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Advertisements & Notices

... PATRIOTIC FUND. PARISH OF PETERCULTER. JOHIN THURBURN, Esq., of Murtlo, £10 0 0 e Col. Kyle of Bingbill, - 3 0 0 Alexander Gordon, Esq., as Tenant of Mains of Cul0or, second subscription, - 2 0 0 Jolm Glennie, Esq., Konnerty, - * 3 0 0 Miss Davidson, do., 1 0 0 Miss Hector, do., 1 0 0 Miss Mary Glennie, do., - * 0 10 0 Rcv. John Allan, Manso, - 2 0 0 Mrs Allan, do., - - 1 0 0 Master John Allan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DI N B UR R G B1 R IBLE So CIETY. E ANNUAL MEETIN,.: The ANNUAL MEETING of the above SOCIETY will (p v.) ile held in Qurts STREET HALL. on Teasrn the 19th De,.cember 1854- t The Right lion. LOB) PANINIURE in theChair. Particulakrs infuture Adcernisements. Ta Metng of the RO9YAL CALEDONIAN H1jUNT, A held at Edinburgh] u~pon Tuesday, the 12th current, pE.TH ?? fixed ns the place at which the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, AT ST. VINCENT CRESCENT, C N-.IFVERAl Street-D~oor HOUSES, with Sunk Flats, con- taoinislg9and10Apartmentseach. Also, FLATS, contain- j ,,Monts and Kitchen. Rcnts moderate. jie1r lot]ses are hanidsomely finished and fitted lp with all 1x til ilernl iinIIProvellsnits. SI Aly to Wylie & Mlitchell, Accountants, 54 St. Vinoenit ¢ T preseit to LET, that Large FLAT, No. 85 Trongate S j& ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIZE BEEF. JAMAES DIJNN, 10 Wellington Arcade, has much plea- J surc in announcing to his Ctstotlmers th1at lie has secured Two of tho most esteemned Prize Oxen exhibited at thle High- land Society's Show, at a cost of £90 for the pair, one of whyielh r is ready for Eale, mid the other will be exposed To-alorrow. Thesc splendid Animals were purchased from air. Robert I Forgie, Cattle Agent, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. S ALY of PROPERTY nt 220 High Street, advertised for S :Saie by the Subscribers, HAS BEEN SO(lD BY l'lIATE BARGAIN. GORDON & LEITCHI. 24th December, 1854. OST, on 'L'Tcesday Evening, botwveei St. George's Road L and Stockwell Strect, an Oval White CORNELI AN BROUCO(' withj Forget-mec-not il centcc. AInY persoll re- turning it to Mr. L. Aitehison, Jeweller, 56 Argyll Street, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SU B SC R I PT ION S IN AID OP NANN THE PAT RIO T IC F U ND; AND TO W AR DS MAINTAINING T TEIE WIVEl'S AND 0311L1)3'EN OF SOLDIERS, SAILORS, AND MARINES PRESENTLY SERVING IN TIHE EAST, In conformity ivith. the Resolutions of the Gcncral M;eeting held in Glasgow, on Gth Norvcnbcr, 1854. Itt ronjUt7njR1Y 71t6tM ae IUat Amount of Subscriptiotis to 2d December, Incorporation of 'Iailors, £200 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL SECUIMI'IY SAVINGS BANK OF GLASGOW. * fmlyE NINETEENJ'iI ANNUIAL Alml-I-NG of this F BAN K will be liels in thle )1i orellulta' 11otuse, 70 llut- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |THlEATRE-ROYa.,W EDINBURGH. A TO-MlORROW EVENING will be produced THE NEW GRAND CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, and Founladd on Souithey's popular Nursery Story. with Gorgeous Scenery and Effecis. Neov Music, Machinery, and Dresses, THE ;entitled ttle TTHE THREE BEARS, OR LITTLE SILVEREsArR, AND THE FAIRIES OF THE ENCHIANTED FOREST, R Written by J. B. BUCKSTONE, Esq., Lessee of the Theatre- Royal. with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INVITATION. WOOLFIELD respectfully invites the Nobility, Gentry, is S InhabitanIts of Scotlanil, and the English aand Furcigo _ Visitors at present in Glasgow, to Inspect his ri ESTA131,1SIIMENT. In addition to the Varied laid Imnmtense Collection of t BRITISH and FOREIGN FANCY MANUFACTURES e nild WORKS of ART s forming the Ordinary Stock, und obtaining for it the undisputeda title of TIHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. BlE SALE of PR(.PE'RT1Y in AIRDRIE, called T 'QUARRIY IIOUSES, WILL NOT TAKIE PLACE N on the 24th January next, as Advertised in the Gtasgyo Iferald f (date the I11th inst. 11 Glasgow, 15th Dec., 1854. A. & J. GRAHAM. 7 T OTIUBi-In the second yeek of November last thbrn were 1\ dcllivv^rcd to no *le or morng 'jisTter s tof WNoollen Cloths at not ours. Tlhe owner is requnested to Call ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . R. IAUR[CE'S ESSAYS-lis a DOCTRINE OF MSACRIFICE, and all his other Publications, may be had of JAMES MACLEHOSE, 61 St. Vincent Street. r BRIGHT'S LETTER ON THE WAR. Nowy Rdeady, lIE LETTER of JOHN Bltil[IGT, Esq., M.P., on the T WAR. Verified aid Illustraited by extracts from the Parliamentary documilents. l6pp. octavo. Loudoni W \V. & F. G. Cash, Blishopgate Street Witlbout. Glasgow : ...