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Advertisements & Notices

... AVIES'S COMIPOSITE CANDLE, 9id. D 1041'ljktIs. perlb. ;bolanic Ws, Is, lk'd. 5 Is. lid. ;-German wax, ' s. d15 ; British wailor s1.eT h wax, is 5id; best sperm ecaudles, Is /Il1 ?? irl',. tiranspttrent wax, Is. 8d.; ge-ulnO wat, 3 ane or two vicks, 9d., magnums, 10d.; id51, ?? j o candlhs,fd i oulds d. 9 hw soap, 3s . 41i., a' ' te f cr 12is.>t~nttld e'9. wvide Wiiid59' si9. 4tscu browns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _EV ZEALAND.FREDERICK YOUNG ad Co.' LINE (to followv the Cortulbia and Joha Pnillips, and to rall thoe 10:h of February) for WELLINGTON, (!ANTERBUIaY, and other ports, the magnificent frigaleobuilt passenger ship N EW% ElRA, A 1, 13 years, b1S tons rogistecr, !,300 tons burthen. J. RHIND, Commander; new loading in the East India Docks. The attention of Pelss engera is invited to this splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('1IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. xJ Iravellers provedilug to the Continenrt, East, Constantinople, the, oui-, Ameriea, &ce, can PRtOtCUiR CiRCItLAI NOTES of JiOandolĀ£iach,payablc at all ?? townsawitheuttdedue. ti)n; ?? 'oregon ntrey of rvery country, _t the liullion und Bankng Old ce, 10, Lombard-strcet.-ADAM StiELLMANN sd Co. COUPONS of all kinds due and becoming due, are PAID, as above, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTCETO INEES. - YARMOUTH ROADS.j TRtINITY HOUSE, LOsNDO, DEC. 20, 1354. T rcockle Spit and Inneur Sho Al hay. th tII an upboso as to require an ALTERATION of the rdi IO the CCKLE LIGHT VESSEL, and also, of thle th .CltN, 0 urBoY. notice is hereby given that the same th No~lA accoditily, and now lie ills the respective posi- no desanbei i;)o ,ht ,se ol 0/ fathoms at Low Water Spring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C H R I S T M A S PRESENTS. - The most appropriate offer ings for this Season of Festivity, are .y those which tend to the promotion of Health and Personal Attrac. I Lin:none can be inure acceptable than l ~~ROWLANDbl MACASSAR OILl For Imparting a transcendent lustre to 0eh air, and sustaining it in g decorative charm. It X ROWLANDS' KALYDOR Imparts a ragdiant bloom to the Cheek, and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - R I ME AN ARMY FUN Do' 28, lSill-rtreet, Berkeley-square. COMMIT-Ra. Chairman-Tho Earl of ELLESMERE, 1.G. The Committee have this day chartered a large steasn-sbip, the j Pioneer, capable of carrying 700 tons of goods, which will sail early in January. All Contributions proposed to be sent to Balklasva iduBT be forwarded NOT LATER than Tuesday, the 9th January, as after that day none cAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORKS ON TH.E FINIE ARTS. The following Workif are now ready, TREASURES of ART in GREAT 3lRITAIN :being an Account Of the Chief Collections of Faintings, Sculpture, &c. By Dr WAoAtAN. 3 vole, too, MoS. II. KUGLER'S HANDBOOK to the GERMAN DUTCH, SPANISH, ,nd FRENCH SCHOOLS of PAINTING- Edited by Sir EDMtuMD HEAD. With illesltrationS from the Old Musters. 2 vols, post 8ov. 24s. LIFE of THOMAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW WORK, ILLUSTRATED BY PHIZ. ,teWo ready, Second Edition, Is. fancy boards; Is. cloth gilt, for Presents, A DOZEN PAI1R of WEDDING GLOVES. A With Eight Illustrations. James Blackwood, Paterooster row, end all Boolselle-rF Just published, small Svo, prict 3s. A PP P O: A Tragedy, by FRANZ H) Gasrrss~aa5AER. Translated by L. C. C. Edinburgh: Thomas Corstaitatld Ce. London: Hamilton, Adam' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,EELONG 1)ircct, to sail Punctually on the Ist G I Fbruarv, lost shipping day 2'sth iof Jatnuary, the maagnifi. centnew D~undee built clipper ,.hi~t SEA EIs'G, A 1, 89ll tone register, 1~)* Fi)NItAN, Gemnnian-ter, loadling in tihe Lindon Docks'. This tplendjid Ship has oniy just comipleted her first voyage, having made tile oatward paies gt to M1elbeutne in 90 days, and horne trout China equal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ALLLERY of BRONZES TART, com- k prising a complete collection of the mathematical reduc- tions, by M. Collas, from the ohef.-d'euvre of antique acid modern statuary in the Louvre, Museum of Naples, llitiTISH MUSEUM, GALLERIES of FLORENCE and RtOItE, be.ta which a COUNCIL Medal was awarded in the (Great Exhibition1 together vith numerous articles of fiue art and utility in cande- labra, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF fy I DEND. 'BANK OF DjpOSIT. VATIONAL ASSURA & INVESTMENT ASSOCIAON. No. 3ip0i EAST. LONDON. ?? AD. 1844. Empowered ?? Act of Parliament. THE WARRANTS for the HALF- YERYItrest, atterate of per cent, per aninum, T Yep AcLY nte st December, wil be ready fi r delivery Onand aferoi JAcont', the 31t, IQ5. and payable daily. PETER MORRISON, Managing Director. Parties desiros of Investing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TONIC SOL-FA ASSOCI[AT1ION. - NENV f YIAS.'0.t)DAY.-7IORNING JUA'iNIIA~ 'MU PC MILETING' in V-.%05 iltj'., a. o','link.-A Cho:rwStj C: iit ?? iretic nieh', wil sng i to t pulru'r iif the caagttiirrct TI itIS nd in tie c.'u'so if the meet intr Mr. (Y ti527 AL InI give a vi~tLES*). anteah a'inietune tothey v, ens Irteno iu the aiudterlc. Adm Ist ree. lbs, llclt CHOR)IAL 'MEETING of the ...