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Advertisements & Notices

... 13 GgzAT 1ARLBOROTEE ShRhET. I HURST and BLACKETT (SUCCESSORS TO MR1E COLBURN), pATE JUST PUBLISHIED THE, OLLOWING NEW WORKS. HoME LIFE in RUSSIA. By 2 RVssIAN NOBLE. Revised by the Editor of ,Revelations of Siberia.' 2 vols. 21s. This swror give. a very interesting and graphic account of the manners and customas of the ?? people. The most in- teresliocrn and amnusing parts of the work 'Till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVERPOOL JOURNAL AND SUPPLE- CONTAINING TWELVE PAGES, PRICE 4id., Is Fuoblisedl eevery Satuirdaty Afesis9 itt tilte for de-ptakh bp the ces-fy Mails, at thc Of fioo, 2?,, Lard-otreet. T HEE JOURtiAL possesses the largest circulation of any 1 Wef kly Paper in Livernol, end its columns present to Adver- tisors the mest eligible mcdnrm for giving the greatest publicity to all classes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TME CURABLIUr OF CONSUM~PTION, 'I Just Publlshed, new- and Improved edition, Prrice ?? pETN ?? o Ppespesntngth matprmiet Bu~d Li npors~n praties ponts n th tratmet ofthedlaeaae.' TO~ 33OOSELLERUS 1W TOWN AND COUNTRY. - ~HE Bookselllog Trade Is informed that on Monday, the 13th of T5 Noes'mbsr, Nto. I, Part I, and Vol. I. of the 1Home Circls JC will, be re-issored mard C~ontiuod weekly and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an ~ REHEAD DOCKS and LIVERPOOL B' .F DC KM 3 (Amalgamation of interests of Birkenhead Dock Comipany and Birl-ccolhad Dock Trust, tranofer of' Trust Property or acid Itoclainmed Laud to New Company, constitution of New Coni- Apony, powvero of leaso to or amialgamnation with various companics and bodies, alte~ration of Liverpool Dock Rates, and repeal ,and ?? afriendiarcut of Acts).-Noticois ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. This day is published, price INs. Gd., iT I E Q UiET II E A R T. i JL ?? the Author of Katie Stewart, (Origin lily published in Blackwoed's Magazine.') ! Williamil Blackivowl anid Sons, Edinburgh ands Lonaoi. This (lay is published, il a haldsome folio volume, price 123., con- tainling upwards of Six Hundred Wood Engraviags, IOTURES of LIFE and CHARACTERih, from I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROTAL, DRURY-LANE. I M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS. For One Month only. First Appearance of Madame ANNA TlILLON. t The Programmo is changed Every Evening. PROGRAMME for THIS EVENING, Thursday, Nov. 2. PART I. t Overture, Earyanthe ?? 'Weber. Quadrille, from Rosaini's opera, Le COD te Ory 4(second time) ?? Jullien, Syrmphony, ?? from ?? Symphony Beethoven. Sehottische, the Moldavian ?? Jullien. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G¶IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. b Truvellere procetditng to the Contirent, Fast, Constantinuple, the olnni , America, &e., can PROCURE CIRCULAR NOTES o] XjO annd £: iscb payable at ail the principal towns without dedu-i tion; al) lfreign money of every sountry, at the Bullion and Bk-n.~u viice. 1W, Lombard streat.-A)ANJ cPISLMANN and Co. £ I A UST'PRIAN and all other COUPONS due and be- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONVEYAN.CE of HERIMAJESTY'S MAlLS C IIETVEEN AiOEP.I2EN and LF~IIWI-J b2 STEAM. Deprtmnt if ?? fec Victu~lliuv aridl~ranaprort, I nrpatl ces, Stai erset-hotuse, Nov'ember 20, 1~51. * The ?? re for eeeting Itho ffitce of Lord High Admiral: of the Unitet Ijingilom of Great Britain and Ir-elandl do 1I EROEBY, GINVE NOTICE that On THURhSDAY, the 41h January, 1853, at: Io'ctlck, tlhey cviii be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMIES THOMSON and Co.'s LONDON LINE i of PACNFT SlllPS.-The following eupetior first class SHIPS, wll known for their fast-sailing qualities, have excellent Accommo. dotions for a limited number o1 Passengers, and will be despatched mender: Ship. Toens Destination. Docks. pioneerlscrewst. 800 Cape of Good Hop:i East India. telpofaene ?? 40n) lelbourne, Port BhPllip London Tersa Kerr ?? 416 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ga L YA. SNE WINTER TALMA, for ?? L . Getleme ?? la anwyivn amn N..cornstructed from a very great variety of every novel material, tcx.' abay pressly adapted for thie season. Nothing can exceed the beauty and y~o~n rtyle Of this article, which is adapted equally for Gentlemen's anu hneYouths' deoption.-L. HYAM, Tailor, Clothier, and General out. lend fitter, 86, Gracechurch-strect, City. asey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1JFORNIA Direct.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS.1i ,fh DUNS 1NDLE has room for a few tons of meosurement d (jOsding in the Loudon Dock).-Apply to JAMES THOMSON Ind te Cc. q 6, Bi utor-uare, Agents for the ?? Californian line of paC~etsblp5._ AES THOMSON and Co.s LONDON LINE 1 f PAC;ET SflIPS.-fDirect for MELBOURNE, Fort Phillip tU *p as;grer 30 Gatiness), the fine British clipper ship MEL. a,;oto harden, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POETOTHEATRE ROYAX, ADERpHI, PRoOerT OR. RB. W R RE-DIRECTRESS. MI)ME. CELBT3T.- 'n MORROW, nud during th w ileek wlt be presented the co- Messrg alled TH7 E SERIOUS FAXILY. Characters b Regers, GadLeigh Hurras- Paul Bedford Selby. Parsolle, . Keeley Wo on Bomer Smith, Woolear, Waye. &c.- Mesdlaees law, ?? r MarY kelete, Leigh Murry., Ly~an all- FlOE TAkV ToYheL o llowed y ?? BA. ...