Advertisements & Notices

... (IJECULAR NOTES atnd FOREIGN MIONE3Y. Cl the Colanliee, Amermca, &e,2 c°nn rEORCISRCIiReiaCUEtitLAR OTES atofl, £10 aind £3 each, payablc at all the principal towns without deduc. b rion; 3U.o ' o eigu money of every country, at the Bullion and Banking Oftice, 1o, tooobuod-5tseet.-AIJA3 oPiIEL38ANN and Co. 1 A USTRIAN and all other COUPONS due nnd be- t comi g lue, are PAID, as above. by A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P ARK CHAPEL, CHEETHAM HILL ROAD. TO-MORROW (Sunday),the Rev. J. CRAN BROOK,of.New Brighton, will PREACH.. . APLURALITY OF WORLDS IN CONNEC- TION WITH THEOLOGY.-A LECTURE, TO-MORROW Sutnday), November 5, by the Rev. J. H. SMITHSON, at the o 'w Jerusalem Church, Peter.street, Manchester.-Servioe 1att half-past six.E CRIPTURE ILLUSTRATED BY EASTERN TRAVEL.-Dr. HALLEY will deliver the THIRD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ) A. -.TB:SED S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA. re of thc IsI2t extlraoredinary and valutble Medicines T l.he orld, its superioiry over ether propaTaLiOLS of ,lie ch.;;rOi~er, r in tbii country, ti ises from the muode of mvrefal, ultid the advantage of obtaining and vorking the r, in it. grece and fresh state. The root, sohen brought to this notry. is dry, vapid, and aleost tasteless, its virtues and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Burgesses of the Oentral Ward, Oxford. GENTLEMEN, Beg to tender my best thanks to those Burgesses Lxvo by their votes have elected me to the office of Town Councillor. This honour I feel to be greatly enhanced by the large majority of votes recorded in my favour; and let me assure you that I hope by my attendance at, and by my votes in, the Council Chamber fully to justify and confirm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fly Mesrs T~ W. IARDWCI(, t ?? Holtel, Uppear Mi sti e ix 6urslssk hli thu ?? ulsictt ro eonslit.501i Li i will be then toail thers piroduceds, uiilots proisviinuly disposed of by 1111 privatte coistracet, of Which~l lass notice Wvill ?? A LL th tt Mol[~S UAGUE or Dwehling-11011-O, With MS. teothilildiltr e tlroresilils se~oagiiis, beings -No. 43, iii A bilnisa lulr, sitrect, ii. Leeds 'aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJ URSUANT to a Decree of tihe High Court of Chancery, made il a cae.e lliXolD v. Rhioll,' thle CREDITORS and INCUMBRANCEiIS on the frechold and - lenarhold estates of EI1ZABETH JONES, Inte of lIiglifiehi, West Bromwich, in the county of Stafford, widov, who died oil or about the 12th of March, i854, are by their solicitors. on or before I the 6th day of November, 1c-4, to come hi and PROVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At thle I Acer;,,O' olie North Johnl-sdtvet, L, iverpooal, on T'eiesl, held ?? .Z'eni's'lre filet, atirA (,olio w isstlls, 'lwo TIMlttUS*I) ;lALES EAST IN iTlEOSi~Il5 EUYII_~ ndether WOOLS. Stil EtIN'I1IAN assd ABRIAM GARTSIDF and CO.. Btrokers. el Broklmiers' lts, Liverp'tol, on Ttlemlsan, thre F.Oerileeoth vice *NXe da' atest, andi Mewtingct slaY. Iassit ON1E TIO'll IJ A ES EST 1INlIlA WOOL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S RQ ?? SOUTHSEA. fi. HOLLINGSWORTH 7lina the honotur toan- _A nounc the BALL in honour df-the INc ()F 3ALE1' BIRTUDAY Wvill take epace oh 'T1hursda yNov.9. Sir W. FEILDRN, Batrt., Duke of 'Lhncaster's Otin- lilitia. Captain KiitxrS, Dukea of Lancaster'tOwn Militia'. Captain BURSLEM, Royal S. M. Militia. *J Captain FirNEY, Royal S&M. .Militia. . Lieut. WARREN, Royal Artillery.. Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Framden, Suffolk. To Wheelwrights, Carpenters, and TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. WYTHE, On Monday. November 6th, 1854, at the Swan Inn; Ashfield, at 6 o'clock in the Evening, Lot 1. ALL that FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, WHEELWiRIGHT'S SHOP, Saw and Stuff Sheds, and other Out-buildings, Yards and Garden, situate in the Parish of FRAMSDEN, by the side of the road leading from Ipswich to Earl Soham, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 LOVERS OF FISH.--100 Genuine YAR- T M.OUTH BLOATERS for 6s. package included, forwarded to .ll partseon receipt of penny postage stmpsa, or P.O.O. (pre. ferred). *- Addres? ?T.OMAS LETTIS, Jun. Fish Curer, Great Yarmouth. ANCHESTER EXAMINER AND TIMES GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, PALL MALL.-BUSINESS ENTRANCE IN NORFOLK STREET. POSTING BILLS, the Largest Size, and in Fancy Colours; ]and and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POETOTHEATRE ROYAX, ADERpHI, PRoOerT OR. RB. W R RE-DIRECTRESS. MI)ME. CELBT3T.- 'n MORROW, nud during th w ileek wlt be presented the co- Messrg alled TH7 E SERIOUS FAXILY. Characters b Regers, GadLeigh Hurras- Paul Bedford Selby. Parsolle, . Keeley Wo on Bomer Smith, Woolear, Waye. &c.- Mesdlaees law, ?? r MarY kelete, Leigh Murry., Ly~an all- FlOE TAkV ToYheL o llowed y ?? BA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVERPOOL JOURNAL AND SUPPLE- CONTAINING TWELVE PAGES, PRICE 4id., Is Fuoblisedl eevery Satuirdaty Afesis9 itt tilte for de-ptakh bp the ces-fy Mails, at thc Of fioo, 2?,, Lard-otreet. T HEE JOURtiAL possesses the largest circulation of any 1 Wef kly Paper in Livernol, end its columns present to Adver- tisors the mest eligible mcdnrm for giving the greatest publicity to all classes of ...