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Advertisements & Notices

... P RJNTING of every description executed with the utmost neatness and promptitude, at the FLYING POST OFFICE. T RADESMEN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS of 1Three Lines, Is. 6d.; Longer Advertisements on equally moderate Terms. Contracts entered into for the Month or Quarter, at reduced Prices. Flying Post Orfice, Exeter. TO SPORTSMEN. FOR SALE, a DOUBLE GUN, nearly new, Fby HARvEY, Exeter, 2 feet 9 inches, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... So GeninTCst HUt SCOTCH OATMEAL. 14 and 15, CHRISTMAS. STREEr,. BRISTOL. 1843 F URNITURE! FURNITURE!! FParties about to dispose of their Furniture will be ljberaliy dealt with, and paid in READY CASHO (which will ^v0tem hOO trouble and expense of Sale by A~uction), by JAMES FAUJN. FURN][rUlRE.BROKERE, 8, MERPCHANiT- SPtE:ES', Bristol. N.B. A large Stock of SECOND-HAD FURNITURE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,lEmigratien. NO, TICE TO EMIGRAN~TS. IrlT:eundersignled despatch First Clen Sip fo LIVERP'OOL TO NEW YORIK, Weekly, y the 4WASHINGTON end IBLUE BALL LINES O PACKETS. To PHILADELP'HIA, on the let of every Month, by thle 6BLACK DIAMONDI LINE OF FACKETS, TO NEW ORLEANS, Weekly during the Season. And to ST. JOHN, N.B., on the 5th and 20th of each Month, by, the 1ST. JOHN & LIVERPOOL LINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTJ-I DEVON IRON FOUNDRY, ROL1 E'S QUAY, BARNSTAPLE. JOHN AND EDWARD PETTER, )ST Iresp)eCefully Unnounce to tbeir iiinumerous Friends and the Public generally in the l \V('9t of 1IIInglJnl, th:t tbeir New and Extensive Range of Premiseson the Rolles Quay, Barastaprehnknown as tbe N 0tt I'll D EVON I RON FOUINDRY, AND AG RICULPrURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY kc now so rav eoylpleted as to enable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Auction. 'STATIONERY, &c., &c. R. GOULSTONE will Sell by AUCTION, LYL M without Reserve, at the ROOMS. No, 20, SMALL- i STRElUT. on S'RIDAY Next, Dec. Bth. 185t, I . An extensive Colleotion of STesIONERY Consisting ofenvelopes, ditto in boxes; note paper, in boxes and packeta (pspeterie); seal wafers, blotting oases. wr itin cnases, embossed cards, card cases, some good prints 8, &C. rth; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *altex ha luction. PAINTINGS BY LIVING ARTISTS. M ESSRS. F A R G U S and S O N S beg to return thanke to their Friends and the Public for the . 4ecssragement given to the Fine Arts, at their Sale by Auction, 1 on lednesdaY last, and to Inform them that the RE AIRING ePAINTINGS, Includin some magniNG . Spcies of Befght. S. Cooper. Herrings vean. Hill, Shayer, so ,, remain for a few days ON SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LsidieB. prevous to Parhalng e ewhere should. inspect ?? of STAS and COaS iTS. aerery vaiety. ,pe ?? 0g lsPQ ,4F 9l; BlIDGE-StRERT,,Bristol'., TOi OsEATrET NOVELTIES, AT PAEĀ§ENTT ARE The Royl Patent Viotoria CorSet. The Eugenle Boddice. The New french-wove Corset, 9 ' GOB.GE LANGRIDGE & CO. 15, BRIDGE-STREET, Bristol. [810 ESSRS. JOLLY & SON ?? beg to call attention to a very beautiful I I n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'EAT RE-ROYAL, BRq1I.S TO0t A.. XTRA NIGHT, MONDAY, Dec. .18, 1864,,. - 2%e. jgsed Yiotueslerss Associatioss in Aid of the BENEVOLENT FUND. WIN Th omtee ofthe above asseociation respectfully announce to V ?? teyhave entered into an Engagement With v 'Mi. Chte te Lessee of the Theatre, for an Entertatinment in Busli Sid of the'ir Fund, to take place On MONDAY NxDcme .18th, 1854. ; PATRONS. s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AYS AND CORSETS. previous to Purchasing elsewhere, should inspect Lsde Stook of STAYS and CORSETS, in every variety wlp5 anT 1a5, BRIDGE-STREET, Bristol. To ,SATET NOVELTIES AT PRESENT ARE i The Royal Patent Victoria Corset. Tbc Eugenie Boddiee. The New French-wove Corset. E C R a E LANGRIDGE C CO., 15 i,BRZDGE-STIIREET, Bristo. '[810 S AND WEARING 1} ,,.,,,ectfuily invite an inspection of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NX OVELTY IN ADVERTISING.-The 1 most central place of Resort for Merobants, Brokers, Bankers, Shippers, Traders, and Loungers in the world is admitted to be the Royal Exchange of London. The privilege of exhibiting Notices and Advertisements on the Walls and Pillars having been conceded by public competition to a Contractor, the vacant spaces are now for disposal at moderate rates, and offer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D.UI'STOL 'ATH'ENEU lion WEDNESDAY.Xext, January, S. aLCUE l bedelivered by AOBT. HUNT, Esq., P.R.. Great rhenomena Of Nature dependnt 0 1 O om f h The Lecture wll commence at S.16 p.m. UN BO DMEAD ROOMS, On the EVENING of WEDNESDAY. January . 1856, W U. MELVILLE will (for this Night only) Read 1THE CgRISTMAS CAROL, being a GhostStory of Christmas, bY Charles Dickens, Esq and read by him ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ,3 PI -V.I T EWIN's M-EAD CHAPEL.'] L E A SERMON to -YOUNG PEOrLB, and especially to rf Young Men, wilt be delivered by the Rev. WILLIAis JAMES, on SUNDAY EVENING next (To-morrow), Dec. 3, 1854. 2, Divine Service to commence at Half-past Six o'clock. ; VOUNG MEN's CHRISTIAN a-: .L. ASSOCIATION AND INSTITUTE, ST. JAMES'8 SQUARE. ' The Committee have pleasure Ia announcing that the Third ...