Advertisements & Notices

... Q TLEMENT'S CHU RC HLEVElkSTREET. On Sunday morning next, the 12lth inst. a SERMON will' F be preached (nv..) by the Rev. DAVID A. DOUDNEY, curate of xpe Bnmateon, county Waterford, editor of the 11Gospel Magazine, A the Bonmahon editions of Gill's Commentary, Gill on the - Canticles, Keach on the Metaphors, Hawker's Portions, &o. r' A collection will be made in aid of the Bonmahon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~'7oo11 'SAUTSTRALIAN LINE Direc1),,t for GEELONG, Por h~p 1 ~ihl ' avimconsiderable portion of tier cargo I! . t~1t~hbtikclpper barqtuo ALICE MAUD, l j oisoil WINN, C0oinniander ~ i0 l~ ievc'00 w Inost elegast ac. 10 raidis notedt for tier reiiiarkably and passage apply to Dovilt ,SOR' AjtJSTRALIAN LINE -p 1~ ~ ?? pORT, PIILLIP direct, with .i)eraK ortonof ber cargo l i- 00 ?? o' regttter, W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bonnet, Shawl, and Dress Warehouse, 33, UNION STREET, AsERDEEN. ISAAC MATHIESON respectfully intimates that the follow- ogD form part of his recent Selections, and the Prices are most advantageous to purchasers:- Cloak VELVETS, Black and Fancy MANTLE CLOTHS. Black and Coloured VELVETS, SATIN, TERRY, PLUSH, and other Fancy BONNET MATERIALS, with RIB- BONS, FLOWERS, and FEATHERS, to correspond. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r A1 EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN.-THIS 'VENING .(Wedne3day), Nov. 8,- 1854, the performances will commence with Shakspeare'3 Play of THE MERCHANT OF VENICE.-Shylack, Mr T Mend; Bassa'lo A Mr Heir; Antonio,' Mr Rickards; Launcelot Gobbo, Nr' Ellerton; Portia, Miss Mortyn; Ncrriesa, Miss J Marston; Jessica, Mrs. Bromuley. T' conclude with tbe Faiyv Burlesque Eitrsvaganza of ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WERE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. AM Communications, and articles of Intelligence, intended for I publication, require to be authonticated by the name and I address of the writer. Unless this is attended to, Conres- pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. 3 We find it necessary to intimate that we can receive no Advertisements for publication after Seven ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JO11N SELLERS, r TDECEASED. LL persons having demands upon the Estate of I A3 JOHN SELLERS, late of Sandy Brook, in the C Parish of Ashborne, in the County of Derby, joiner and li bricklayer, deceased, are requested to deliver to us, the I undersigncd, the particulars of their Claims, in order Is that such Claims may be discharged, if it shall be ascer- C tained that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bjp Muction, SALE TFlLS DAY. AUCTION OF QEBEc PIN-E TIMBER. T T IEY WILL SELL BY ATJC st610N, on \i'VEDNRSDAY (T HIS DAkY). the Sa instant> at PRtINCE'S 1)00K.t }F:o'~lc (tiosneiltateiy after Messrs. J at GNE O'clock S ci. \Iardletets About 328 Piecs Yellow PINE TDIBER, Of good average, Ex Je7s4 an4d lfafV, fr-om Quebec. IL C. CLARKE, Auctioneer. Belfast, Nor. 2, lS54. .-2.9 SALE TO-MORROW. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Poor's Assessment-St. Bricholas or City Parish, ABERDEEN, Year etading 4te Jicae, 1855, payatbe 2d October, 1854. N terms of Iostsuctions from the Parochial Board of &aid 1 Parish, INTIMATION IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALL ASSESSMENTS, yet unsettled, must be paid at this Office, on or before the Ist December, 1854. Such Assessments as shall not have been paid at that date will be immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUS OF THE Banff, fi!acduf, and Turriff 3unotion Railway, Leaving the Great Forth of Scotlatdl Railweay 'aear Pitcaplc. CAPITAL, £120,000-DIVIDED INTO 12,000 SEARES OF £10 EACH. T is proposed to construct a Railway, for the accommodation of those parts of the Countios of Aberdoon and Banff lying to the Nortb-cast of the Groat North of Scotland Line, under the auspices of that Company ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t Be~Waeut triee. THE ROYAL ALBERTA CLOAK, registered. T manufactured, and sold only by FARMER and ROGERS in all the newest and most admired materials suitable for autumn wear. Especial attention is requested to their general fashions for thiI monit in cloaks and mantles, comprising all the newest productions oftho, most celebrated artists of Paris and London, including manI a rechercho shapes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MESSRS. MOODY AND NEWBOLD. LECTURE HALL, WARDWICK, DERBY. aI ESSRS. MOODY and NEWBOLD beg to announce M that they are instructed by the Executors of Mrs. P. MOSLEY, late of Friar-gate, Derby, to SELL by AUC- A t TION, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 15th and 16th November, 1854, the major part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Bed-room Items, Glass, China, and Kitchen Requisites, removed for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Expected to arrive shortly from Hamburg, and will havo pn tmmediate despatch. to For PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAYTI, t 1 The line flrstolhss Danish Brig fer COLUMBUS, Y& id .App-y no EXANL'E ALLEN & Co. 1, Coolk-street; or to Ai -M'LARTY & CO. 4, Drury Lane, Liverpool. of A FEW ENCLOSED BERTHS AT £16. ts,. ; , EAGLE LINE OF PACKETS FOR AUSTRALIA. r To the consignment of Bright, Brothers, and Co. ...