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Advertisements & Notices

... PALM EAER, BROTHERS,. LINEN DRAPERS, HOSIERS, GLOVERS, AND HABERDASHERS, LACEMEN, &C., 7i, CASTLE-STREET, BRIsTOL. [966 N immense Stock of New and Second-band | A WINTER COATS, WAISTCOATS, & TROUSERS, AT COLE AND POTTOW's, 15 and 1G, LOWER MAUDLIN-STREET, NEAR THE BRISTOL INFIRMARY.: [928 A Comfortable FIRESIDE !-FOLDING- A SCREENS, of novel designs, and at moderate prices, are now on show at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto l)p Ructton. EXCELUENT FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, AT No. 4, CLARE-STREET. M ESSRS.FARGUSwill Sell bYAUCTION, M at their Spaclous ROOMS, No. 4, CLARE-STREET, on MONDAY Next, ti e 14th May, All the exeellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Handsome China. Dinner, and Dessert SERVICES, A brilliant-toned nearly-nevir Grand Squere GI-0ctave PIANO- FORTE, by Collnrd and Collard; A ditto Cottage ditto, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10.~ ? hSmfgratton,nf . |EMIGRATION TO NEW YORK, DIRECT FROM BRISTOL. The fine Barque, JId-B R I T I S HI Q U E E N, 700 Tons Burthen. JoHN ISBISTER, Commander, To Sail on the 14th June. u3 This vessel will be fitted up in the usual comfortable manner E adopted by the unhdersi~ged, under the superintendence of tie Government Emigrationi Officer. A liberal scale of provisions ri will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EIE TWO POUNDS FIFTEEN T SHILLINGS SILVER GENEVA WATCH. Shess Watches are strongly recommended llor their accuracy; titeY have Stout Caes, are Jewelled In Four Holes, with the i EiorisOalal Escapement (Exarmined and Timed). A large variety for selection at G. WOOLLEY's, WATcHtAKER, 25, BROADtEAD, Bristol. [765 I/fOURN ING BONNETS, from 4s. 6d: to 21e. Straw Ditto, from 43d to 12s. Widows' Caps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -;ISon' gtnnfber~ai' I THE ANCHOR SOCIETY. rr The ANN'IVERSARwY DINNER wills be held as usual, ESGIDAD the 13th instant, in the HALL of the ATHE. Dog OB STRE TB HOMAt[S eL°A°G, President.I fetuS estimate may be formed of the amount of good effeted' ,b Sc iety, when it is stated that during the past year 868 by ceOe tDietreas, also 125 Poor Lying-in nome, have been itelieved, and 9 Boys placed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN9D INCRESE TEAMCMUIAINBETWEEN BRISTOL & SWANSEA. FURETHERI REDUCTION OF FAIRES. Best Cabln, 4s.; Fore Cabin, 28. BRI TOL & -SWANSEA STEAM - PACKET OFFICE, .12, QUAY-STREET. 'he following, Veselso are Intended to Sail from the under-mentioned place, and at Reduced v 14 I'~~ares, for the Mouth of TJULY 1855. To and fromSwee, LORD BEl0ESF~ltDWILLIA'x D'Av~isCommander; or, PRINCE OF WALES-1t. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NE SEWSEA&ONS TEA,. . TE - FlNST NESOTED . OR . RIPE, PEKOE FLAVOUR, VERY CHOICE 4s. 4d. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. EYRE & &OWPANY, A 43. WINE-STREET. [723 ftTAG HOTEL, HEOL - Y - FELIN, ABERDARE. WILLIAM WILLIAMS beg tto inform his Friendsiand the public getierally that he has EBEB`ILT Wie aboveteOtSE, ,here he lins excellent accommodation for all who may favour hi, with their patrornage. Fife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lnourau Cmnpanizo B ofETROPOLITAN COUNTIES AND , GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 27, REGENT~STIEET, LONDON. CAPiI'TAL, £L100,000. TRIUSTEnS:- Right Hon. SPENCER H. WALPOLE, h.P. HENRY PETER FULLER, JIC. RICiHARDSPOONER, Esq., i E.,VANSITARIiT NEALE, Esq.' The Business of thi Soietyemnbraces Assurances upon Lives with or without Profitseon Joint Lives, and Survivorships. The Assurance of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EUI1ltet.4 H co BRISTOL AND EXETER RAILWAY. B At the Thirty-Eighthi Half-Yearly GENERAL MEET- Fe ING of the Proprietors of this Company, held att the WHITE J LION IIOTEL, in the City of Bristol, on THURSDAY, the I23rd of August. 1853, W J MES . uLLEREsquire, in the Chair. P 1st-That the Report now read, and the Half-Yearly State- dr ments of Accounts which have been circulated among the Pro- D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iJtemioze to be bet. pFENVILLE- PLACE, HOTWELLS, d tCLIFTON. be LET, and entered upon immediately, a desirable *SIDENCE, containing dining, drawing, and breakfast retns five bedrooms, two kitohens, china-pantry, and other reimte offices. Well Suplied with both sorts of Water. tsooderteO.-Ap ply to W. HUGHES & SON, Estate and M0use Agents. 37, Cellege-green, Bristol. - 0 BE LET, for the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11RSTOL CHURCHI MISSIONNARY ASSOCIATION. Tle ANNUAL MEETINGS ofthis Association will (D. *-) .be held at the VICTORIA-ROOMS, on TUESiDAY, the 27th MAtr th0Mr1I~g Heitin.,ih Chalr*wll be takeb bythe Lord Bislop of Gloucester and Bristol, at Eleven o'clock, and at the Etening one by C. Pinney, Esq., at a Quarter to Seven o'clock. SEEitlONS vill be preached in nearly all the'Bristol and Clifron ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UjR S .-ELLLNG OFF, at a GREAT V REDUCTION, for a Abort time, the Business having een DISPOSED OF, the weli-seleeted Stock of FURtS of the late Dn. BENNETT~. 23, UNION-STREET, consistin of ofSABEE .ggtNE. MINK, and every other description. BA~s, the Large Stock of BONNETS, suitable for the present Thebe whole to be SOLD at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. All Debts owing to tie above Estate to be ...