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Advertisements & Notices

... = TO MARINERS. YARMOUTH ROADS. TRINITY RlOUSE, LOaNDON, Dxc. 26, 1884. ad North E~nd of the Scroby S~and and the tn iloser Shodl having grown up, so as to require an ffri oN of theo POSITION of the COCKLE LIGHT VB~t8EL AtEBM ot the INNER SHOAL BUOY, notice is hereby given, 'SJ al sanle have been moved accordingly, and newv lie in the t ot epe ositieti5 hereunder elesoribeal, viz.: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R EMOVAL.-Mr. W.EH.HALSE, the ProfeF isorof I1 Medical Galvanism, informos his friends that he hs RBE' MOVED from BrUnswiok.sqnr to WALPOLE LODGE, No. 51, FIF CtLEY. ROAD, St. JORLN'S.WOOD, LONDON. Send two stamps f or postage of *2is gratuitous pamnphlet on Medical Galvanism. Inva' iris will be astonished at its contentSe. Terms, one guinea a week. Mr. Hrales particularly recommends Galvanism ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (NIRGULAR N;OTES and FOREIGfN MfOIY. ]i *J T ravellers proceeding to the Ceutiaert, EaA, Con et.ttinople, I the Colonies, Arrveries, ke., cro FEOClUltS ?? XOTES el £10 and £5 each, payaible a. a'l the prinlcipal tu ov without dcdne tion- tato foreigfn nmoney ot esery rountry, tt the Bullion and Beantuign Offloe, 10, toinbar.ietrceeL-ADAU StIELfEANN and Co. cOUPONS of all kiuds due and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PITW ZEALAND.FREDERICK YOUNG ana Co'Is LINE (la follow th5 Cournallia and John PhlIps and to $tae 10th Of IFebruary') for WELLINGTON, CANIEIIBURY, aa ther poets, the tagnificent frigate-built passenger ship NEW I AlA , 13o~ YaS is tons reniaeor, 1,8i00 tons hnrthsn. J. 3102D oomoale; leew loacting in the Etist India Dockli. The Clotou lao'clner is invitil to t.0 s splendiad ve~sel. She has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0f RJOYAL ITALIAN OPrAus CioTENiT.GARseDhEN.~n ?? appearac Bof daS Prleyciter Sal, th nd Airu of the Od. incldethe Boer ?? of tadae Pleyi Aier .o ithe~is 0J Emm, ad tb Song Say°n yndp~stes by oe Madame Anngagd 'Iiln Ovrture to Struedee ; the Ahcantrc from Privatew' B ypol eia minor; ?? li Qadrisiisellran . 1esi~dtie;~ igeoo thbe Comi patmiie Qodile(i PrIARLDonn g ?? Qudrlle asised bdy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UP ?Maffp 'Acbm DRURY LANE. 7VST %1 --\sa Tans EvESNwo, EUGENX. Meters. Mead, Belton, and A. Yonnge; t Miss Mfarriott.-A DEAD SHOT.-And the new Pantomiame,called JACI AND JILL. Messrs. H. Boleno, M. Milane; Mdllo. Boleno. I HAYMARXET. 6 Tans ET21asuso, THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE. Mesers. William Farren, Chipcnda!e, E. Villiers, Howe, Clark, Cullentord, Compton, and Buckstono; Miss E. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M.L JOYUAL ITALIAN oPERA,\ CGV FNT ARDEN~ includo Mlendelssohn's Andante enid grandl Concrt in zla inorct fo liforpilote, perfoormledby MadamelleyP0el Saiw C,'r ;3'o iett,J 1 couitrabauidiss'3 an&d tbe ci S'),Say ye'suii ?? CMaiccr ini Tbilfor the vilipefomdnt hod 1er rinst(is first Bs lrtappearauiic); Onvertu~reto Stenmic;le Pictro il Gran~de Quadinrle olamO Andailt Opratie Seuctiol i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALIFORNIA Direct (to follow the Dunsaudle), it tfias first-class clipper ship HI:;DO3, 500 tons register, re d candcopper faatened. H. BENDIXEN, Comanrder. Load. eintiM Lcndea ?? freight or passage apply to JAMES, TRO.,&MogN td Co., 6. Billiter-square, agents for the original Ca forulan te.Of.packct ships. ~VRLAND ROUTE.-STEAM to INDIA and u tNA, &o., ?? PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL SAVIOATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRCULA11 NOTES and FOREI0 N MUSEY. Travoluers pro.cig, h Oaict ?? the colunie?, Ame(T'c. e a ?? iCLAS Ci5o £10 euel £:5 razb, payaC atallc rai~tcrwtotddc 13ank'.og Ofiee. 0, Lo~~Ite - LlA~~c o OUPONS cf all kinds dcue and becoming due, c are Pi.D, - boab?, by ADAM 9SPIElI.MA and Oo. IUTCH, SPANISH, AMERICAN, PORTU- ID GUF-E, and other FOlEIGN COIUOMNS, due lst Janesry, 1855, are iv b.irz PAID ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,-f1I LONDON;, or UNIVEiRSITY COI. s j~ ?? Commlittee anixiouisly entreat tbe 5,lDf thc ?? to the needs of this institution. z tie past yealr there has beets no festival in alof ita ,ri thle stoe Il 'ivatat appeals hase beenl much less produc- ,ahl'tlcii0dinnler is wont to prove. Inl consequenice, a ?? ?? diebt has been incurred for maintaining the ?? ic'erfCrie\ cteltiricyi and for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advertisement.] FIRE AT LONDON-ROAD STATION. C}u1BB'B FIRE-PROOF SAFES.-Messrs. CmBlI Dad , BOSe have great pleasure In subrnitting to the notice of their friends and the tpete the following Testimonial, which they have received om the Maitchestr, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company, to the value and security of their lrzn safes: I Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JU L LI E N'S C(NC EBTS, M g ROYALITALIAN OPERA, COVENTG.GARoEN ?? S IIOYAL For Onit)Month) only.bjon.3 Thu PROGRAMIME for THlIS EVENINGi, Waiineinod Ja;i 3i, will include hlendel.sohn's grand Concerto HI . Cnlinolett, R1i1d forte, perforiaed h ?? rlcel; thie sipal'l- ptllion; Over- the new Son', Sau yes, sung t)s ?? A nnat lii r atic ture to 'Ja1ilianuhau L'Etoile ?? (ptca.rille ...