Advertisements & Notices

... CX~RDS- : ) ICHARD 'ALLE'IS Hazv GAW=iAa 25, Q, LSN JIL% aI06.1111~ree, eoontlni tobiesupplied with a large ass6rt. tent of Ready-made Clothing. First style. Best materialsi 00MJ Pa-~eea dlom froiiehargest E toiolZ et Bablecl s A C 1)7 A f N D R E, I D =LME EANT CLOTHIERS, &, &c., 82, MOLESWORTH-STREE, DUBLIN. TO THE NOBILITY, CLERGY, A1qD GENTRY OF IRELAND. We beg respectflly to announce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A TRUE FRIEND. l F the Person who posted an anonymous letter on the fore- 1noon of Saturday, 23d hias., subscribed A True Friend, wvill be so kind Rs post anotlir letter containing any address I (either real or fictitious) to wh ich a reply can be sent, an answer I -will im mediately be forwarded, shewing that when the above- a mentioned letter was written, the party who wrote it was under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE ATRE ROYAL, DUB L'IN. THIS EVENING, (Monday), January 1, 1855, the performances will commlet-ce with the Tragedy of WALLA&CE. Wallace, Mr T' C King; Douglas, Mr F Htutleby; Mon- teith, Mr Rickarda; Helen, Miss AMortyn. After which will be produced a New Grand Romantic His- torical Comic Christmas PIantomrim called WHITTINGTON AND IHIS CAT, oR HARLEQUIN LORD. -MAYOR OF LONDON| The new and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILEAS) Tldk. NEW EDIT4IWai ON NERtVOUS AND GEINERATIVE iDIEEASES. Just Ntblished, 20th Thousand. Illustrated -with Coloured Engravings, Price is, or in a seled envelope, free by peists for 18 Postage Stamps. H EALTH AND HAPPINESS, the means by which l they may be obtained, a medical work on the Inflirmities of youth and atuatrity, and diseases of the gene. rative system, with observations on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = TO MARINERS. YARMOUTH ROADS. TRINITY RlOUSE, LOaNDON, Dxc. 26, 1884. ad North E~nd of the Scroby S~and and the tn iloser Shodl having grown up, so as to require an ffri oN of theo POSITION of the COCKLE LIGHT VB~t8EL AtEBM ot the INNER SHOAL BUOY, notice is hereby given, 'SJ al sanle have been moved accordingly, and newv lie in the t ot epe ositieti5 hereunder elesoribeal, viz.: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (NIRGULAR N;OTES and FOREIGfN MfOIY. ]i *J T ravellers proceeding to the Ceutiaert, EaA, Con et.ttinople, I the Colonies, Arrveries, ke., cro FEOClUltS ?? XOTES el £10 and £5 each, payaible a. a'l the prinlcipal tu ov without dcdne tion- tato foreigfn nmoney ot esery rountry, tt the Bullion and Beantuign Offloe, 10, toinbar.ietrceeL-ADAU StIELfEANN and Co. cOUPONS of all kiuds due and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R EMOVAL.-Mr. W.EH.HALSE, the ProfeF isorof I1 Medical Galvanism, informos his friends that he hs RBE' MOVED from BrUnswiok.sqnr to WALPOLE LODGE, No. 51, FIF CtLEY. ROAD, St. JORLN'S.WOOD, LONDON. Send two stamps f or postage of *2is gratuitous pamnphlet on Medical Galvanism. Inva' iris will be astonished at its contentSe. Terms, one guinea a week. Mr. Hrales particularly recommends Galvanism ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VA Ll:N T I N'US. NO\V TEA;)Y F'O11 SAIEl Air Till,, ]3BIEtLFS'T S'rAxflO:?EIIY N . 1,1I iilu; ! S'T'''i.i'l' Ali nlnIIsu:Iliy 1Iir Ue ul spI.(ill Si cn of V A 1 E N 'I' IX .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 r*: k''. | \VI;!(OLESA;.LD' \':I) D'''' xl!,, ''[1 (S. if;. i'.-, I'rl!12I,:0r. Late IM 1 \V:j.'i St't I CRl~fl{oUS;Q. I t I' I' (S il)r l'lXS;)OX~tiiIIV llltl'll Ccc inspIeCt Itill' :'ti~~ l{ l)(ViCILS to° ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW CLUB. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the NEW 1 CLUB will be held on MONDAY, the Fifteenth day of January, at Three ?? P3r. DAVID HOME, Secretary. Edinburgh, 29th Dec. IS54. 4SSEMIBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. The DIRECTORS beg to announce that there will be FIVE ASSEMBLIES during the season. the first of whicb, being for the benefit of the PATRIOTIC FUND, will take place on the Evening of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE BUILDING GROUND AT THE WEST END OF GLASGOW, FRONTING THE WEST END PARK, FOR SALE, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. 1. m I B VILLA and LANDS of WESTBANK, beauti- I fully situated on the right hank of the River Kelyin, on the north side of the Lands of Gilmorchill, and the West ELd Park, and consisting of about 11,485 Square Yards. 2. Tlhe VILLA and GROUNI)S of ASHFIELI), ndjoin- ing to Westbank, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PITW ZEALAND.FREDERICK YOUNG ana Co'Is LINE (la follow th5 Cournallia and John PhlIps and to $tae 10th Of IFebruary') for WELLINGTON, CANIEIIBURY, aa ther poets, the tagnificent frigate-built passenger ship NEW I AlA , 13o~ YaS is tons reniaeor, 1,8i00 tons hnrthsn. J. 3102D oomoale; leew loacting in the Etist India Dockli. The Clotou lao'clner is invitil to t.0 s splendiad ve~sel. She has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0f RJOYAL ITALIAN OPrAus CioTENiT.GARseDhEN.~n ?? appearac Bof daS Prleyciter Sal, th nd Airu of the Od. incldethe Boer ?? of tadae Pleyi Aier .o ithe~is 0J Emm, ad tb Song Say°n yndp~stes by oe Madame Anngagd 'Iiln Ovrture to Struedee ; the Ahcantrc from Privatew' B ypol eia minor; ?? li Qadrisiisellran . 1esi~dtie;~ igeoo thbe Comi patmiie Qodile(i PrIARLDonn g ?? Qudrlle asised bdy ...