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East Midlands, England


Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE (TO WIT.) AT a Meeting of the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and A Freeholders of the County of Derby, holden at the County Hall, Derby, on FRIaAV. October 27th; 1854, th for the purpose of determining upon the best mode of in carrying into effect throughout the County such portionA of her Msjesty's Ro-al Comunuission as relates to the of raising of a PATRI(dIC FUND for the RELIEF of If ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 05 I'INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID M&GNESIA. An le. MP excellent IteinedIy for Acidities, iHeartburu, Headache, Gout, Ily n i en lll Illtlgehat10. en As a Mild Aperlecit, it is admirably adapted for children, and for ed delic.te femalcd ,nrticularly during pregnancy. Combined witi the ned ACIIUrATED)lEmONSYRUP. ItformsanEffervescisgAperlent ho Draught, which is highlyagreeable and efficaclous.- re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LET. Ne OTICE is hereby GIVEN, that a MEETING of the it N TRUSTEES of the Turnpike Road, from Ash by. die-la-Zouell, through Burton-upots-Trent to Tattbury will be held at the QuzENr's HOTEL, in Burton-u I5 *~Trent, on TUESDAY, the 5th day December, 184,a 12 o'clock, for general Purposes, whell and where the n TOLLS arising from the several Gates upon tile said d Road, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT. REPEAL OF ACT. EXTENSION OF BOROUGH LIMITS. NEW STl REE'lTS. ALTERATION OF RATES, &c. N OTICE is hereby GIVEN, that it is intended to aq apply to Parliament in the next session for an Act for all or some of the following amongst other pur- poses:- 1. lo repeal the Local and Personal Act of the 6th George the 4th, cap. 132, for better paving and otherwise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY DONATIONS TO THE PATRIOTIC FUND. Advertised last week (not in Street Lists) £266 16 9 Collected by Mr. hladeley, Mr. Pike, and Mr. Mlalin. D Dstrict.-R otte n-row, Corn-martet, T Tnorntreeelane, and Albtert-street. Amount previously advertised - £91 9 6 ServantsatMrstaS - I Brush Maker's So- trill's, Kings Head 1 5 9 1 ciety - . 1 9 0 Vrs. Bateman, Lit- Mr.. l. olmese(2nd church - - 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXCURSIONISTS may s~ecure £100 for their fanti. Elies in case of deathl by Railway Accident in a trip of any length. with, an allowance for themselves when Fl] Isart, by taking an Ineurance Ticket, costing TrWO co PENCE of the Excursion Agents, or at the Railway list Stations.-RAILWAY PAC61INGNIls AssutA~sNcs OFFiciss, T I 3, Old Broad-street, London. is WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. C( of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JO11N SELLERS, r TDECEASED. LL persons having demands upon the Estate of I A3 JOHN SELLERS, late of Sandy Brook, in the C Parish of Ashborne, in the County of Derby, joiner and li bricklayer, deceased, are requested to deliver to us, the I undersigncd, the particulars of their Claims, in order Is that such Claims may be discharged, if it shall be ascer- C tained that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA. An te j) excellent Remedy for Acidities, Heartburn, Headache, Goat, 'C an Iniligestion. e S, As o 31ildl Aperle't, it to admirably adapted for children, and for dellctte teetnles,l),rticularly dtiring pregnancy. Combined with the P ACIlULtATE)LEMONSYRUP. ItfornisanEffervesclngAperient :0 Draught, which is highly agreeable and efficacious. From the numerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ESTATE OF THE LATrE JOHN SELLERS D l)ECEASED. A LL person s having detands upon the Estate of FE LINT{\ R.E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A FEW ENCLOSED BERTHS at £16. 16s. n EAGLE LIN13 OF PACKCETS FOR AUiTRALIA' nrho the consignment of BnaoHT BROTHER$, s- -i1. and Co., Landing their Passengers, Lug- I. ' gage, and Cargo, immediately on tbe Vessel'g @arrival in HobsonEa Bag. 5' d For MLELBOURNEforwarding Passengers to SYDNEy and ADELAIDE, n The celebrated Clipper Ship , EAGLE, le 1,500 tons, Captain Boyce, 30th of November. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS.-MOODY AND NEWBOLD. FINE OTI) PORT, EAST INDIN SHiERRIES, CHAMPAGNE, PALE BRANDY, &c. Mf ESSRS MOODY and NE WBOLD beg to announce M that they are favoured with instructions to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 4th December, 1854, at the LECTURE HALL, Wardwick, Derby. A CELLAR of CHOICE and VALUABLE WINES, Consisting of about l80 doz. Pale, Gold, and lrown Sher- ries, shipped ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- A Certain Remedy for Disorders of the Pulmonary Organlat inDifculty of Breath Ing-in Redundancy of Phlegrm-in incipient Conssmptiifn (of which Cough Is the most, positive indIcation), they, are of unerring efficacy. In Asthma and Winter Cough, they have never beetn known to fail. RentIng's Cough Lozneges are free from every deleterlotstIl ge. dient; they may, ...