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Advertisements & Notices

... , STPRA11NAVGATION COM-1 iiX. ).lt -te~ve St. Kathtarite'6 wharf far a' ~ oIN el Saturday, at Tlen ecahnin. fir ?? rifidy, 10th1, at Eight even- c''til Whaitrf, for p i :at Ech.t torming.SqT, . ni ..ud ?? Four i tIlttoonl. MIii ruNE DAY-Ei'0ry fTae'oay, * ti' ame0',calling6 zt Bahl'tlwail and mt n1 ?? ?? .1 I ?? IflLNNAY.-REDUC- ?? ?? giveti, that ~ id-it'.dT Ri~f t CIN CON' NYACE of SM1ALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flat ble TJUTY OFF TEA. - The REDUCTION of -the ted X_, TEA DlUTY, and the easy etate of the Tea-market, enable uld PHIILLIPS and Co. to SELL Om Strong Congou Tea, 22. 8d., 2e. 10d., and Ss. Rich Souchong Tea, !18 Ss. 2d., 3s. 4d., Se. 6d., and Ss. 8d. The beet Assam Pekoe Souchong of Tea, 4a. Prime Gunpowder Tea, Ss. 8d., 4s., and 4a. 4d. Bleet ?? Gunpowder, 4s,8d. The beat PearlGuinpowdera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -JURKISH LOAN.-The Contractors for the i tiiperial SIX P':R CENT. TURKCISH LOAN, Baron tle I Goldsid and J. llorslcy PAlalblt' give notice, that tile BONI'S are now READY for DklIVERY, and that thleir agents, MYasr. I'ALIER, MAl.CKILLOI% DENT, and CO. will bo fruparel to hand theiii over lit exciidalqe for the Scrip Certifeates that are pi:d up in ulll on Tue:day t. e.xt, the ,th irst, or onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMIES THOMSON and Co.'s LONDON LINE i of PACNFT SlllPS.-The following eupetior first class SHIPS, wll known for their fast-sailing qualities, have excellent Accommo. dotions for a limited number o1 Passengers, and will be despatched mender: Ship. Toens Destination. Docks. pioneerlscrewst. 800 Cape of Good Hop:i East India. telpofaene ?? 40n) lelbourne, Port BhPllip London Tersa Kerr ?? 416 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JEDEUVIAN FOUR-AIND-A-HALFPE JLCENT. LOAN, 1853-LM500O,00O.-FI1RS11 REDEMIPTIO1i -Notice is liereby gi'eet, that, it, conformhity mritti the ternms of thI General fiondl daited thle l0th of March, lI5,,. TWO IIUN DRED suid THIROTY SPECIAL BONDS. antouittitll to the sumnof £343o,00 sterling, thle particenblar whereof are at foot, have bcen prlas sd fur the Siniking Fuod, which 12,ssds andi thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _. _ - _0 ~ - - ?? G ALLERY of BRONZES &ARTc, om- prse oplete ?? of the ma~thematica1 reduc. I- prising a compit Cteti1nffd tohuv of antique ran-t tions, bh . Cellas. foll the iits-doouo of Esples, iRITISII ?? in th tAL of I;tlOENCE and ROME, &e. to hIcUSEUM GALCLE Medal sas awarded in tloe Great Erthibitiotn togich a w'illsNCI tite ?? of floe art tnd utility in condo- labh tlocs vasesaeas. & ...

Overland route steam

... to INDIA and China via Egypt'-The PENINSULAR and Oriental steam navigation company book passengers and receive goods and parcels for the Mediterranean, India and China, by their mail packets leaving Southampton and on the 4th of Every month and for Australia, by those of the 4th November and 4th of every alternate month thereafter, apply at the Company's offices 122 ??? Street London; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just ready, in iost Svo, 7s. fd. 0 R C A Mll P in T U R K E Y, AND THE WAY TO IT. By litre Yovi;, Avittor of ' Cutch ' ?? stern lIadia,' Cc. Londonl: Rirhard Bitle, Pain Mli ingtgle street. Inln-eiiotiy. Par 1i i.o 3i. .id. to oi ?? ins Eight Mitonthly Parts, plice :M li. cach Psrt) IIISTORY of CHRISTIAN CHURCHES A l s ANPI) SECTS, Fronl the E1srliest Ages of Chrlstiainity. B) thic Rtv. J. 13 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIp MONXON'S PUBLICATIONS, MISCELLANEOUS. HAYDN'S DICTIONARY of DATES, and UNIVERSAL IEFERENCE, relating to all Ages and ~alioos. comprehlending evory remarkable occOrence, Ancient and hodern-the Foundation, Laws, and Governments of Cooatries-tlseir Progress in Civilization, Industry, and Science, -their Achievements in Arms; ~tbe Political aad Social Trans- actions of the British Empire-its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ONLY STOVE WITHOUT a FLUE TJoyce's Patent, for warming balls, shops, greenhouses, store- rooms, and all other places. Price fromn 12s. To be seen in action at the proprietor's, SWAN NASH, 252, Oxford-treet, and the CITY DEPor. ItS9, Ncwgate-street, London. PATENT PREPA RED FUJEL, 29. 6d. per bushel. 7OYCE'S PORtCABLE T-AINDRY STOVE will beat for 12 bearm six flata'd Itali ,n irons with one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IJECULAR NOTES atnd FOREIGN MIONE3Y. Cl the Colanliee, Amermca, &e,2 c°nn rEORCISRCIiReiaCUEtitLAR OTES atofl, £10 aind £3 each, payablc at all the principal towns without deduc. b rion; 3U.o ' o eigu money of every country, at the Bullion and Banking Oftice, 1o, tooobuod-5tseet.-AIJA3 oPiIEL38ANN and Co. 1 A USTRIAN and all other COUPONS due nnd be- t comi g lue, are PAID, as above. by A. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJ URSUANT to a Decree of tihe High Court of Chancery, made il a cae.e lliXolD v. Rhioll,' thle CREDITORS and INCUMBRANCEiIS on the frechold and - lenarhold estates of EI1ZABETH JONES, Inte of lIiglifiehi, West Bromwich, in the county of Stafford, widov, who died oil or about the 12th of March, i854, are by their solicitors. on or before I the 6th day of November, 1c-4, to come hi and PROVE ...