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Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, at Clyde View, Iartiek, a HOUSE of Five 0 Itoornsiand Kitchen, Furnisihed or Unfurnishled, with very COnv(Oienicie. Rent moderate. For particulrrrs, apply to Mr. D)avid More, Builder, Partick; orrto Geoge Lawson, Cabinetorriker,42 Argyll Street, Glasgow. COUNTRY APARTMENTS. O LE'lJ , at ?? (in a neatly Furrnished Cottage), Two T or Thrce ROOMS, with use of Kitchen. To a quiet re- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOR SALE, a Four-Horse Iliglm-Presscire E N G I N E, F Cylinder °ti, length of Stroke, 171.-Apply to Mr. Taylor, 110 Clyde Stroet, Anderlton. BREAD VAN FOR SALE. A SPLEN DID Now V A N, lahge size, to be Sold, by A1 Private Bargain.-Address Van, Herald Office. WATER WHEEL, &c. 1tOR SALE, a WATER WHEEL, 15 feet diameter, 4j 1 feet broad, Open Floats, nearly new, with Shaft, Pit Wheel, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC SALE TO-DAY OF D A M A G E D PR O V I S I O NS S For JBehxotf of whoma it mao or cloth Conecrn.) WE will Sell, by Auetion, at our Public Stores, 54 Alston Street, Glasgowr, To-Day (Monday) tile '9th October current, at Twelve o'clock exact, HfflE following SHIP STORES, Slightly Damnaged by Salt 1 'Water,- About 8& Barrels PORK. 6 Tierces PRIMEE MESS BEEF. 3 Barrels OATMEAL. 3 FLOUR. 2 , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOY AMISSIN(r. fl(ViI YOUNG, aged tO years, left his Father's House, . N1 No. 2 Stirling Street, Larsriestnll, on the Afternoon of I 1tiresday last. Ile was dressed in a Black Cloth Jacket, Mole- kbM Tronmser, and a Brown Silk Vest , was Barefooted, antd I vere a Blue Glcnga.iry Bonnet. Any inforination regarding bim will be thankfully received by his Parents. YOSTI, between 'Pbillip's llill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3T01HN M~ILLER & Co. QUPPLY Boiled or Prepared COAL TAR, in Twenty.six I ).JGallon Barrols, at 8s.; Thirteen Gallon, at 5s,; Six Gallon, at 3s.; Three Gallon, at 2s. each ; or in Purchasers' own Vessels, a6t from 3d. to 4d. licr Gallon, according to quantity. Empty Barrels taken back at a Rednced Price. Tar Brushes, Is. and Is. 2d. each. PITCH OIL, for Thinning clown tho Tar, Preserving Timber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMENT.] THE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY. Duncan is in his grave '-Sihakspeare. ug The result or the Caledonian Meeting should go far to discourage agitation. We would not for a moment be supposed desibous to Id throw discredit on those who, often against popular opinion lmid inthe face of adverse eircumstances, set about reform, under the- strong W. conviction of its necessity, and even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTUICE 'TO CORRESPONDE:NTS. 'l AUl Coamnaniedtions, and nartiolos of Intelligence, intended 'for fi: pnblieZtion,'require to be authenticated by the namae and di address of'thowlitor. Unless thsis attended to, Coes- q pondents'may restussured that no attention wlibo paid r( to theiruommunicitionF. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WINTER CBLOT!IEI Y FLANNELS, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH BLANKETS. TICKS, QUILTS, SHEETINGS. ' LINENS, LAWNS, SHIRTINGS, &c. p HILIP & COOPER beg to intimate the Arrival of the II greater part of their Purehases for thei Winter Trade, selected by Mr COOPER ill the Manufacturing Districts, to which they invite the attention of their Customers and the Public. Aberdeen, 32, Union Street, 26th Sept., ...

THIS DAY. Sale of Quebec Deals, &c. Upon WEDNESD.AY, ltll October, there will be sold, by auction, at REGENT QUAY,

... just landed, eX UNA, from Quebec, 1653 DINE DEALS, various lengths, and supe- P rior quality. 1000 W.I. STAVES. 1183 PIPE Do. 5 Cords LATHWOOD. Credit as usual.-Salo at 12. P. & G. BROWN. N OTICE. Aberdeen and Peterhead Steam Communication. .HE ABERDEEN AND NEWCASTLE T. STEAM COMPANY'S Steamor, VICTORIA, will, after TUESDAY, 10th inst, be Withdmwn, for the Season, from the PETERREAD PASSAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parish of Banchory-Devenick. NOTICE IS ETEREBY GIVEN, That MONDAY the 16tb day of October current is fixed for at MEETING of the PATF PAYERS, to he held thoe ill the PAllsH CHeuncH of BanchEry-Dovoniclc, at 11 o'clock, A.It., for tbe purposo of ELECTING Four of their Number to serve in the PAROCHIAL BOARD of the said Parish, for the current year, in confor. mity with the Act S & 9 Viet. c. 83, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jIIE PIEBBLES RAILWAY COMPANY. StaiS SS IlEIEnY CIVEs '[list the THIRED ORDINARY IEE ?? 0r r.e MIAT{IARHIIA)EltS .)F THE iREBLES UAILWA\A ('()tPXNY wilt be held on TUEsDAY. the 911st 1 F-, O r cl^er current, within the CorsTer UALL, PIEaBLFS, 3 'rweilvs ?? n rr. for the purpie of reeeiving a Repirrt Ot5}the jl6~r fte il~ -AD Nl o orrc ALSO HTAEfy that the REGSE f TRANSFEIRS siL be closedt fr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIANO-FORTIES FOR SALE, new end used, by Allison, &e., inl GOTTA G ES; by Roughhlead, Stodart, Robert- son, Blowmnan, &c., in SQUARlES and COlTTAGES. Prices untprevcdentedly low, ?? Cievil~eunce i?O ininifediate rem~ova~l froni Town. To be cson at 129 North Street. N EWSI'A1PEIS FOR SALE, at chieap rates, The T'Fiwee, L, N 3101siig Chronicle, Daily' A'eins, Globe, and otlier Len- I doin Papers ...