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... THU IEG OFla SafABTOPOL. I Hi-highs abiovoesatoi' Dee. 20. The troops have been gratifitd by the issue of a general order, stating chat Lord Raglan has r~esived3 a lette' frrom theO Soeretary-at-War, to thle effect that Iir M\TJesty's Government had decded upon issuing to each officer and man in the Crimea wa~rm cI~loting for tlie winter, to consist of' two Pairs Of tdrawet's, two Guetanseve, ...

Published: Friday 12 January 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 7235 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THE Qll ErEN'S COLLEGE, BELFAST, AND THE EAST INDIA APPOINTMENTS. QN Friday last, according to notice, a number of pro- fessors, and a numorous attendance of students, assesi- bled in the Great Mall (if the College, to hear the views of the President, regarding the appointments thrown open to public conpeLition by the East India Company- T'le following is the substance of his remarhes:_ lri ...

Published: Monday 05 March 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2526 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... T If E 1RE SS. THlE SECOND YEAR OF AVAR. (FROM THE SPECTATOR.) TlvsslA has refused the proffered terms of peace So absolutely tihat accomn-iodation seems to be rendered irnpnssihb'. The Western Powers have committed themselves to an advance from which they can scarcely retreat before they have regained the position' thiLat they Imvc staked. Tle means for coercing a giganitic ericanv appeal' to ...

Published: Wednesday 02 May 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3068 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... BI2PERPLIAPALIIIII, T ''iIlIS iOUIlit all) i ag-reMdt. 'b bil Ba ill ei a Ii'] t Tl ~~ j od~ i p~io' it :1 q vii:, pa' ist j x o 'ci edt. I :sr~t00k thle muil hMIaid his Seat for thl theII. tno' iou fir the stioW1 tid I'iljnn of T ill' Dlmllli, R'l.,A1D0 xiu. 2 li, it.. Ct ) GAN' OpovJio ti~' i Measure, ,ii til n,,ogrni d~ tli:it it wajs uiijiict to thii vaitopavvr.l5 of' Kildare aind tlw ...

Published: Wednesday 02 May 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1627 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SPECIAL ]DESPA'XC IH. [BY SEtI3MI.ITNE & BRtITIS TSI TELEGRAPIH.] (FROM3 OUR OWN CORlTESPONI)DEN'.) FURT'lIT R G R1 E T ' S Cc ' sSES ! E THE ALLIES. DESTItU CTJI O7N 0F TAQG NROG, MAiRIANOPOL, & GIEISK. IMMENSE SUPPLIE'S OF TIHE NEM'Y BURNER). The Sivcdacy T'imes publishes the following additional successes in the Sea of Azov: - Sunday Moorning, June 10. Tho Secretary of the Admiralty has ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1387 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FRID)AY S TE LE.G1APIIIC N EWS. 'T 1 E C It I M E A. General Prilnce GttIscialdcXf Wri tes from Sebastopo1 thalt, tIll)'o dle Jrd inst., nothillg impsortant haad taken place. _ _ R U S S I A. St. Petersburg, Mlay 2S. EventS small anti great show plttilV eyiioug!h that botllt Iolln ant1 ilioey lttililift g ill Rusbitl, so 1str as tile pti rjittsti ot thle w-tV ire0 colecumeeri. Inl ou r tle ...

Published: Monday 11 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 447 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I MPE RI AL P'ARLIAIAMETN''. [BY MAGaNZTIC TULEMIZAP1I.] HOUSE OF LOIRDS-Tu'isitr (YESTEsRDA). HtEI.t(tIOUS WOlRSHI P iii iT. On the motionl for reedivinig tile report ol' amend- Monts to this bill, The Bishoit of OXI ORI said the efliot of the icea- sure w ould be to destroy theo line of dtie nareation be- tween Cihtercli Ur Etngland and iDisseftillt clergymeOn, ltut Io h there ll ved, aIs ...

Published: Wednesday 13 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1556 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... Sin COLIN CAMBnErry ANI) Til Poon WrnVrw.- Widow Ramnsa', residing ill Kr'leo, having a ranl te Highland Br0igaadC, froml whore silt tint1 riot llea for' seine time, ventured to wr'ite to Sir Colin Campbell about hin. III reply sihe got a very hiund httoer, int- forming liLce that her sort fiat1 gone tO Seutari for the recovery of iris henltil I have harl your son written to, the gallant ...

Published: Monday 09 April 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1055 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... WIE DNESDAY'S TELEGC'RAPlIC 'NE WS. T'IflE B' 1 L IC 1. IC. 'Tiere is at rreserit blt lit te noes of lintirest A cen it Is fr sunI tIrIe I laltirr Ieter state II:it thIe Adimtisa I has recriinoite'l in the 3'Mi'lill, Ildsiiilgois, 3aroe Sund, alid Roveel. Nothilri is known a t' tire future moviriaerits, at. the satie time a stealdy anid systeveiatie iprgresS is rn;1kirrg ill relridlerig tire ...

Published: Friday 01 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 873 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT- [ByO4GETIO TISUEOMIAIL 110UjSD OF tORDS-YESTsnnAv. I.X~IiOjjVE)tNT OF mTLilVm JiABUACISS. The mike of RICHM11OND saidl lie had seen, a noticO in thie papers calfllr il e architects to fuliiisli ,i IIIls for the ereetiofl of' new barracks, I-Cievishied to pr~es upoil his noble frieid, the Secretary-at-War, that. iln erectingp such I tirachs, duo care eheuni be taken that ...

Published: Friday 29 June 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 921 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AccoaniDO3 to previous announcement, MIr. Cobdlen addressed the electors of tile West Riding, at Leeds, on Wednesday, at noon. 'Tlhere were several thousand people present fromt all parts of the Riding. We extract the principal passages of the honourable gentleman's speech:- Ml;, eonI0jx AvitiSli TO )VAIL LQANS. I cannot, as a member of PaIrlialment, divest myself of the function of voting ...

Published: Monday 22 January 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5758 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... TH E PRESS. POSITION AND DUTrIES OF THE CON-i SEPrATIVPE PARTY. Wi- (10 not re-ret the failure of' Lord Deorhy's at- tenmpt to construCt a Goveriittent by mlto'1WII Lorid P'tlinerstoxl. Tihatt attlempt was dlictatted. by, a siense of PobliiC duty, tran was made inl Cot~liiflKID' 'lwlitil te wis.h Of a eutilsiderahlc mnimber of Conlset' valtive mnmner' i f t 1 L etzzislattwe. T1hrough th a. ...

Published: Wednesday 07 February 1855
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4084 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News