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Advertisements & Notices

... antcus itatcu,. CARGO for these Steamers will be received at Rnskis3on Dock, Tb instead of Coburg Dock-, as formerly. Until fu.,ther nlotice, thle ItATE of FRI]IGHT to BosTON will be (;I per, Ton, and to NEW YORtK Lii per Toll. Freigsht oil Parcels Is. ealc, enl upwardls, aeorditig to size. PAiClELS for flifferest Consignees, collected and rsilaO ip ! 5h Singe Pckaes, sdle~t tooine party for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY.yI rratellcs ?? to the Cot tisent, East, Constantinople, ?? America, &a., can PROCURE CIiCULAR NOTES9of £10 andg £; erzb Ipyable at all tbo irinenpal towns8 1ithotdedue. don; also foieign money of every Coantry, at the Bullion and Inktin Office. t1, Loaba rd-street.-ADAM. 6PIELMANN and Co. A USTR IAN and all other COUPONS due and be- Acoming due, are PAID, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I__* _ THE _n. rdw TION ON dSVo03B AND GENERATIV DISEASES. Juet Published, 20th ,Thousand.,Illustrated, with Coloared E~ngetavge, Pfisa l&, or in a eealed envelope, jfrzee by pst .rolr 18 Postge Btspip. 12[EALT1 ?? D HlAPPINESS, the means by which .OL.5 tl~ey . may, 'be obtained, a medical work on the oldrianltlei cf youth said maturity., and diseaees of the gere. relive system,~ wliet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir tile RELIEF r WD WSa, M1~fSEIICAtL EN 1 Laittio ,:,I its s-it lity MFl.FrAlLY GENERAL COURI. ,f tile i udat. the Boom, t Wiith Society, Nii. ILJ, Ctiii~tre.Lt, TO'MXltllO\V EVENING;,the 2jith 7'ci~Lli j,iC6es'Y. C. II. NWALShI, Seumro:3rl for thle INL'I13ENT BLIND, St.. Georg~e's, South s-irk. ?? Most Gracious Miajesty the QUEEIN. ?? Lord Archlbiship ofC'eINI'EKRiURY. r-r-S ~MU-E RICHARD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;SATURDAY ETENING CONCERTS. CONCERT-HALL. LORD NEUON-STRIIET. Oa SAYuRDAT EvErIca Kxax, the 28th instant, MR. GEORGE BUCKLAND WILL GIVE HIN CELEBRATED .MUSIOAL ENTERTAINMENT, ENTIcLED FACTS AND FANCIES. %Adualson: Body, Sd.; side galleries, ad.; reserved seats, Is. SINGING OLASSES on TlRsLDAY EXlsawos, at Eight o'clock, ,under the superinteadenee orf r. and Mrs. SeAsamslc. The *fmales oocuyy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salto bp Vribate oRentp. ,, . ?? A ?? ?? -- . - . ?? - -- . . ON SALE, a well-bired BAY HORSE, six years old, 16l b harls high, good back, and steady in ?? be ?? at 116, St. James's-strect. - BARGAIN.-A first-rate POW LIMU-PIECE, with CmEe,&e., Dcomplote. LNvust lric, ES ?? G17, Mrcur'- oifice. N SALE, a second-hand three-quarter WATEMS10)E CART, and a scosid-homd large-sizo SPRING PLOAT, ut W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... up BR. WOOLFORD, 54, Kirkgate (opposite the Old nd Church), Leeds, may be consulted as usual, personally or by u9 letter, daily from nine till nine, with great success, on all diseases let in ident to the human frame, debility, nervousness, headaches, led pains in the back, cutaneous eruptions, scurvy, scrofula, pimples tee on the head and face, secondary symptoms, ho. Terms: No coare, LI no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S )NEY Direct.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS.1- Sdh JUAVITA has room for a few tons of feeight, wioh muetst . -^tpby Friday. the 27th iret. Cabin passage, £30. Lying in W ,'atbirine Dok-Apply to JAMES THEOMSONS ad CoD., 6 jiitsr.ufie. * ELBOURNE, PORT PHILL1P.-NOTICE tO SHIPPERs.-The American clipper ship ONWAtiD has ?? for-afew tonof fkeigbt, for which early ?? should be ?? to JAMES THOMSON and Co., 6, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H~ EATI~E BOYT*.,, DUBLINL-T TR (Tundaay), Clat. 24,S5,*srfn1ia'W ' tbepsrwit' tI. Is ?? of THEE LOVE SPBLL; t , UntIZR O LOVE,-Nemorino, Mr Hsdgi; Sg IIt lkoro sKrEOorri; ?? MrDnji; Ad a, ;iLi.asa I Gl~anett, mm Bionl@v. : Altar which the'laeiis utdtled OF A, E T& 1ER W. -hPrdwock l arou; Wiltfnghurt, r ;J ' Wibter; U ,by a ,Grand l3,e~t Diqr~tils~seini, hr wR loiU Mdile tin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EAT ROYAL, MANCHESTER tHIS EVENING (Tuesday), Oct. 24, IB54,. L Rossini's BARBER OF SEVILLE. N 0c4 WEDNESDAY, MeyerbIecs Opera of THIE HUGUENOTS. 1 Dress Circle .is, Od. Uper Circles -d. APt ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,, 2a. Od. Gallory .is. d. 4 Upper Gallery .. 08. Od. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANKET9, QULS adOUNTERPAN39, very, B cheap, in ever ndsie kdqaypSERD , 29 and 28. Porfmn~tet ltD M) AILtNOS, ILAL ~AN. G~AusluziS , 25,, Lowe K o n&continue, to be suppled with a~ largo egoiiSB, flOM PAE,~rufo ser may ooecet ftom the lares at~do Roomi ~Paprs It' Cwn BaOOIs'wh~l55l .SUPEIQB OAlS,_-.WkiT CRWN, OXYKALI, SEA end TOJILET' ?? ~ u 4, GAFTO A.ST e -T Ab'Pb fvororaly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I rEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.i T M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. Al. JULLIEN beg most respectfully to announce that his CONCERTS will crmmnance on Monday next, October 30, on which occasion he will have the honour of making his first appear- ance in England since his return from America.-Full particulars will be duly annouiced. M. JULLIEN'S RIEHEARSAL.-The gentlemen of M. Jullien's Orchestra are ...