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Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & KENNEDY'S NOVEMBER LIST OF GR nA.T BA RG AI N SI 1DHILIP & KENNEDY have muccl pleasure in announcing. in -IL their havinig bo.ugt vey largely at tberecent PauloePrics, most ad coasequent on the rise of Provisions. CIO Ocur miotto is to Sell, and Sell accordingly we will, at such Bla prices as the discerning Public of Aberdeenshire will rarely meet with again. List as below will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSIAN W.AR A T E N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other P BRUSHES, superior to the best Russian Bristles, and one-half the price. soo Observe! J. BARSHIAM, Patent,, is on each Erush. then Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARSROD, Falcon Square, Thr london, who are the Manufacturers of the Tar 'PATENT INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS, Vic Best and Cheapest Modo of Cleaning Knives with economy and visi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOWV 0PEWN W11ITH flIME-NSE SUCCESS!1 JAMES COO NE'S ROYAL CIRCUS NICOLSON STREE, EDINBURGr. The most Extensive Stud of Highly-Trained | HORLSES AND BEAUTIFUL FAIRY PONIES, And the most nnumerous Corps of EQUESTRIANS. TIGHT ROPE DANCERS, INFANT ACTORS, &c., in Europe. Also, TWVO ROYAL PERFORMING ELEPHANTS The Attractions of the Arena will consist of the most exhilarating displays of Seenie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WESTERN BANEK OF SCOTLAND, GLAsaow, 14th November 1854. E'I: .CTO)RS bert-by in that DOwALD SxtnTr' hsresigned the Oice of MANAGER of the g BA; OY SCOTLA;D, in conseulence of the much- retrett stateS hiris heaHlth; and that JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., has been appointed Mfanag7er in his steadi. By order ?? Board. JOHIN BUCHANAN, Secretary. P)A.TRB;IOT IC' F IJ D. N 0 T I C E. irSTETS and MISTRESSES ate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R AZ ING AND ARABE R FAR AS IN ARGYLLSHIRE AND BUTE. TO BE L 1T, from VWhitsuiday next, 1855; t hose ill r T Argyilshrir'e for Nine, and those in Bate for Twelve Years:-f PARISH OF KILMu.'. t 1. GLENMAS TSN and) Supposed to contain n nt less than C'1I:INTAI 1SON, f 3200 I mpi.. Acrc. 2. SIll ;NLOINA (:I, lb. do. d 3 3 di), 3. 1 S JVE ,CIIAP'L E, I oo. do. 1112 do. P 1AiISHI OF )UUNOON. 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IHE ANNUAL GENERAL COURT O, PROPRIETORS S CO'TTISIH UNION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ; COMPANY will be held in thae C OMIIPANY'S Ocrinu, 47 (-EoIoIO STREiET, Edintburgh, on Tl c ldeselay thc/ ( 7lt day qf Dec'wber neXt, at Two o'clock Afternoon, in 1 terms of t the Comipany's Cltrttwr. G' E IOIGE RAMSAY, Manlag-er. E .dinburgh, 47 George Street, November 20, 15. J MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONVERSATION FRANCAISE L'EX 11IBITI ON DE , 'A nI S. )ARTIES wvlo are goiig to the Paris Exhibition, ami visi- 1 ing to make themselves uniderstood, may join one of Monsieur Din KLUJERY'S FltENCII CONVERSATION CLASSES, whose beginning is the start from Glasgow till Paris. Every uicesary ?? scquircd in very easy niethod, cxplailled and learned, only in conversing, without dillieultics. Tine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBCl C, SALF OF | EXCELLENT IIOUSI.I-OLD FURNITURE, (Ciidler Wurw','oIt frout thc IS/ieri/') INES.;S. M''l'lE.AR & KEMlIT will Sell, by Aliction, T' A1 in 144 l Queen Street, oin \'ednesday 22d November, at T Twelvo o'clock, Excellent IlOUSEhI0LD FUIRNIT'URtE, ocl] comprisng Dlahugiauiy and Birch 'Tables, Chairs aid Sofas, co. Large Press Bed, Mahogany and Birch Te'nt and French Bed- -- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILE FOLL0 11INO AD JETJTISE,3MENTS JEACILED US 'OO LATE FO1' .LSE ?IeONL Z OUR EAlRL 1' EDITIOYN - rOUND, a'TEUtlER BITCH. If not Claimed in Eight F Days, will he sold to pay expenses. Apply at 101 Rlenlield Street. W ANTED to BORROW, for Five Years, THR1EE or W I FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, on the Security of a small Public Work in full operation. Interest at the rate of 6 per eommt. will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTl'ICE OF IOS'IPONEM IENT OF MAII()G'ANY AND OTIvrII. SALES AT LI VERPOOL, ;wm 'tlilS 22D ANI) 231) N U EEMBER TO '1T'1, 29TH ANtS l(;i1c NOVE,,MBER, 1854. rHlE, AUCTION SALESof BALTIC and AMERICAN \IIE ?? .MA lOGAN Y, and other I UR- \i 1 l: RE MW()VIS, advon-fised fior Sale ll, (i ednesdlay anid_ ?? the 22d cud 23d instant, n re P UST- P ONE until 1 the following reek, viz., WVE ItSDiAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPETS. 9G BUCHANAN STREET. T & R. RICHMOND & CO. beg respectfully to call the J. * attention of PURCHASERS OF CARPETS to their New and very Extensive Stoelc, whiel hlas been car efully selected from all the best makers in the trade. Many of the Patterns are exceedingly beautiful, and, having beenl Designed, Coloured, and Manufactured to their especial orders, can therefore only be sold by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIANO-FORTES. A FEW vnry Superiur COTTAGE PIANOS, r ale of tii fyelcctcd neaterials, 6 ;s and 7 Octaves. rices cxtreliely dieriate. HU GI AIS ; 63 Cathedral Street. Foll SALE, 13Y PRIVATE BARGAIN, A GENTLEMAN'S TOOL CHIEST,'almost Now. May A be sueen at 7 Nichelsons Street. T ''RRSTE . FRAMES FOR SAL'E.0 S EVEN FRlAMiES, 35 feet 8 iii. over all, 300 Spdles. c el ae =2100 Spdlics. ; ...