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Devon, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ANTED, four experienced FEMALE. ASSISTANTS to the LINEN DRAPERY and SiLK acstY TRsDE. Apply to Messrs. JONES and Co. ne-street, Bristol. WANTED, a Siituation as H 0 U S E - V : E E P E ,R in a farm house or private family. ould be willing to engage in any capacity not menial. ?? Mr. Ellerton's, Tiverton. ATANTED, a situation bya steady active Girl, as Housemaid or Nursemaid, aged 18. Can owell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH DEVON IRON FOUNDRY, ROLLE'S QUAY, BARNSTAPLE. JOHN AND EDWARD PETTER, M/OST respectfully announce to their numerous Friends and the Public generally in the IVI Westof EnglandthattlheirNew and Extensive Rang oof Premises,ontbeRolle'sQuay, Barnstaple, known as the NORTH DEVON IRON FOUNDRY, AND AGRICULTURAL IgPLEMENT MANUFACTORY Is now so far completed as to enable them to execute any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO WHEELWRIGHTS AND SMITHS. WA N T E D immediately, T H R E E W WHEELERS and A SMITH. Constant work can be given. Apply to THOMAS MILFORD, Wbeel Works, Thorverton. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KIAG'S ALLEY, EXETER. '1'O be SOLD, by Auction, by Mr. C. FORCE, T at the HALF Moos INN, in the city of Exeter, on TiMISMDAY, the 8th of FEBRIuARY next, at Six ?? in the Afternoon, the Fee-simple and Inheritance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ru 0 be SOLD, by Auction, at TI Messrs. Roo1Es' DEvoN AND EXETEr I BAZAAR, by Mr. JOHN WAPE, - ~ i on FEnIDAY, the 12th instant,-the property of an officer about to leave the neighbourhood,-a well-bred Bay Mare, 15 bands high, 5 years old; together with Albert Phaeton and Harness. The whole forms a most complete equipage, and will be sold either together or separately. The mare rides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r0 be LET, with immediate Possession, Ta frnished or unfurnished, Rent Moderate, a good -30USK, at MOUNT RADFORD, consisting of 3 sitting- tsom~j, 5 bed-rooms, and convenient offiees. Yor particulars apply to the Editor. 3RFJEHOLD LANDS FOR SALE, AT THORVERTON, DEVON. 7'IO be SOLD, by Auction, at the NEwY k LONDON INN, Exeter, on FHIDAY, the 2nd of 3sPMaVAY next, .precisely at Three ?? in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTH DEVON IRON FOUNDRY, ROLLE'S QUAY, BARNSTAPLE. JOHN AND EDWARD PETTER N/MOST respectfullY announce to their numerous Friends and the Public generally in the West of Egland thattheir New and Extensive Range of Premises,on ?? Quay, Barwnstpleknown as the NORTH DEVON IRON FOUNDRY, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY Is now SO far completed as to enable them to execute any Orders that they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IGHWEEK SCHOOL, near NEWTON ABBOT, conducted by the Rev. W. F. GOOD, B.A., tl be re-opened on MONDAY, JANUAnT 22nd, 1855. THORVERTON.-LADIES' SEMINARY. RS. BROCK'S Pupils will re-assemble on WEDNEsDAY, the 10th of JANUARY instant. Thorverton, 2nd January, 1855. TH>ORVERTON ATHEMATICAL AND COMMERCIAL BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. R. GEORGE BROCK respectfully acquaints hsis Friends that the present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be SOLD, Two GRsEY PONIES, 11 hands I high. They have been driven lay a lady for :3 years and ridden by children. To be Seen at Rosemont, Sidmouth.-Price £15. 1 OST.-A rough GREY EXMOOR PONY. LJ about 4 years old, with long tail; was last seen on the morning of the 25th December, near the Valiant Soldier Inn; whoever will give such information to Mr, VEITCH, Topsharn-road, or 51, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O be LET, from Lady-day next, a DAIRY T of TWELVE COWS, five miles from Exeter. e Apply to Mr. G. WARE, Heazille Barton, Rewes. at 0 be LET, at Midsummer next, those I T excellent and convenient OFFICES, No. 9, QUEEN CO STBSET, and now occupied by Mr. LAS& T, Sohlctor. pl, Apply to Mr. CARR, on the premises. WI January 8tB, 1856. (O No. 220, HIGH-STREET. B- 2!O be LET, a SHOP, with a plate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... URNISHED APARTMENTS, in a small private familyon the Topsham Road. Apply to cc A. B., Mr. SMITH'S, Music Emporium. R FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET. ei LARGE DRAWING.ROOM, vith one A or two BED-ROOMS, without attendance, in a central situation. Apply at the office of this paper. AN UNFURNISHllED HOUSE:, WITH FROM ONE A TO TE:N ACRES OF LAND. CATANTED, as above, for a Lease. Address, A V V ABO.., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHOERA& BWEL COMPiAINITS IN GENERAL. DICEY ANqD Co's TRUE DAFFY'S ELIXIR.1 HIS r-nost excellent Medicine has beeni .T. faithfully prepared for upwards of a Century, from -b2 the purest Itrogs and spirits that canl be procured, at the C Original War ehouse , No. 10, Boew Church Yard, Linden ; ant i 0 has been attended with the fullest sucess in the Cut e of tc Spasms, rains in the reast, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jILTOIN' ANTIBI13LIOU PILLS, ant M1 effectual remtedy for ffead AchGddiness, Dimn-. ness of sight. are particlaly recommne o iiu ComrplaintS they purify the Blood, remote Blotches and Erupion in he ace promote a healthy actioC of thle Liver, and remove. obstructions in the Irabiltels Hicarto frequently esuse Nervous AffectiO5'Irrtl ?? burn, Flatulenfy land other D)isorders. By the occasional ...