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Morning Chronicle


... from 60 to 100 yards, speaks of it as a good, effeetive,. substantial, and serviceable arm. Lieutenant-Cblonel A.e Gordon and Captain Sir Thomas Hatingv, R.N., in theirc evidence before the seleet committee on small arms, asei speak in the highest praise ...


... called 'Le Duc de Reichstadt, with portraits of the Emperorand his youthful son. Of each and all of these marches vie can speak with approval, and frecommend them as spirited compositions admirably adapted for the pianoforte. God Savm thc Emperor of France ...


... picturesque breadth, and vigorous individuality which has, in her hands, S made it ?? character of the opera-dranatically speaking, 3With such a tenor as Signor TAMBERLIK in Manrico, the fine D duets between the gipsy and her reputed son, in the second ...


... face of his narrative; but we cannot deny to him the credit of great and profound research, and that he is, therefore, only speaking the honest convictions which those results have forced upon his own mind. Either the move- ments of the order in England ...


... the lo-ks too early gray- Hush the step, the harsh door's creaking, Scent the room, with fever reeking, I am happy past all speaking, Here alone on Christmas Day I -Iluofo'oked Times, Christmas Number. THE LATE CAPYAIN VAUGHAN OF TRB S0TH. A correspondent ...


... some degree after the same fashion as yoa, I ona couilluisioned to speak of hope to all-of hope, eve,. cn tuk briuk of the grave-of hope to the chief of sinners. Yse, I sia seut to speak of hope,' be continued, growing lure and 11o0e ferveut-, while the ...


... I not Cell thee-Abel, esid I no~t Tbat---Why moev'st thjou hlot .8Al e!, nlrr r Look up at mne and speak !-A saig~e v.rl t i knew not what I did: speak, ?? . . Let me but hear thy voice-l *1i !l: . - 1 A tempeiit drove tile-Abel, Abe *!ei a Hast then ...


... life, retains, nevertheless, so much regard for his wife that he has just arranged a duel with one of his acquaintances for speaking of her slightingly, when Gertrude arrives. Let us draw a veil, as they say on the other side of the water, over the ...


... of ' Othello,' 0 says the Z&c'cney, does so much honour to the composer, it gives u. tile greatest pleasure to be able to speak equally well oi 6h3 performance. A strenger to Ua, Mr. Jol.n Rafter, fornerly ,irst tenor at Drury-lane Theatre in London, ...


... was the author's '2al intention to continue the work down to .Couvention of the Estates in 1789, when the Etat, strictly speaking, ceased to exist, as all mrdera of the State then met in one assembly, il. the words of the President Bailly, the :w-h family ...


... such solid acquirements and good taste as must always win the approbation of connoisseurs. Of Herr PAucet's symphony, we can speak praisingly, for it contains much that is good, and, on the whole, is unquestionably a clever production. One cannot rea- sonably ...


... aptly denominated Harmony, who spins interminable white lies in the hope of reconciling every body and making them all speak and think well of each other. If we criticize this comedy closely, it will be easy to detect and point out a host of errors ...