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October 1854
4 24 7 27



Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... antcus itatcu,. CARGO for these Steamers will be received at Rnskis3on Dock, Tb instead of Coburg Dock-, as formerly. Until fu.,ther nlotice, thle ItATE of FRI]IGHT to BosTON will be (;I per, Ton, and to NEW YORtK Lii per Toll. Freigsht oil Parcels Is. ealc, enl upwardls, aeorditig to size. PAiClELS for flifferest Consignees, collected and rsilaO ip ! 5h Singe Pckaes, sdle~t tooine party for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;SATURDAY ETENING CONCERTS. CONCERT-HALL. LORD NEUON-STRIIET. Oa SAYuRDAT EvErIca Kxax, the 28th instant, MR. GEORGE BUCKLAND WILL GIVE HIN CELEBRATED .MUSIOAL ENTERTAINMENT, ENTIcLED FACTS AND FANCIES. %Adualson: Body, Sd.; side galleries, ad.; reserved seats, Is. SINGING OLASSES on TlRsLDAY EXlsawos, at Eight o'clock, ,under the superinteadenee orf r. and Mrs. SeAsamslc. The *fmales oocuyy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salto bp Vribate oRentp. ,, . ?? A ?? ?? -- . - . ?? - -- . . ON SALE, a well-bired BAY HORSE, six years old, 16l b harls high, good back, and steady in ?? be ?? at 116, St. James's-strect. - BARGAIN.-A first-rate POW LIMU-PIECE, with CmEe,&e., Dcomplote. LNvust lric, ES ?? G17, Mrcur'- oifice. N SALE, a second-hand three-quarter WATEMS10)E CART, and a scosid-homd large-sizo SPRING PLOAT, ut W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. J. P. G.-The same. A Subscriber.-We cannot explain. ,J. E.-The average for thrse years. The lines byW.J. S. are declined. The letter of 1 J. T. it passed for insertion. R. W.-Non-residence disqualiflee a burFegs. The lines Lo! hear Britannia'e lion roar, 'are declined. DOICISAL COINAGE.-The letter of Dr. Gray Is In ty'Pe. A Tenant.a-The notice should have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. BATHS EST0ABLISHM11ENT, RE7SHA- B STRYr S-Whitlaw's Patelit Medloated, Solnhur Cute, IuCold BATilS.-Mr. J. J. GODFREY, Surgeon rPopriOtor. e (iRATES, FENDERS, &o., G ON SALE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The whole STOCK of Messrs. POOLEY, 27, MAcaNaou - mnr, who are declining the Retail Trade. GANTS JOUVIN DE PARIS. JOUVIN'S GLOVES AND DRESS GLOVES. J. WILLIAMS. 33 AND 35, CHURCH-STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXtensive Sale of excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., Winstanlleys' Itoomsg. MESSRS. THOS. WINSTANLEY & SO-NS Ti Mreepectfully announce that they will SELL by AUCTION, This Day (Friday), anti To-morrow (Saturd-Ay), at Elve oclock each day, an extensive Assemblage of excel lent HOUSEiIoLD FURNITURE, twopoeflted0ctv - sesni-grasl4 piano-fortes, by Collard and Collar d, hi handsome 'v mahogany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4p Parties answering advertisements In the J/fercurM Are requested to attend to the following explanations:- Apply at the Mercury-offico, means that personal application must be made at our office. 11 Address [eapital letter and nurnbor] Mercury-offce, olacns that application must be made by letter, post paid, and in no other way. Applications not in conformity 71th these diroctions can- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gPRING-BANK ACADEMsY, Over D~arwecn, K)Lancashire, Conductod by-Mr. SlNGLFTON.-For BOARD ?? and TUITION In Classics, Moitheratics, the F'rench and German Languages, the usual bisraifces ofra Commiiercial Educa tion, Londecapo, Arehiteotilill, - atd Mcchanicl~t Drawing.- Terms 450 ner annum. Neecta, ,nor any charge for books. Munsic and dancon', ?? 'od the usual termis. Iy Spring Bank to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... joublit Anmettts4 SATURDAY 'EVENING CONOERTS. pjCONCERT-HALL. LORD NELSON-STREET. To-uo0sAWw (ATUeDAr), aNJ the 28lW Instant, WILL (GIVEICi ONCLEBRATED 'MUSICAL E NTER RT AIN ME NT, FACT AVjI FANCIES. Admislsion: BodY, 8d.; side galleries, Cld. ; reserved seats, -Is. SINGU* CLASES ?? ?? ih P ofessor k L.P emle L ccuA thegalleryead th ?? teV body oath Hail. Th IstruEl Ad n hemisost ?? ssean b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mulntev tae CARGO for these Steamers will be received at Huskisoll Dock, instead of Coburg Deck, as formerly. H Until further notice, the RATS of FREIGHT to BOSTON |l will be £4 per Ton, and to NEW YORK £6 per Ton. Freight on Parcels Bs. each, and upwards, according to Agis . PARCELS for different Consignees, collected and made up in Single Packages, addressed to .0h0 partY for delivolly i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ - Y A CERTAIN FACT. a . [R. THXOM~lPSON, of CLAYTON-SQUARE, B .LVL has made more good writers than any teacher in W Essglvidl.-Livexpoot Joscrutal, 188. Established in Liverpool B. a quarter of a century. Head Teacher of Writing, Book-keep- M ing, Arithmetic, Shorthand, &o. el G OR H. P. PRIEST'S PROPERTY CIROl- s F LAR address H. P. Priest, Market-crose-chambers, M Market-street, ...