Advertisements & Notices

... KING- & 00., 41A, Dale-street, beg to direct tbe attentlof of tie trade to the PoRTat ?? by 4hem, which for quality and price cannot be excelled. OPOWLINOK PIBROAP, RIFLES, AND t i ?? -Ant heiellent Assortment Of the above SOd, s wehi as all ohthiof Gurn Indslemort anid Anuantionsrat, ery much below the gyn-shop omaybe, at A&. RwOBINSONl AND ,CO. S, lBONMONGER3, 52, CiznsNosOf mcr, LV thRnoo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCURSIONISTS may s~ecure £100 for their fanti. Elies in case of deathl by Railway Accident in a trip of any length. with, an allowance for themselves when Fl] Isart, by taking an Ineurance Ticket, costing TrWO co PENCE of the Excursion Agents, or at the Railway list Stations.-RAILWAY PAC61INGNIls AssutA~sNcs OFFiciss, T I 3, Old Broad-street, London. is WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. C( of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE MAIS for AUSTRALIA.-The ])irentor. i of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company belt to give nodetothepulictha wih he erutesonof his Lordship the poenooerGereta, he ecebe mals orthe Australian Colonies wjl todepathedontin fth f tatmouhfroan Liverpool, by the ~ippcmi nc hip AME BAIES.Apptcatone for freight and pasageholtientdeto esrs..JAt~S IAIES end (0,, Liver- or t Mesrs JON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEVENS and SON, 78, Bishopsgate-street Within. PORTS, from the wood, 24s., 27s., l0SO per Dozen. Ditto, Very choice, 35s. per Dozen. Ditto, Superior old crusted, 3Cs. per Dozen. Ditto, very superior, 4 to 7 years in bottle, 42s., 44s., 48s. per Dozen. SHERRIES-Fine Wines, 24s., 27s., 30s. S6o. per Dozen. Ditto, Highest qualitet', 42e.. 45a., 48s. per Dozen. Marsala-Finest imported, 24a. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMPORTANT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT.-- ,3 DISPOSAiLoftheARGYLL GENERAL MOURNING WARE. ROUSES, MANTLE, and MILLINERY ROOMS, 216and 2ii, REtent.5Y5t ;,esre. 13. NICHOLSON have been the proverbial introinrera ofi MtOVELTIES and isnprovements ?? fabrics perfectedlndregis. I tered cloths, silks, mantles, &c., of trancelidant merit and excel' lence. The products of their ?? out to the firstfaboicants; hat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN LINE of PACKETS. -For A D l)NEY Direct, the m2gnificent, new, clipperbuilte ship OANYSSFDE, 3.5,=A I, 1-230 tons register, D. P. tRAMHIALL, Co;mander; lying in the London Docks. This splendid vessel has bandsome csbin accommodations, and will take a limited number of ;binplasengers at4O guineas each. For termsof freightandpaseage apply to I)EVITT and MOORE, 9, Bil1ter.strect; or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tTEDGES and BUTLER. wine merchants, ?? _LiJ_15. Regent-Etrect, London, and 22. King's-road, Brightson 1origioally estattishitiedA.D. i6117).- GORDON'S GULDEN SHtERtit' N0. pe oan suerpiror ditto, :36R., of sa-ft an full flavour; Anton. tilado aherry (a deliateit, pale, dry wine for invalids), 48s. and 60s.; Plauania, ide. to 7ia.; oid Fort, trom. firmt-.rate shippers, Sis., The. _ 42g., and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING. BlIhAST WtORKING CLASSES' ASSOCTITION. MRS. BUTLE l'S CLASSIC.AL AND DRAMJATIC READINGS. wi HE C 03I M I T TE E OF TILE BEL-yFAST T WORKING CLASSES ASSOCIATION ?? to announce that Mrs. 13 U T I E R, the distirguished Reciter from MIeinory, and her Pupils, will give a series of Classical and Dramatic READINGS, in the VICTORIA HALL, In aid of the funds ?? tin Associatio n on MONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r :K~otict,%.. rOTJCE.-AI1 persions having any CLAIMS . N9 egainsi the1;8TATE of the Lte STEPiEN THOMAS 1,ipLE;Y GAY. of Downend, in t~ae county of Gloucester,. 'S;Oioner ed pprlse, ae ttueted th edte eame to thbe gxctY T O B U I L D E R S .-Parties wiling to CONTRACT fogr the several Wotke to be done In Altering pi~nlarglng the Publio Library. maty inspect the Plane end ee~fcstictOD5 at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SE T M A 1-1 G A N Y C H A I R S, LOO AND) I'PEMBROKE TABLES THIRtEE AND TWO-l)OOR BOOKCASES, A (The Property of a P'arty Eoldurating to Anstralia.) WI are instructed to Sell, at 11 Virginia Street, To-DayA (Monday) the 27th November, at Twelve o'clock exact, of rTIIE Whole llt)USE FURS N ITU RE, including Three and 7 1 Two-Door Bookcases with Chifforlier Beneath, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PULBLIC AJW3SEMENTS. EM&UM ROYAL, HAYNARRET. !KEli mm BAGNIMEV 0?f MR. BuOlremopa. sk %V1111aff (first E enillns Comtdet by Baeyl WORRW (Monds%. SHE STOOPS TO COffUER-TO j~a ~saay THENERVOU MAN-Wth Ulcthtme)l en ori- simi~ani~eto b Hyl Brnrd os--ne AKISS IN THEE ~i~HOn Wdnesay, HE EE3(OS MA-Alul A KISS IN ?? - nd SRiKING ErBNTS-on~ ~ ?? Saudy H EVU I-ernard's Cs- medslth-d SOCKNGEVETS-emel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. SAMIUEJL JOHENION, THE first portrait of that great ornament of English 9 Literature, painted hv Sir Joshua, Reynolds, and engraved in mezzotint by IR. Zobel, Esq., from she ori- inat picture in the possession of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ely. A very limited number of Proofs z1 Is. each. Published by Mr. OTE?; ROE, 2, BROoK-sTnLET, IPS'waca; and Paul and Dominie, Colinghi and Co., ...