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Aberdeen Press and Journal



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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... C A R D. FHE Misses MASSIE respectfully lotimate Miss MARY'S Re- m. turn from Paris, with a Large and Fashionable selection of MILLINERY, DRESSES, CLOAKS, FLOWERS, and French EMBROIDERY-in Collars, Sleeves, Babies' Caps, &c., which I masy be soen on SATURDAY first, the 4th iDst. The Misses M. are in want of a few IMPROVERS for the Dress-Making. 166, Union Street West, October 31, 1854. Winter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bonnet, Shawl, and Dress Warehouse, 33, UNION STREET, AsERDEEN. ISAAC MATHIESON respectfully intimates that the follow- ogD form part of his recent Selections, and the Prices are most advantageous to purchasers:- Cloak VELVETS, Black and Fancy MANTLE CLOTHS. Black and Coloured VELVETS, SATIN, TERRY, PLUSH, and other Fancy BONNET MATERIALS, with RIB- BONS, FLOWERS, and FEATHERS, to correspond. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & KENNEDY'S NOVEMBER LIST OF GR nA.T BA RG AI N SI 1DHILIP & KENNEDY have muccl pleasure in announcing. in -IL their havinig bo.ugt vey largely at tberecent PauloePrics, most ad coasequent on the rise of Provisions. CIO Ocur miotto is to Sell, and Sell accordingly we will, at such Bla prices as the discerning Public of Aberdeenshire will rarely meet with again. List as below will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSIAN WAR. P0- A TE N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other~~ 1'BRUSHES, supcrior to the best Russian Bristles,oanud1 olle-half the price. tion Observe! J. BARSIIAM, Patent, is on each Brush. th Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARIIol, Falcon Square, the London, who are the Manufacturers of the rival PATEINT INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS,p p'lm Best and Cheapest Mode of Cleaning Knives wvithl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. AM Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for I publication, require to be authonticated by the name and I address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Conres- pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. 3 We find it necessary to intimate that we can receive no Advertisements for publication after Seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSIAN W.AR A T E N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other P BRUSHES, superior to the best Russian Bristles, and one-half the price. soo Observe! J. BARSHIAM, Patent,, is on each Erush. then Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARSROD, Falcon Square, Thr london, who are the Manufacturers of the Tar 'PATENT INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS, Vic Best and Cheapest Modo of Cleaning Knives with economy and visi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... New Winter Goods. & J. MARSHALL beg to announce the arrival of their I W . NWINTER STOCK-consisting of Clan and Fancy Tartans, Tartan Handkerchiefs, Tartan on Ti1 Shawls and Plaids. Plain and Checked Winceys, and Fancy Stuffs for Dresses. :renuh Merinoes, Coburgs, and Prints. SMks, Satins, and Satitiettes. BRtb, Witnoy, and Scotch Blanlets, Ticlis, Quilts, and Countorpanes. D Shectings and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Empress of China's Tea, GOO] R BOOMMENDED by the Faculty for its purity, and Sold by nearly 1000 First-class Tea Dealers on account of its superior quality.-This is now the Popular Tea of the Day, and the best 4s. TEA in tho Kingdomt. MooRE & Co., Little Tower Street, London. Sold by Lumsis F10 mEN & CO., J. SMITrH, and W. COUTTS, Absrdeen; G. A. ANDrn. T~ SONe, Peterhead; Wit. HAT, Alford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRICK COLLIE'S -MRW WAREHOUSES, 29 & 31 UNION STREET. A4 U7'TdfNsbL ANYOYU.YCE'MENT.- ~btrtjeeeP-re srses-msagnssyieenstly laid ossi aus artistically arranged. Theo Whole Stock Entirely New. -ZATRICK COLLIE, on his raemoval to the above splendid _T1 Wareolsoses, avails himuself of the occasion to tender his Mak to his very numerous Town and Country friends, for Max valuable support during ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & KENNEDY'S NOVEMBER LIST OF GR E A T B A R G A I N S! 131LITP & KENNEDY have much pleasure in announcing XL their having bought very largely at the recent Panio Prices consequent on the rise of Provisions. P jco, Our motto is to Sell, and Soll accordingly we will, at such Mont prices as the discerning Public of Abordeenshire will rarely meet with again. in a Listas below will be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Poor's Assessment-St. Bricholas or City Parish, ABERDEEN, Year etading 4te Jicae, 1855, payatbe 2d October, 1854. N terms of Iostsuctions from the Parochial Board of &aid 1 Parish, INTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALL ASSESSMENTS, yet unsettled, must be paid at this Office, on or before the Ist December, 1854. Such Assessments as shall not have been paid at that date will be immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUS OF THE Banff, fi!acduf, and Turriff 3unotion Railway, Leaving the Great Forth of Scotlatdl Railweay 'aear Pitcaplc. CAPITAL, £120,000-DIVIDED INTO 12,000 SEARES OF £10 EACH. T is proposed to construct a Railway, for the accommodation of those parts of the Countios of Aberdoon and Banff lying to the Nortb-cast of the Groat North of Scotland Line, under the auspices of that Company ...