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... DAIRY AND BREWING VESSELS. MESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD are far cored with instructions from Mr. Sampson, of Mount Pleasant, Church Broughton (who giving his Farm favour of his Nephew, and the latter removing his Stock from Chaddesdcn), SELL by AUCTION, MONDAY, the 6lh November. 1854, the whole of his valuable Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, consisting useful in-calf dairy cows, fresh barren cows, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO EMI sUSft-cm EJ rje ndersignled DISPATCH Fothrc LIVERPOOL TONE I, Tote' BALLY'b TH paossai WASHINGTON &,BLUE 'ALLINE OF arrival TO PILADL HA on heis ofevery month, byth . BLACK DIAMIOND' LINE OF PACKET. a~t T TO NEW ORLEANS, weekly durnng the 550500 ,0.U j~aNN.B on he th nd 20th of each MOnt~yhS.JH .AN ~IERPOLLINE OF PACKETS. Betsseoured by remitting Xi fer each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A FEW ENCLOSED BERTHS AT £16.. 6Ss. the AGLE lNW~~F;PACTS TOE AUSTRALIA; cl. To the ciis600iMQ6t ol' Brl~bt, 0Brothrs, nd Co. landiag~theii ad-gd ifjgIrnediately on the vysanl'i fih rriIvalin- FOR~flBa. MELBOUTRNE, ay iorarin psngers to Sydney anad Adlaidei Nul of The colobrated olippar eship there.- * E AG L E, 1,500 tons. anal. captain BOYCE; tenor ~~~~~30th of November. aray AppOYt2BS, B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMPORTANT PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT.-- ,3 DISPOSAiLoftheARGYLL GENERAL MOURNING WARE. ROUSES, MANTLE, and MILLINERY ROOMS, 216and 2ii, REtent.5Y5t ;,esre. 13. NICHOLSON have been the proverbial introinrera ofi MtOVELTIES and isnprovements ?? fabrics perfectedlndregis. I tered cloths, silks, mantles, &c., of trancelidant merit and excel' lence. The products of their ?? out to the firstfaboicants; hat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STEVENS and SON, 78, Bishopsgate-street Within. PORTS, from the wood, 24s., 27s., l0SO per Dozen. Ditto, Very choice, 35s. per Dozen. Ditto, Superior old crusted, 3Cs. per Dozen. Ditto, very superior, 4 to 7 years in bottle, 42s., 44s., 48s. per Dozen. SHERRIES-Fine Wines, 24s., 27s., 30s. S6o. per Dozen. Ditto, Highest qualitet', 42e.. 45a., 48s. per Dozen. Marsala-Finest imported, 24a. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USTRALIAN LINE of PACKETS. -For A D l)NEY Direct, the m2gnificent, new, clipperbuilte ship OANYSSFDE, 3.5,=A I, 1-230 tons register, D. P. tRAMHIALL, Co;mander; lying in the London Docks. This splendid vessel has bandsome csbin accommodations, and will take a limited number of ;binplasengers at4O guineas each. For termsof freightandpaseage apply to I)EVITT and MOORE, 9, Bil1ter.strect; or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tTEDGES and BUTLER. wine merchants, ?? _LiJ_15. Regent-Etrect, London, and 22. King's-road, Brightson 1origioally estattishitiedA.D. i6117).- GORDON'S GULDEN SHtERtit' N0. pe oan suerpiror ditto, :36R., of sa-ft an full flavour; Anton. tilado aherry (a deliateit, pale, dry wine for invalids), 48s. and 60s.; Plauania, ide. to 7ia.; oid Fort, trom. firmt-.rate shippers, Sis., The. _ 42g., and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A TALE OF P1ATOS. Complete in One Volume, handsomely bound in red cloth, and beautifully Illustrated by F. Gilbert, Price 6& cd., Post- free, 7s. 6d, O S A L A M B E B T .\ . By GEenon W. H. REYNsora : This is a domestic tale, pourtriying the trials, failings adven- tures, sufferings, and experiences of a poor clergyman's daughter. The same readers who, by hundreds of thousands, regarded MAR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SE T M A 1-1 G A N Y C H A I R S, LOO AND) I'PEMBROKE TABLES THIRtEE AND TWO-l)OOR BOOKCASES, A (The Property of a P'arty Eoldurating to Anstralia.) WI are instructed to Sell, at 11 Virginia Street, To-DayA (Monday) the 27th November, at Twelve o'clock exact, of rTIIE Whole llt)USE FURS N ITU RE, including Three and 7 1 Two-Door Bookcases with Chifforlier Beneath, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r :K~otict,%.. rOTJCE.-AI1 persions having any CLAIMS . N9 egainsi the1;8TATE of the Lte STEPiEN THOMAS 1,ipLE;Y GAY. of Downend, in t~ae county of Gloucester,. 'S;Oioner ed pprlse, ae ttueted th edte eame to thbe gxctY T O B U I L D E R S .-Parties wiling to CONTRACT fogr the several Wotke to be done In Altering pi~nlarglng the Publio Library. maty inspect the Plane end ee~fcstictOD5 at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IR1 ~'NHEAD DOCKS and LIVERPOOL J3 DOCKS (Amsklgamatiofl of' inter s~ts of Dirkceirhead Doc~k Vorp~uly arid Birkeirhoad Dock Trust, triansfeir of Trust Proporty and iteclaiiic I Liurd to New Comipany, esirstitutlion of New Corn- parry, pursers of lease to or amualgamationi with various companies and Undies, atteriltion of Liverpool Dock Races, aind repeal arid amendmilrent of Acta).-Notice is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !7ALEFOLD SORES AT GOSPiIIT. ADMIRALLTY SoOIIORET-FLACE, Nov. IQ, 1854. £C Dii;Aiqiolfrs for Executing the Office oft 11 dlo~ f thtie Tltod Kingdom of Great Britain crlV mo noltice, that On'Thursday, the 7th Do- -~v 'lc t noon, thle Captain-Superlnturn- 11 ?? Victualling-yard,c toSALC - T)IE, 0Orlel ?? ron Loll 1 Olt ib-o. paymatstor's ne~ots ol pro~~l0~~ bsollit in thle said yardi I:t ie h ...