Advertisements & Notices

... FURNITURE, Select LIBRARY of B0OK8,-&o., Grove-street. MiESSRS. THOS..WINSTAN~LEY & SONS are Instructed to, SELL. by AUCTrION, on -Tuesday: next, the 14th instant, at Eleven o'clock-prseclelW, en thq pre- mises, No. so, OroVe street~ the hndeomp anadnaeeern HOUSE. in cav iilt firame, fine-tobed ofctvcottae plsno~forte, by Byazlegiselr,l London, In eleganit rosewood caseeplated articles, table, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRCtULAiA NOTUtS sand FO19EI(',s MONEY. c Trave'lter6 proceedi-g to t'cc Contibent, f'ast, Con.tfsntinole, I the (c:sC;ea, &eric, ec`., ;mn Y'FtCUREll ClRC0bLAiR NOTYIetI £ it) sn-l .5t, paarie ,at all the principal towns wathbut d(due. ?? &SD6U Inigia money of every country, rt the ftutlion atnld yanking Office. ft), Loakbard-.tice:.-ADAM. ol'ELAIANN tad Co. OUPONS of all kidds due and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Traellrs rocedig t th CotinntEast, Constant~inople, te qCalenisS, Amer~ dica, .,cian PROCUR 'CIRCULAR NOTES of 10 anid £5 eaeb, psyable at all the principal towns vwthott deduc- tion; ala foreirgn maney of iery country. Ut the Bullion ard anking Offieo, 10, Lojnbard street.-ADAM tPlELMA Nf and Co. C OUPONS of all kinds due and becoming due, J are PAID, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -~AMES THOMSON and CO.'s LONDON LINEI ?? PACIOET Slill.'S.-Direct for 0lELl3OUiNE, Port Phillip i (Cabiarl'eass ogers 30 Guiuea',l, the line British clipper shipfIEL_.II yoNINE 1, 70tt tons btirden, A, LANN'ENSON, Communder lasdog s te Lndo Pok. hiefin eh p a4 just returned froma 0'ct phlip cxi gmod a ooteucesout assgecadhueexcel. isocal b~lt te ploceneero e~t voyage.-or Ireih orpaoge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to A dvertizers, Aytwt3, and Correspondcnts. To prevent disnppointmellt, it is nocessary that all adver- titaments and other commualliotions ?? be sent to us as early inl thO WeOI ats possible. Wo cannot insert ?? communications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be accompanied with the nane and address of the writer, not Ilecossarily for publi- cation, but as a guiaranteo of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUFFOLK HOUSE9 iL TAVERN STREET9 ?? WE die FREDEICeit FJ' a Linen Draper, Silk Xiercer, and Warehouseman, a EGS to announce his rrturn from London. anti that le will mnake a LARGE DELIVERY of NEW GOODS to, B for the Month of November, on MONDAY NEXT. WRHLE*&LJV AId LrE'a. CLUBS AND CHARITIES SUPPLIED. NovEmBer 4th, 1854. A. CHMPLIN,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furnihiii, & -jGeieraiI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JO11N SELLERS, r TDECEASED. LL persons having demands upon the Estate of I A3 JOHN SELLERS, late of Sandy Brook, in the C Parish of Ashborne, in the County of Derby, joiner and li bricklayer, deceased, are requested to deliver to us, the I undersigncd, the particulars of their Claims, in order Is that such Claims may be discharged, if it shall be ascer- C tained that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E? VERY LADY'S CHRISTIAN NAME J24 EMBROIDERED ON FINE FRENCH CAMBRIC HAND. KERCIEF at2s.i~d eah';ettt'b reurnof Post for Thirty-eight Penny Stamps;andcanonlybeobtainedatBAKERand CRISP'S; 221 nd 26, RGENTSTRET. LNDON andat the Mixed Fabric Court, Crystal Palace. NEW WORK on STRICTURE.Just Published, Second Edition, price 2s. Gd., by post, frce, 3se S TRJCTURE of the URETHRA, &, j practically ...

Published: Sunday 26 November 1854
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5036 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS (for One Month only). The Pro- granrinieils changed Every Evening. PROGRAMME for THIS EVENING, Saturday, Nov. 11. PanTi-Overture, Zamepa, Herold; Qniadrille, from Rossini's epera, Lo Comte Ory, Jullien; Syniphony, tte Larghettjfhom the Syminpbony in D, Beethoven; Polka, Katty Did, Jullien; Solo dutoe, Varintsiils ?? on Sig. 'i'agliaflco's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARL'S £5 tai. GOLD WATCHES and £2 1ts. SILVER DITTO, are jewelled in four holes, oftho horizontal .contru--ion, with beautifully engraved eases, and are sent to any part of the kmngdom ji answertoa Post-ofice erderfor the auisunt. iA written warranty for accuirate performance is given with evern fwatch, and a twelve mentlihs' trial allowed.-Address, SARL and SONS. 18, Poultry (near the Mansion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGENTS WANTED. M0ME Respectable Energetic Men Wanted, possessing influence IJ among the Industrial Classes, to undertake the A gency of an. established Life Assurance Company, to whom the most liberal terms will be allowed. Address, with a reference, A. B., G, Stam- ford-road, Kingeland. TO CONSUMPTIVE SUFlFRERS. At GE.NTLEMAN possessing Recipes which will ?? Con- nl sumption, Ulceration, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r be LET,by Private Contract, from fr Lady Day net, REWE ELLS, occupied as a Fl rlok 'lill 5ommanding a good supply of Water. Apply to SIr. Cr. WARE, H~earzile Barton, Rewe. PLYMITREE .-DEVON. O be LET, by Tender, for such term as D may be agreed upon, from Lady-day next, all that cellent CORN and DAIRY FiAm, called exedl~nH E R N E, rsis D capital Farm House, with all necessary 0QDPl0ldiPgs ...