... The second annual exhibition of poultry in this town I commenced on Wednesday last, at the large room used as go Luocas's carriage repository, Great Charlotte-street. The room was thrown open about half-past eleven, and shortly an afterwards was crowded with a large assembly of ladies yel and gentlemen. Besides visitors from Livepo ?? neighbourhood, there were many from Manchester, Bir- Mr ...


... xusia e TAlE PURCELL CLUB. 5 Tis society held its eighteenth annual meeting at c the Albion yesterday evening. Is Professor Edward Taylor, of Gresham College, the e founder and president of the club, filled the chair, '5 and there was a full attendance of members, both d professional and unprofessional. Heaving so often :e recorded the proceedings of the Purcell Club, it would )f be ...


... LITERA TURB. BOOKS ON OUR TABLE. Under the appellation of Bentifey'sMonthly Volumes i the enterprising publisher of New Burlington-street has commenced the issue, in a cheap form, of a collec- a tion of standard works. The volumes are hand-l somely printed, and sold at a price which will bring l them within the reach of a large class of readers who must have formerly depended on the resources ...


... FAI& -. I ?? fair of this town Wi be held o0 the 18th of January. i NAVAN GREAT WamTzn FAX-Mor0DA;S JatjAjr 8 ;-Oar great winter fair, held this day, was largely Suppliel iwith every description of stock, which brought exoelleat rprices. There is no doubt, however, that It would havebeen Imuch more thronged had not Daunleer fair fallen on tbe sa00 tday, which kept away several northern dealers ...


... MmsulEsTALLIS'S PUBLICATIONS.-The Erystal Palce Desor-bed and Illustrated: This work has at length arrived at completion, havring extended to 47 parts. It forms a history and description of the Great Exhibi- tion of 1851 , il lustrate d by steel en graving, from oil- ginal drawings and daguerrotypes, by Beard, Mayall, &ko. Trhe work will form three volumes; being edited by J (0. Strutt, Esq. ...


... ?? . From Le Pdllet. The winter season has returned and with it the usuta demand for rich and elegant toilettes. Nothing can be richer or more beautiful than a dress of moire, with alteruiate flounces of satin, checked with velvet Nearly all silk dresses are trimmed with velvet, For demi-toilette, dresses of French grey moire are worn, with six flounces, alternate' moire and terry ':Velvet ...


... LIT E Rf AT U RE. Vlackeosod's Magazine. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons. tive! Fraser's Magazine. London : J. W. Parker & Son. don The Dzublin niversifty Mragazine. Dublin : W. M'Glashano bull BLACl;WOOD is strong on tho conduct of the war-denouncing tonl, the conduct of the Minlistry from the outset, especially ol tice a q Foroigu enlistment act. A secoixd pap-er, viz., Peace and Patriot. ...


... THE SNOW-SBHOWERR BY W. C. BRYANT. 1.1 STANB; llerc by my sido and torn, I prtay, . On the lake below thy gentle eyes; btai The cloruls haug over it, llivy-duld gray, irn And dark aud silent the water lies; 1 And out of that frozen mist the snow In: wavering flakes begins to flow; Flake ofter flake, They sink ill the dark and silent lake. he See, now; it a living swarm they cono From the ...


... cf The Scottish EMhibitiou of Arts and Manufactures connected with areciltectsre wsas opened on Friday, in the building erected for the purpose in Bath-street, Glasgow. n The occasion drew together aevery large assemblage of the 3 fashion and beauty of the western metropolis of Scotland. Among other parties present in their official capacity were ry the iln. the Lord Provost, Sir Archibald ...


... LITERA i'UBB. Thle Chinese Eisspire. By M. Sec, formerly Apostollo Missionary in Clsins.-Longmrli. The hltest newvs from China is that the rebels have obtained great advantages, and eaptured- large por- tion of the imperial fleet. This is auser step in the progress of a movement which, if succe~ssfl, wil exercise an enornouts influence upon the destinies of the East. The probability is that if ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Jra'sloll ?? Parictim. TfIM COURT. WI'NiD50fl, SiilMlAY.-TlIiC ?? puly'3 yesti'riliy in- eludel lier I~oval II li,,lress thO DUchess8 of Ke t, th Marquis of 13i'eadhi bane, L ady Fainniy HoInwardl, Baraiicss (le Speth, thle Blishop of' New %/alailand, aid S1 elwS yn, arid Coloeli cil( L itily IEinhy Se'ymiour'. 'The Quceniti ad Princep, willtli lie Rovat cidii Id ni'liad tiif DsIuchiess of' ...


... KNIOWL!DGE IS POWEBW The present volume, writes Mr. KTnight, is founded upon two little works which the author wrote *twenty years ago. One of these works is The Resulis of 3schinery, a work tleat at the time did thle best yeoman service in enlightenling and assuriug the popu- lar mind, then very dark and turbid, on the machinery question ii its truly elevatiag effects upon the sociad ...