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Advertisements & Notices

... THE MANCHESTER DAILY TIMES.- Pt I The commercial and social wants of so large and influential a community as Manchester has at length become, seem, sinperas - tively to require the establishment of a Local Daily Newspaper. B The rapidity with which intelligence of all kinds is now commu- nicated, the increasing desire on the part of the public to become acquainted, at the earliest possible ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEMeNT.] MAO'iFICE'NT CHRISTMAS PRESENT.-TiE WORKS OF EMISENT MASTERS-A work of more than ordinary beauty and interest. e It Is a very handsome volume, in imperial octavo, and contains e about 260 engravings, consisting of specimens of the choicest I works ofthoprincipal masters of various countries, ccoipsnied with portraits biographies, criticisms, &c Price, elegantly n bound In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OROUGH OF LIYERPODOL-.A F B PATRIOTIC FUND.-ROYAL COMMISSION towds'a Clay the RELIEF', EDUCATION, and -SUPPORT of the WDW W. I and ORPHANS of those SOLDIERS SAILORS, sad MA- SImI MINES of her Majesty's Armies and ieets who cey fail in battle or die in active scrvice during th P1`51inrtb W a ul Books to receive the names of donorS sulko at the Town Hall, the several Banks, the Newoo ' NewsJoh ...


... E ONE PENNY, D OBSON AND SON'S HOUSEHOLD ALMANAC } and Year-booklo Useful Knowledge for 1855, con- tains the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon: a Copious Calendar; 'Law and Uiversity Terms; Eclipses; Tables of Stamps andi Taxes, &. A Few Words to Wives, Attendance on the Sick; Useful Receipts; Hints to Mothers; A Gossip with Bachelors: Advice to Strug- glers: the milp Picture! flints to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW YEAR'S DAY. HE respectable DRAPERS, HOSIERS, and HA- T~BERDASHERS, will have their Shops CLOSED on the above day. December 29th, 1854. OPENING OF THE ORGAN IN ST. THOMAS'S CHURCH, PRESTON. f~N SUNDAY the 7th, ?? SERMONS will be '7 preached in the above Church Morning and Even- ing, by the REV. H. S. JOSEPH, M.A. late a Jewish Rabbi, and now chaplain of the Cheater County Gaol; and in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [This SPECIAL EDITION of the MANCHESTER EXAMINER AND TIMES is temporartly issued, in order to give extensive publicity to our intention of publishing a FULL-SIZED DAILY PAPER, the First Number of which will appear On Tuesday, December 1Ath, and of which the following is: the Prospectus:] :' ' PROSPECTUS OF THE MANCHESTER DAILY :TIMES.' , ri ta a -i;,'',- The commercial and social wants of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Incneuneof severalI of the S~team- In cur ?? cofthe RT d NORTH Alu- Brit RICAN S ROeYAL MAIll CO.PANY beg ma requred by the OOVSRNMENT for the Unit CONVEYANCE of TROO PS to the EAST, nl A1hE IL al SERVlL E between GREAT SAT the - Al-.7ed. or, Se&C tem The to BRITAIN and AMERIOA 'Ill bd OOLuntil the th of Gull ship of this Line will LEAVE LIVERIO hL AMRC -rGnu Dzcasisan. On that day it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JW Parties answering advertisements in the MeYrcMot' are tequested to attend to the following explanation Apply at the 'Mercury-office, means that personail T° l application must be made at our office. f Address [capital letter and number] liferctYtOffice, deSV means tilat application must be wado by letter, post paid, o and in no other way. T roi Applications not in conformity With these ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ova S HEET ALMANACS for 1855, suitable for the bile counting-house and the cottage, from ld. to Is. SitR DOBSON & SON, 23, Fisbergate, Preston. ova THE FARMERS' ALMANAC and CALENDAR for JoE T 1855: by CUTHBERT W. JOHNSON and WILLIAM lod SHAw. Price 1s.-London, RinGWAY. Preston; DOB. . , SON a SON. 23, Fishergate. vh res 1 OYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. man R Capital, £2,000,000, in 100,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERVkTIER.S 17 onseoquenoe of the entire repeal of the Advortlao!Oert Daty heP:.priotorsofthe MANCIIESTER EXA1ITINZt AND TI711S have adopted a Scale of Charges for Short A nnouncements, which lgivee to that ela's of advertisere the benefit of considerably 'nore then the amount of duty repealed. The loweot price for the ehortest advertisement hag hitherto been Three Shillings and Six, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. This SPECIAL EDITION of the MAN- CHESTER EXAM11INER AND TIMES Will be issued until the publication of the MANCHESTER DAILY TIMEs, a Full-sized Newspaper, the First Number of which will appear onl Tuesday the 12th of December next, PRICE 3d. SEE PROsPLCTUS ON TItE FIfRST P'AUE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2AIV~iDmix AW J £LYU.W XCURSIONISTS may secure £100 for their Efarilies in -case of death by railway accident in a trip of any. length, with an allowance for themselves when hurt, by e$taking en insurance ticket, coating TWOPENCE, of the Excur. an 8100sio Agents, or at the railway statius.-lRalwtcy Paesengera an, Assurance Offices, 3, Old Broad-etreat, Landau, to we, ~~~~~~WILLIAM J. VIAN, ...