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No Steward's Fee,

... Freight of Bale or Box Goods, 80s. per Ton Measurement, and 5 per Cent. Primage. Coarse Goods per agreement. For freight or passage, apply to MATHEW LANGLANDS, 20, Dixon Street, St. Enoch Suqare. Glasgow, Oct., 1854. Tbe Empress of China’s Tea, RECOMMENDED by the Faculty for its purity, and Sold by nearly 1000 First-class Tea Dealers on account of its superior quality.—This is now tbe Popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ARGE PLANEING MACHINE ON SALE, 22 feet L Bel; Planes 1I fect by 3 fect 10 inches. Driven by rack and pinion. All comiplete with over head gearing. Apply to A. II'Dougall, 110 Clyde Street, Anderston. 'IO be SOLI-, Twelve 1'ATENT1 1EtMBROIDElRING To II ACIIINES or LOOMS.-For finrther particulars, naldress It. A., 13ox 182, 1'ost Office, Manchester. FOR SALE, O NE WASH STILL of 450 Gallons or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO CASH BUYERS.. SIMPSON, HIUNTER & YOUNG RE dlaily receiving ?? ?? ?? in all their different de- A. i.C ttneiits, and these being bought principally by the I Partners themselves in the best nmarkets for CASH, they are ] enabled to offer those who miay honour them with a call Goods, t I which, for style, quality, and chlcapness, are not to be surpassed in the Trade. The following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Will be Published on 1st Dec., Price 4d., T11,E WbEST OF SCOTLAND BMAGAZINE: T A Motlily Journal of Literature and Politics. CON!TEIN TS:-Thie Indian ?? Ile Fate of Sir Jolitt Fraikliii-Bexley Cottage; or, the Mysterious Neigbibour-Aniericani Liteirature-Theu Publicaus's Dream- Tbu War- Poetry: Thle Ship in the Sunbeam-Litcrary Notices. Glasgow: Published by T. IMURRAY & SON. Edinburghi: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SE T M A 1-1 G A N Y C H A I R S, LOO AND) I'PEMBROKE TABLES THIRtEE AND TWO-l)OOR BOOKCASES, A (The Property of a P'arty Eoldurating to Anstralia.) WI are instructed to Sell, at 11 Virginia Street, To-DayA (Monday) the 27th November, at Twelve o'clock exact, of rTIIE Whole llt)USE FURS N ITU RE, including Three and 7 1 Two-Door Bookcases with Chifforlier Beneath, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW COLLEGE. HE REGIUS PR'OFESSOR of CIVIL ENGINEER. l I ?? MIECIHANICS will COMAlMENCE a COURSE of INSTRUCTION or, TUESI)AY ?? 28th Instant. N.B.-Intending Studeits will be good enough to leave their1 names and addresses with Dr. Anderson, Clerk of Senlte, on or before the 27th Instant. u Glasgow, 9th November, 1854. C BOAR]) AND E)DUCATION. T liISS 110W uAlI), Lady Sultie-iitelndent of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WATERLOO ROOMS. T HE GIGANTIC MOVING DIORAMA 1 of the OVERLAND MAIL to INDIA, From Southampton to Calcutta, THE CRYSTAL PALACE at Sydenbam. And the Three Views of TUB TAJ- MEHAL! (Proat the Jtoicd Galler y of Iiiustrtion, 14 Rqfyenr Strie!, london.) OPE;N EVERY EVENING at Eight o'Clock, WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS at Half-past Two C Clockl. floors open half-an-hour previous. Arxtrsstos-One ...

Clerk Wanted,

... ffice Town, * Ton 5,P er^ence in Keeping Books, &c.; his F fteen Shillings per week. ~~—-^^Lj^he n ® Writing, addressed to D. 8., Wanted, t,' You , er men , ?° Improved in the Horsc-Shoe- exp 0 ean opportunity of doing so, a r> Scnh rience . having been in one of the Office o f and - these last 14 years. er. T*° SerVan^Wanted. HOUgg a hder a jj will be supplied); a good COOK MA . H. ' ekeeper) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SELECT MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT. S TEM BRI D G E RAY, ElXOLISII TENOR AND LXAIER 01F Music IN TIIE BATtoxy ulluiltei, BD EG S to announce to his Friends and Piatronis that he will D give a MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT (it havinig been suggested by several Gentlemen connected with tho Barony Church), in the VICTOIUA AssI:ImII.Y lROms, 235 Buchanan Street, on WEID)NESDAY EVENINCT, Iftn NovIn'lScEnt, whien ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOWV 0PEWN W11ITH flIME-NSE SUCCESS!1 JAMES COO NE'S ROYAL CIRCUS NICOLSON STREE, EDINBURGr. The most Extensive Stud of Highly-Trained | HORLSES AND BEAUTIFUL FAIRY PONIES, And the most nnumerous Corps of EQUESTRIANS. TIGHT ROPE DANCERS, INFANT ACTORS, &c., in Europe. Also, TWVO ROYAL PERFORMING ELEPHANTS The Attractions of the Arena will consist of the most exhilarating displays of Seenie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTERN BANEK OF SCOTLAND, GLAsaow, 14th November 1854. E'I: .CTO)RS bert-by in that DOwALD SxtnTr' hsresigned the Oice of MANAGER of the g BA; OY SCOTLA;D, in conseulence of the much- retrett stateS hiris heaHlth; and that JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., has been appointed Mfanag7er in his steadi. By order ?? Board. JOHIN BUCHANAN, Secretary. P)A.TRB;IOT IC' F IJ D. N 0 T I C E. irSTETS and MISTRESSES ate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R AZ ING AND ARABE R FAR AS IN ARGYLLSHIRE AND BUTE. TO BE L 1T, from VWhitsuiday next, 1855; t hose ill r T Argyilshrir'e for Nine, and those in Bate for Twelve Years:-f PARISH OF KILMu.'. t 1. GLENMAS TSN and) Supposed to contain n nt less than C'1I:INTAI 1SON, f 3200 I mpi.. Acrc. 2. SIll ;NLOINA (:I, lb. do. d 3 3 di), 3. 1 S JVE ,CIIAP'L E, I oo. do. 1112 do. P 1AiISHI OF )UUNOON. 4, ...