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Morning Chronicle


... TATTERSALL'S-SATVRDAY. TWO THOUSAND. 6 to 4 aget St. Hubert (taken) 2 to t I - Lord of the Isles 10 to 1 - Claret ONE THOUSAND. 3 to 1 agat Clotilde (taken) 4 to I - Mosquito (5 to 1 taken) CHESTER CUP. 15 to I agat Neville (taken) 100 to 6 - Mortimer (20 to 1 taken freelj) 20 to 1 - Joe Miller (taken) 20 to 1 - Escape (taken) 20 to 1 - The Reiver (taken) 25 to 1 - Knigbt of St. George (taken) ...


... SPOR TING. TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAY. CHESTER CUP. 20 to 1 wae the ?? offer on the field. At the cornm tiencement The Reiver, Rotherham, and Arthur Wellesley were backed at 8 to 1 against the three ; ar.d afterwards offers to take 26 to I about each were repeatedly but unsucces- fully made. Could thege odds have been obtained, a good deal of money would have been invested, particularly ott The ...


... $PORTING. TATTERSALL'S-YESTUtDAY. Subscribers mustered numerously, and the businesg that was transacted on The Derby presented features of consider. able importance. Before entering into details, however, it is necessary to state that the task of separating the chaff from the grain was never more difficult. De Clare was very distinctly in the ascendant; at the corn- mencement some transactions ...


... Yesterday, the second day of this regatta, although not quite sa interesting in the quality of the sport as its prede. cessor, was, nevertheless, very successful, and fully supports 7 the ancient character and prestige of the National Regatta. The Scullers' Race (opena all the World) for £34 in cash. First Heat. J. Mackinney ?? ?? 1 T. Mackinney ?? A good and severe race with Taylor (blue), ...


... LIVERPOOL JULY MEETING. ! THUSeDAY 0ONOLUDED.-A Sweepstakes of 6 sovs eaeh, ,he with 30 added; for two-yr-olds and upwards. Optional selling weights, &o. T.Y.C. b subs. Mr. E, Buckley's Sister to Mrs. Rigby, 2 yrs (£30), 4it Bib (Challoner) 1 Mr. Moore's Myatic. 3 yrs (£30). 64t 41b . (T. Cliffe) 2 Mr. Moore's Questionable, 3 yrs (£30), 6st 41b (Fordham) 3 the Mr. Tempest's Jupiter, aged (£30) ...


... -4- TATTERSALL'S-YESTERDAY. Although tie Tue8day after Epsom is held to be the propor day of settlement of the Epsom accounts, yet a large amount of money generally changes hands on the Monday. There was no exception in this respect to-day, and the pro- spec, which the proceedings revealed was much brighter than bad been anticipated. Some severe hits were talked about, but there is every ...


... I I -0 TATTE RSALL'S-YESTIRDAY. THS SETTLING-DAY. Tuesday has told its own tale, and dispelled the doubts which were entertained as to the nature of the settling. The business of paling and receiving progressed smoothly, and was brought to a satislactory termination. The two eases of default which have been most talked about will, in all probability, be very shortly arranged on terms alike ...


... S PORTING INTELLIGENCE. TATTERSALL'S.-YNSTERDAY. Only the following bets were laid:- GREAT EBOIt HANDICAP. s to 1 agst Mr. T. Parr's Saucebox (taken to £50) 8 to 1 - Mr. Howard's Little Harry (taken) 10 to I - Lord Zstland's Hospodar (taken-12 lo 1 also laid) 12 to 1 - Admiral H*rcourt's Dame Judith (taken) ST. LEGER. 6 to 4 aget Mr. Elwea's Oulston (offered) 5 to 1 - Mr. J. Merry's Lord of ...


... NEWMARKET FIRST OCtOBER MEETING. TnH SUIRSCRIPTION Roox, WEDXESDAY NIGHT.-A thin attendance, and very little betting. At midnight the quota tions were as follows:- CESAREWITCH. 9 to 1 Dgat Robgill 18 ta 1 Scythian (taken) 20 to I - Siding (taken) 25 to 1 - Sultan (taken) 28 to 1 -- The Early Bird (taken) 100 even between Black Swan and Siding CAHBRIDGESHIRE. 500 to 15 agst Sultan (taken) DERBY ...


... . did CRO+TQN PARK RACES. itly FwDAi.-The Fasmere' Hlandicap of 60 S0o8, and 5 t th rve second horse. Heats. Ones round, baS Mr. Vineent's Sultan 6 yrs, 12st 3ib (Capt. Little) ?? I oby Mr. T. Henton's The Times, 5 yrs, 13st 1b (Mr. on- Boynton) 2 k ?? Mr. J. E. Bennett's Remembrance, 5 yr9, list (Mr. I of Thompson) O :tor The following also ran :-Mr. J. Pratt's Gambol, 5 y, the i2st (Nr. ...


... YORK SPRING. MEETING. WEDNESDAY.-The Tyro Stakes of 5 sovs each, with 40 added, for two-yr-olds; colts, 8st 71b ; Gllies, 8st 31b. The winner to be sold for 100 sovs ; allowances if for less. T.Y.C. 4 subs. Mr. C. Peck's Lord Raglan (£30), 7st 71b ?? (Chiarton) 1 Mr. Wilson's Gipsy Girl (£30), 7st 31b ?? (Kendall) 2 Mr. Groves's Plumpton Maid (£30), 7st 31b ?? (Barker) 3 Mr. Dawson's Prince's ...


... THE EPSOM MAY MEETING, TunDAr.-The Craven Stakes of 5 scov each, with 30 added for tbree-yr-old., 7st l1b; four, 8it 71b; five, 83t 13tb. al; and aged, 9At; mares allowed 51b, and geldings aib mile and a quarter of the New Derby Course. Z L The Chicken, 3 yrs; Claret, 3 yrs; Ellermnire, 3 Hopeless, 4 yrs; Ratsplan, 5 yre. The Horton Stakes of 5 80vs each, with 30 added. twa. olds, Oet Sib; ...