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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SAUL'S MILL, near Stratton Audley. !tIHE HIOUSEHOLFD FURNITURE, HORSES, d.1 CARTS, arid EFFECTS, of the late M~r. Saul, will be SOLD by AUCTION, by M~essrs. JONIAS and THOMAS PAXTON, on the premises, bn Mtonday next the 9thl day of October. CLUE HILJLS FARM, near PIDDINOTON. HAtLF-BRElD SHEEP, HORSES, IMPLEM~ENTS, AND EFFECTS, falc property of Mr . D. , r-vile, whol is rctir log front o'clock; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE3 AT E3NSHAM. ^[R. SAM)fUEI B7RUCE and t7he othler Suffrers by the calamitous Fire wheich bro7;e out on Tleur7sdasj last, beg to rctttrn their heartfelt t7hantcs to their neigltbow7 s and others for the prrp enbdU qraltablc ass torwe wh7ich they recndered on the occasion. Ens7 esv, October 6, 1854. N~r. ALFRE1D AiN}REWS, Surgeon-Dentist, -. 69b, ST. GILES'S, OXFORD, Ma b uonnltce1 daily. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORETONi-IN-MIARSH CHEESE FAIR3S. A T the request of' many of the influenltial Dairy- men in the Vale of Eveslhans and of thisi n eighbour- hood, the Comnmittoe of Mlanagemient of the newly esth- blished M~ark ets at MVoreton have determined onr holding TWo CHIEESE FAIRS ANNUALLY, viz,, the second Tuesday in April and the seconld Tuesday in October, the first of which Fairs will ho held on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dressing Cases and Writing Cases. 6DPIERS & SQN respectfultly invite an inspection P- of their large 'Stock of Dressing Caoses and W~riting Cases, for ladies and gentlemen, whiichl they have of all sizes andl des~criptions, suitable for the pocket, carpet bag, portmnantoau, or carriage. Tule great experience which the hiave had in this branch of trade enables them to speak confidently of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The R/ev. Wmn. Hetherlntgtonl's Chazrity to the BIintd EST'ABLISHED 1774, AT CHIRIST'S HOSPITAL,, LONDON. XTIHE:REAS the above-nlamed Gentleman, iu. T i ifetimne enabled the Governors of this Hospital to pay Annuities of £10 to cach of 50 blind persons, in the hope0 that his examnple would bc followed by other bene- volent characters, the Governors give thlis public notice, that, from tbe very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. J F ELIZA MONK, the daughter of the late Mr-s. RACIL AIIAL MONK (formnerly JACHAELJ GIBIBONS) ivill apply to 1ir ?? Sopwith, Bridge II ouse, Prittlewoll, Essex, hie will hear of somnetiting to hor advantage. [tPROt'ISIONAL PROSI'iCTUS.] BIAINBURY WATER COMPANTY. aLO'Selsrllt!1 D'I!OVSI 1ONA LL.Y. C'isirAe, £10,000, in 1,000 Shares of £10 each. lJ)epsil, Is . u-r S/los-c, t'o ic paiden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPPOSITE MAGDALEN CHURCH. ELLISTON & CAVELL .BEG to announce thtat t9eir PUrchases for the Avtsetmtv ?? Season are noiw comrplete; the w)1ole 02e fnow arraryed foe Sale, rand an inflectio74 of the Variotw departments i3 Iesqectfully solicited. Linen and Woollen Drapers, Silk Meroers, Shawl- men, Furiers, Carpet Factors, Glovers, Hosiers, and Haberdashers. w MANTLES, BONNETS, MILLINERY, PRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xr. ALFRED ANDREWS, Surgeon-Dentist, 69, ST. GILES'S, OXFORD, Alay be consulted daily. Evans' and Co.'s New Cotton Cloth SO muck in denand for Shirts and othef ?? p6t0poseS. TT is a COTTON CLOTH made in Ireland, by aI IL process precisely similar to that of the manufacture of Irish Linens, being wove by the hand with the best water- twist yarn, and bleaohed on the grass, instead of undergoing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , [Anvr1Tl;MEXT.]-A Illmot intelesting recovleri frol , IVastCompl;cl:tion of dieases, Without tile aid of medicine, is .recorded in the following lettor:- Br;dqrelhsumse. Friihtly, Api-;I 3, 154. Gratefil for the lielefit I Inl\e (leiivedC froi0 Da hafirry's Re- Valenlita Ariit ca:1 Food, I li'el it IN, (ulity to e l to voma' Un- frigiici t hanks foI tbe ?? linil(i!ess I h:ave ?? With at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G. B3. SMITH, PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND GENERAL NEWSPAPER AGENT, MARXET PLACE, CHIPPING-NORTON, ETURNS his sinucre thanks to the Nobility, L Gentry, Clergy, and the Public generally, for the ?? the abovebusiiesses during the past 45 years; and, in informing thenl of his intention to carry on the same, respectfully solicits a con- tinuanco of their patronage and support, which, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lMr. ALFRED ANDREWS, Surgeon-Dentist, 69, ST. GILES'S, OXFORD, Afay bc cowstlted daily. To the Burgesses of the North Ward. GENTI.E1 EN, pERMIT me to offer mry thanks for the confi- .L dence so long reposed in me as one of your Councillors, ,%nd to say that continued ill health will oblige me to return the trust into your hands at tbo eusuing Election, Nov. 1. Againf thanukitg you for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON & NORTHI WESTERN RAILWAMY, CRYSTAL PALACE. Cheap Excursion Trains from Oxford to London and Back. 3XCURSION TICKETS to LONDON evill be issued THIS DAY, SATURDAY, October 21; and on MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT, Oct. 23 and 24, by the Traln leaving the London and North-Western Station each day at 9.50 A.M., available to return by any Train on any day up to Saturday, October 28. AAl RES ...