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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - wa n .. ca id OR H. P. PRIEST'S PROPERTY CIRIU- 'l ir.L LAR address H. P. Priest, Market-cross-cliambers, he ed Mrket-street, Birkenhead. PC tr- ARTISTS' COLOURS, CANVAS, AND fr It BRUSHXES. FROM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I L L I A-M W I L 8 0 N (late Hall and Wilson) is now Selliug- 09 all his Vluable Stock of II PATENT IRON BEDSTEADS, at a considerable reduction, for sash. -60, ning-Mtreet, Manchester. fl ?? ?? r A.d'l AT R1DARfor : NUIGGINW6 ISLE OF MAN ALMANAC and TIDE i TABLE for 1855.,Agent for Preeton and the Deibourhood, Donsox and SON, Booksellers, 23, Fisher- gate, Pleton _ I gate, rrestol, W I V L L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13 GgzAT 1ARLBOROTEE ShRhET. I HURST and BLACKETT (SUCCESSORS TO MR1E COLBURN), pATE JUST PUBLISHIED THE, OLLOWING NEW WORKS. HoME LIFE in RUSSIA. By 2 RVssIAN NOBLE. Revised by the Editor of ,Revelations of Siberia.' 2 vols. 21s. This swror give. a very interesting and graphic account of the manners and customas of the ?? people. The most in- teresliocrn and amnusing parts of the work 'Till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iv 0o060t110etn1 of the entire repeal of the Advertisement Duty Qh&Yhreprictorsoftho 'IVANCESSTER ExAMlNRR j;DTimeS havO adopted a Soad of Charges for Short Announo montg, which gives to thlat class of advertisers tho beneOit of eonsiderably more than ar the amount of duty repealed. The low est price for the shortost a Advortisemnt has hitherto boen Threc Shillings end Sixabsce nE The chargo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !dumpi~ 3!toab Notfrt%. EESWOODHOUSE-OABR, anti MEAN- I DEo ,fl`TItNPII(E ROAD.-NOTICE isherebyiven itT sarisiig, trace thle Toll-gates and Chains upon thle said tl otieyar (licce Thon~slud Eight Hiundred seed1 Fifty-live, will forl _Ci r Iot to ties best bidder, at the Bail ?? Mouth t- LET. 1,iggltor cst L euds, on ?? esrsdac, luce Tirestieti dciv of tielicrso1eee se teeleoloele inthee in' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO CASH BUYERS.. SIMPSON, HIUNTER & YOUNG RE dlaily receiving ?? ?? ?? in all their different de- A. i.C ttneiits, and these being bought principally by the I Partners themselves in the best nmarkets for CASH, they are ] enabled to offer those who miay honour them with a call Goods, t I which, for style, quality, and chlcapness, are not to be surpassed in the Trade. The following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. This day is published, price INs. Gd., iT I E Q UiET II E A R T. i JL ?? the Author of Katie Stewart, (Origin lily published in Blackwoed's Magazine.') ! Williamil Blackivowl anid Sons, Edinburgh ands Lonaoi. This (lay is published, il a haldsome folio volume, price 123., con- tainling upwards of Six Hundred Wood Engraviags, IOTURES of LIFE and CHARACTERih, from I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONVEYAN.CE of HERIMAJESTY'S MAlLS C IIETVEEN AiOEP.I2EN and LF~IIWI-J b2 STEAM. Deprtmnt if ?? fec Victu~lliuv aridl~ranaprort, I nrpatl ces, Stai erset-hotuse, Nov'ember 20, 1~51. * The ?? re for eeeting Itho ffitce of Lord High Admiral: of the Unitet Ijingilom of Great Britain and Ir-elandl do 1I EROEBY, GINVE NOTICE that On THURhSDAY, the 41h January, 1853, at: Io'ctlck, tlhey cviii be ...


... DERBY DONATIONS TO THE PATRIOTIC FUND. Advertised last week (not in Street Lists) £266 16 9 Collected by Mr. hladeley, Mr. Pike, and Mr. Mlalin. D Dstrict.-R otte n-row, Corn-martet, T Tnorntreeelane, and Albtert-street. Amount previously advertised - £91 9 6 ServantsatMrstaS - I Brush Maker's So- trill's, Kings Head 1 5 9 1 ciety - . 1 9 0 Vrs. Bateman, Lit- Mr.. l. olmese(2nd church - - 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1JFORNIA Direct.-NOTICE to SHIPPERS.1i ,fh DUNS 1NDLE has room for a few tons of meosurement d (jOsding in the Loudon Dock).-Apply to JAMES THOMSON Ind te Cc. q 6, Bi utor-uare, Agents for the ?? Californian line of paC~etsblp5._ AES THOMSON and Co.s LONDON LINE 1 f PAC;ET SflIPS.-fDirect for MELBOURNE, Fort Phillip tU *p as;grer 30 Gatiness), the fine British clipper ship MEL. a,;oto harden, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or igEATRE kOYA L, D UB L I N. 'I THIS EVENING (Thursday), Nov. 23d, the per- formnces' will commence with Shakspear's Play of -THJ TEMPEST.-Prospero, Mr- T Mead; Ferdinand, Mer F lHustleby; Caliban, Mr Rickatds; Trioculo, Mr Ellerton; Ariel, Miss Lanza; Iris, Miss F Cruise; Jun), Miss J (,ruise; Miranda, Miss Mortyn. To be followed by a Graind Ballet Divertissement, in which 31dlle Ernestine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Voi ?? I-tat. Leedsa. By Aleoro. IIADOV~iCat the ,io ut rt. Will. Slvftb, th e 15IIOek 1854I. ottsix 00 ii ec.ite im-it xtiiao lC follo If orsti~t ot/tuc toi Ds Ii..sY ho agreedl upon01 at tt:0 !c150 Lof1., LL those -FO UR 11ES S UA GE S tor/gi Lot i j roiell 110lloues, PI' ~tit ituatte at ItichtOinon-hl/lt, In irettle ifowotoLd, ant. ft nirrng Fo.rt of lthonltt~e eel~ Wall thle otbitjldtngs, ...