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Advertisements & Notices

... TOCKPORT SUNDAY..SCH1OOL.-Thie V S ANNUAL SERMON for the benefit of this Institution, t Will bes Preached in the Large Room of the School, on Sunday, t October Sth, 1Will, by the 11ev. THIOMAS ARCHER, lDD of .fondlon. i. Seleotton of Sacredi Music wil be performed. Sor.- vice to'commortee at ala o'clogle in the evening. The orchestra V~ill he 7ipen an ample ecale. Tiokets. admitting the bearer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIXFE INSURANCE on termsjecuniarly favourable. -W. AVCALL, AaENT, NORTH BRITS Office, 60\,1,S~iNo GAIIDENS, corneor of Ring-street. THE LANCASHIR INShUR~ANCE Re CAPITAL-Trwo MILLIONS, for i5 Market-street, Mancheaster. London Office, 2, ]KIng.Streat, CheapeiideS. RI Coe Liverpool allies, 3, H-igh.Btrmst, and 0,'xBOn~ge.5treot, Glasgow O ffice, 4. South Greeiiock 0mc(e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH.-B1 y Her Majety's Royal Letters Patent NewlY irnvented and Patented application of chemloaliy pro. pared WHrTE INDIA RUBiSER In the constructionof ARTIF iCML TEETH, Gurgs, and Palatets.-Mr. EPHRAIM MOSELY, Surgeon. Dentidt, 61, Orsevenor-street, Grosvenor-square, Sole Inventor and Patentee. A new, original, and invaluable invention, consisting in the adaptation, with the moet absolute ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TITEATItE ROYAL, DRURjY-LANE.--MIr G. V. Irih rI for Free 1ightsoly, iii his elost popular characters. ki0 l 5 h. I. r Au. '.csli.;r T1its, ; scsi] rbjros mcd Shakigpearos tragedy of THIS ibl u e Af O nc A r., Sir. 1 rook; Ea rl of Ilschrr', s l, M r. bs r ith li ,Ig , M r , ?? rier ; Kiin ''1r1 VI sir. G. \iellir' t lebsile.5 MrWeston; Ltay AimRe, 'ro ( si ;Ci;. itrii DEA' ?? bv I . ?? Sappy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. SALE THIS DAY. VALUABLE PRINTS AND OIL PAINTINGS. M ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD beg respectfully M to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, admirers of the Fine Arts, that they are in- structed by Mr. ROBERT MOSELEY (who is retiring from business in favoar of his Nephew, Mr. HENRY MOSELEY, Carver and 'Gilder, and Printseller, Corn-market), to SELL by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T2XCURSIoNISTS' may secure £100 for their fami- Elies in case of deintl by Railway Accident in a trip of any length, with an allowance for themselves when Lo hurt, by taking an Insurance Ticket, costing, TWO PENCE of the Extursion Agents, or at the Railway T1 Statione.-RA5LWAY PASSENGERts ASSURANCE OFFICES, Old Broad-street, London. Jo WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Le JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEES, 80, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'We, thle rate of Freigh~t to Boston will be £4, and \va c k per Ton ii iasmicireinet. ndNO~rTH AMERIOAN ROYAL ,i.l ~'jTE X.SJIIPIS, atipotinted by t1,5 Admuiralty to LIVNttI1tILrmid NEW YOItIt direct, and iietwcen ajivl'A BOTl-'ON (the flototei, ships outy) catting at ,C Lcad aid receive pa;o'iigcrs Pod tier MsfetiyIS' iosill. i,rtlicr vesscls oire appointed to salil fron, Liver- ' i iv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ORO UGH OF DERBY. MICHAELMAS SESSIONS, 1854. THE next GeneraiQutarter Sessions of the Peace for T the Borough of Derby, will be held at the Guildhall in the said Borough, on SATURDAY, the 21stdayoJ Oelober next., at 7Ten o'clock in the Forenoon; of which all Jurors, Officers, and others, having business to trans- ac4 are required to take Notice; and all persons who have entered into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WJO zERYOUS SUVFERERS.-A Retired T Z.rC-msn having been restored to health in a few iad , -1'vh Moay years of great nervous suffering, is 8zon; n~ make known to others the means of cure. VilL, .ihrrore, send (free,) on receiving a stamped 43siaveiawc :*operly addressed) a copy of the prescription r used. 3-enu 2,e Rev. E. DOUGLISS, 1S, Holland-street, 13rixsets. ~ledron. TUEL CHlOLERA9!!! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i0TIC1 ?? SiIPPERS.-For PORT PHILLIP ?? ?? _,iw lN% LL ill ECEVE GODSin the East tjss.j ituray. nect, tic it inst.-. Genassi cu., ilyE, ,ENHRALA' STEAMN NAVIGATION CONI- J i~~ S STA~i-MlIPS eave t. E itarse'-, Wh arf for ~st~ 1i.ErrsWencda,,Frda, ndSaturday. Chief iii C~er flsessso, t Tolec on 1 79. or X1. f\L5Kie:, Wdneday nd aturay;7th, sit One at.m ?? ansi Sunday; Sib atd Idth, at Eleven. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '1'0 BAKiERS AND OTHERS. 0 LET, tn oldl establishe FAMILY jB[I~NG BUSINESS. ina popullous pnrt of Dt and coming in moderate. i o WILLS, North Bridge, St. David's TOR)RQUAY HARBOUR DUES. O b LET bv Tender, for One Year, from T the 2ird October next, the DUES of the TOR- %Fc sarticulars apply to Mr. R. J. SLADE, Harbour Vasner, or to Messrs. *V- and C. KITSON, Solicitors, Terqtlay. to whom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T i I~ INS UJI{A N C ou terms peculiariyj L.ifavontrable. - W. Iel'CALL, AosNcT, NORTH BRITISH-C qffice, t1o, SPINGcce GARDRNS, carrner of King-street. P HE LANCASHIRE 'INSURANOE Ber CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS, fo 26, Me'rlett-street, Manchester. T London Office, 2, Kinig-street. Cheapside. yea), Li'verpool Office, 3, High-street, and ii, Exchanrge-streeit, East, ces, Glasgow Office, 4. ...