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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE MORlNING ADVERTISER. T the Meeting of the Proprietors of the Mfornsing Advertiser, at the London Tavern, on the 17th ult.-the largest of their body ever hold during the Sixty years of their Journal's existeico-tboy forssally pledged themselves to the Public that the Paper should continue to bc conducted on those popiclar and thoroughly independent principles which have during the last four ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Provision Trade. nFnE SUBSCRIBER has on band a Large Lot of SAITH, COD, IL LING,nand TUSK FISH. RED HERRINGS in small Boxes, five to the Barrel, and in Half and Whole Barrels; also Broke SALT HERRINGS, in Whole Barrels. Large Purchasers will find it advantageous to apply to the Subscribor,`as lIe nlways has on band by far the largest Stock in the Trade, and can supply almost any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen United Coal Fund New T Ei MANAGERS of this FUND, having resolved, at their H1EE H Half-Yearly Meeting, hold on MONDAY last the 4th inst., Sa fssako the usual Distribution of about S00 Bolls of COALS, Church z3euNg the Poor of tho City, in the course of the present month HOTRATI of December, earnestly appeal to the public for Contribu- ready in Nonsin aid of the small means at their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUS SIAN WAR. Tc P AT E N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other years BRUSHES, superior to the best Russian Bristles, asid othee one-half the price. coiisl Observe!l J. BARSEIAM, Patent,, is en each Brush. prese Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARsEOD, Faleon Square, Stree London, who are the Manufacturers of the PATENT INDIA RUBBERL KNIFE BOARDS,, Best and Cheapest Mode of Cleaning Knives with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T R I O T I C F U N FOR THE RELIEF OF Widows and Orphans of Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, AVWHO FALL IN TIHE PRESENT WAR, CITY OF ABERDEEN SUBSCRIPTION LIST. Amount formerly advertised in Journal £2110 7 9 Parties employed in connection with Mr Allardyce's Works at Clayhills 6 3 6 ODA\4 i-f.11 M- . .1- W-t D A+. I I a RSobert Findlay, Mar51ket Street I I. Vatto, Thomson, & Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF B OOES, BY AUCTION, AT 36, ST NICHOLAS STREET. 4 MURDOCH begs to intimiato that he has seen it to be A. advisablo to take out the Auctioneer's License, and will in future himself conduct the SALE of his BOOKS each lawful Evening. Amongst tho Books for this Evening are the following*- Dr Johnson's W~orks, 12 vols. Svo.-nsw, half morocco. Nelson's Despatches and Letters, 7 vols. 8vo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Communcaietons, and articles of Intelligence, Intended for publication, require to be authenticated by the name and address of the writer. Unless thisisattendedto, Corres- pondents may rest assured that no attention will be paid to their communications. i We find it necessary to intimate that we can receive no Advertisemonts for publication after Seven o'clock, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RUSSIAN WAR. P AT E N T COCOA FIBRE SCRUBBING and other years BRUSHES, superior to the best Russian Bristles, and otherE one-balf the price. esivin~ Observe! J. BARSHAM, patent, is on each Brush. preser Wholesale Agents, CROWDEN & GARlROn, Falconl Square, Street London, wbo are the Manufacturers of the `PATENT INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOARDS,, Best and Cheapest Mode of Cleaning Knives with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Evening Dress. M ESSRS PRATT & KEITH invite the attention of parties requiring Articles, suitable for EVENING DRESS, to their present Stock. It embraces an immenso variety in-- lJAA Light Fancy Dress Silks Dress Satins and Velvets ppoto X Rich Moire Antiques Tucked, Flounced, and Embroidered Robes, both in Not and Muslin STOCI French Muslins, Coloured, Wove Spots, and Flowers Printed Mnslius, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND, AND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, L8teablished A.D. 1815. Head Offlce-NVo. 5, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. AjikTIES proposing to become Members of this Society are Jr reminded that Policies opened before the close of the present ybar will rank at all future Divisions of Pr*fits as of a FULL YEAR'S STANDING ABOVE THOSE DELAYED TILL 1555. JOHN MACKENZIE, Manager. Edinburgh, Dec ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRIOTIC FUND. PARISH OF PETERCULTER. JOHIN THURBURN, Esq., of Murtlo, £10 0 0 e Col. Kyle of Bingbill, - 3 0 0 Alexander Gordon, Esq., as Tenant of Mains of Cul0or, second subscription, - 2 0 0 Jolm Glennie, Esq., Konnerty, - * 3 0 0 Miss Davidson, do., 1 0 0 Miss Hector, do., 1 0 0 Miss Mary Glennie, do., - * 0 10 0 Rcv. John Allan, Manso, - 2 0 0 Mrs Allan, do., - - 1 0 0 Master John Allan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORTH 3BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY. Isicorporated by Royal Charter and Sppciat Act of Parliament. 64, PRINCE'S STREET, EDIN.UURGH. LIFE INSURANCE. A UVY A L . ON U S. Policies effected befonr the 31st of December next will share In the Profits of Five Years at the Division in 185S; and, in the event of becoming claius earlier;, are guaranteed in a Prospee- tive Boeus of Ouc per Cent. onl the surm ...