Advertisements & Notices

... Iv 0o060t110etn1 of the entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty Qh&Yhreprictorsoftho 'IVANCESSTER ExAMlNRR j;DTimeS havO adopted a Soad of Charges for Short Announo montg, which gives to thlat class of advertisers tho beneOit of eonsiderably more than ar the amount of duty repealed. The low est price for the shortost a Advortisemnt has hitherto boen Threc Shillings end Sixabsce nE The chargo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 011R SU3SCRIBERS. Ar the urgent request of many of our warmest sup- porters, andl in order to supply the subscribers to the Xeas-Letaer weith diaily intelligence, during the continuance o)f tihe present war, without, at thie same time, disturbing existing arrangetlents, we beg to annuunce our itention of issuing, from the 5th dlay of Decemnber ensuing, on the alternate (lays of pub- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSIAN WAR. P0- A TE N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other~~ 1'BRUSHES, supcrior to the best Russian Bristles,oanud1 olle-half the price. tion Observe! J. BARSIIAM, Patent, is on each Brush. th Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARIIol, Falcon Square, the London, who are the Manufacturers of the rival PATEINT INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS,p p'lm Best and Cheapest Mode of Cleaning Knives wvithl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT. REPEAL OF ACT. EXTENSION OF BOROUGH LIMITS. NEW STl REE'lTS. ALTERATION OF RATES, &c. N OTICE is hereby GIVEN, that it is intended to aq apply to Parliament in the next session for an Act for all or some of the following amongst other pur- poses:- 1. lo repeal the Local and Personal Act of the 6th George the 4th, cap. 132, for better paving and otherwise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY DONATIONS TO THE PATRIOTIC FUND. Advertised last week (not in Street Lists) £266 16 9 Collected by Mr. hladeley, Mr. Pike, and Mr. Mlalin. D Dstrict.-R otte n-row, Corn-martet, T Tnorntreeelane, and Albtert-street. Amount previously advertised - £91 9 6 ServantsatMrstaS - I Brush Maker's So- trill's, Kings Head 1 5 9 1 ciety - . 1 9 0 Vrs. Bateman, Lit- Mr.. l. olmese(2nd church - - 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATR B ROYAL, DUB:LIN. TTHIS EVENING (Wednesday), Nov. 22d, the per- formances will commence with Shakspearn's Tragedy of RICHARD THETHIRD.-Riohard theThird, Mr Mead; Earl of Richmond, Mr J Webster; Henry the Sixth, Mr Rickardsj Duke of Buckingham, Mr Bellair; Queen Eliza- ,betb, Mhiss Jackson; Lady Anne, Miss Mortyn. To conclude with the Fairv Burlesque Extravaganza of ONCE UPON A TIME ...

Advertisements & Notices

... isOR SWAN RIVER (to sail 15th December), the ine iast-saling tealk ship LADY AMHERST, 600 tontm, DAV1D jID, ceauander, lying in the London Docke. This shiphas excel. lent atczomnudati3O for ?? freight or passage apply to E LG ATE rnd Co., 4, Clerment's-lane, Lombard.street. C ALIFORNIA Diract.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS. The IUNSANDLE baa room for a fewv tons of mesurement oodsading in the Loadon Dock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' DRESSES.-PATTERNS sent postagel free. Fashbionble Check Silk Dresse s ?? £1 6 9 the full dress. Real French Merins, in every cololr.. 0 IS 9 ditto. ?? (l~ie ]tahvrcolugh with silk)j One Guinea. All the Pewt falbrics in dress, ribbons, iaee. hosiery, &o., at ecqually be ?? WHITE siS COMIPY., 192, Regent-street. bhl otb RENCH GOODS.-J. GRAHAM'S Autumn F Parchases are now complete and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D INNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA. An te j) excellent Remedy for Acidities, Heartburn, Headache, Goat, 'C an Iniligestion. e S, As o 31ildl Aperle't, it to admirably adapted for children, and for dellctte teetnles,l),rticularly dtiring pregnancy. Combined with the P ACIlULtATE)LEMONSYRUP. ItfornisanEffervesclngAperient :0 Draught, which is highly agreeable and efficacious. From the numerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & KENNEDY'S NOVEMBER LIST OF GR E A T B A R G A I N S! 131LITP & KENNEDY have much pleasure in announcing XL their having bought very largely at the recent Panio Prices consequent on the rise of Provisions. P jco, Our motto is to Sell, and Soll accordingly we will, at such Mont prices as the discerning Public of Abordeenshire will rarely meet with again. in a Listas below will be found ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .-O'f1 MERICAN ROYAL * ~ifappinted bV thle Adnmiralty to N 41. ~ U'-105,callilig at tIALIFAX to II ~ ?? Ilaill x Thle follow- p ?? ?? Ito silfrli Liverpool- rlvDecettiberflIt, ~ ilQ~> 0 ?? 2' ii~ ieiird~ice ad provisilon,, hut be e~tiid en board :-To ft sa 'freit fieGuiine~as; Second vhrgd Sact. Slus. parcels, 5S. ?? ~ pply to J. B.Fon1 2 e s ud hflitax; S. S. esB- D ~ tcainric HilaIre, and 17 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATREI ROYAL, MIANCHESTER. Tfl EVENING (Wednesday), Nov. 22, 1854 ' T 's IXCIA. DI L&AILMEUtsIOO. tlb TO.MORR~OW (Thturedeyl, for the BENEFIT of Madamno pr RUDERSDOU~F, will bo produced Meyerbeer's Opera, t .ROBERT LE DIABLE. On FRIDAY, a favourite Opera. Boa-office open daily, from oleven till two o'clock. Di THEATRE ROYAL, MANCHESTER. jjADAME RUDERSDORFF respectfully M11 announoes her ...