV~O~S ~ xfod-s. an il~ Sretfrd ead wbee yt, Ifl find every reqtoisits for bedroom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fR.M2KERROW wvill Preach in the IndependentI tDh1apsi, Stratford, on Sunday, October let. Afternoon.3 service hall-past two, and evening half past six. aft T. OH'SCATHEDRAL, SALFORD.-The ~I above .Dr. O'BRIEN (late of Limaerick)- will PREACH int theel aoeChurchl TO-MORROW: in the morning at eleven o'cleok, mad in the evening 8t half-past six. ______ I k ~D P _BYTEhI ,t7LQ1 'lv O1q.tWALEMhr.Al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... th (-4.)RGE MACBETH & CO, 23, Oxford-street,i kw.,A Make to ord~er Handsome. and Du4rable ~SUTl of CLOTHES for Three Pounds, rFpAVO HUNDRED AND -FIFTY POUNDS -L PER ANNUM fFORlTEN SHILLINGOS.Anypereaofde- airois of becoming poseeased of the above-named annual jilcomfe, ie requestedto make an immediate application, enclosintga Poebage detarmp,,jo Mr. 3AS. JkNDERSON, 10, Middle Row, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The qualitY of thitl lime i8 80 hjghly6Uadallyl nt 103. Od. per ton. oi Mantlie2otaliingX BloathiDg, Bnilding anlPlPrA°Vr d of for Chemicalv A1 that the conrnmPtion exceods t>cuty thOuGraOnUdltrxral ,culpone8l Thisl jime oan al80 be obtained at the- tons rnnu2S11y. r -cANAL WHlAl6Fs l.EIHll; h, ,CANAL WHARF, BURy- ol CANAL WHAXF HEY\\'OOD- nnd CANAL WHAllF XOCH12ALE« Dcn]0r in aU tl3scriFtions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E7 AST OF ENGLAND LIFE AND ANNUITY r OFFICE, Mansion 11ouse, London.-A. W. WOOLLEYr arebiteat and surveyor, 14. Ridge Field. UNITY FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE ASSO- U CIATION,-The Businees of the Branoh Office i E MiOVED from 67 to 31, I'ICCADiLIY, e posita the Infirmary clock.G. HIN.BE, Local Manager. REQUENT TRAVELLERS can -INSURE F againet RAILWAY ACCIDENTS by the yoar, for terms of yearks, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -4 T t0T Ax V.P EL 31 I 91 lo ja 19 IN oousequienoe of the entire repeal of the Advertisement Daty t hoProprietorsof the MANCRETR5tsnEXAMINEAND Tias'ts have dadpted a Scale of Charges for Short Anncouncemnents, whioh, gives to the class of advertieras the benlofit of 0onsiderably more than the amount of duty repcaled. Thea lowest price for tho shorteset advertisement bhas hithorho ben Threce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOCKPORT SUNDAY..SCH1OOL.-Thie V S ANNUAL SERMON for the benefit of this Institution, t Will bes Preached in the Large Room of the School, on Sunday, t October Sth, 1Will, by the 11ev. THIOMAS ARCHER, lDD of .fondlon. i. Seleotton of Sacredi Music wil be performed. Sor.- vice to'commortee at ala o'clogle in the evening. The orchestra V~ill he 7ipen an ample ecale. Tiokets. admitting the bearer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIXFE INSURANCE on termsjecuniarly favourable. -W. AVCALL, AaENT, NORTH BRITS Office, 60\,1,S~iNo GAIIDENS, corneor of Ring-street. THE LANCASHIR INShUR~ANCE Re CAPITAL-Trwo MILLIONS, for i5 Market-street, Mancheaster. London Office, 2, ]KIng.Streat, CheapeiideS. RI Coe Liverpool allies, 3, H-igh.Btrmst, and 0,'xBOn~ge.5treot, Glasgow O ffice, 4. South Greeiiock 0mc(e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T i I~ INS UJI{A N C ou terms peculiariyj L.ifavontrable. - W. Iel'CALL, AosNcT, NORTH BRITISH-C qffice, t1o, SPINGcce GARDRNS, carrner of King-street. P HE LANCASHIRE 'INSURANOE Ber CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS, fo 26, Me'rlett-street, Manchester. T London Office, 2, Kinig-street. Cheapside. yea), Li'verpool Office, 3, High-street, and ii, Exchanrge-streeit, East, ces, Glasgow Office, 4. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOCKPORT SUNDAY-SCHOOL.-The r ANNUAL SERMON for the benefit of tbis Iustitotion, t 'will be Preaehe a. in the Large Room of the School. oil Sunday, t Oetober Sth, 1854, by the 1Rev. THOMAS ARCHER, D.D. of London. A Selection of Sacred Music will be performed. Ser.- Vies to eommonce at six o'cloek in the eveniog. The orchestra v will he uponI an ample scale. Tickets, admitting the bearer to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DViBA TIB~{ME8 'U . INc couseq uence of the entire repeal of the Adverte enrtu DuDly- theproprietorsof theMAAoNhe 'ICREIXAMITNERIe TIMD hic have *do pted aScaleoo Charges farShort AnunCOnement.,wblehgsves to that rlags of adveltisers the ijeositl of cnnsiderably mere then the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the shortest advertideement has hitherto been Three sltiOLiqs aend ...