... THE 3MUIUER Al t CIT!IAM. S net the adjourned influir i:l te ' irke inls'i'r tnder which mrs. Cathecrine l3arlil w:as ?? -r wt Monday last, several circu ?? 1 e rwin to ?? which tend to excite susipicion ac 'iat ?? :- the servant cirl. who was the o:iyV persolr the holuse vrith her Mistress. At ?? ti:. the deceased cas discovered lvin:i on: thte .:1. m. bedroon. it was only nartially drre-cd. ...


... ITQ'UEST AT KIRTLINGTON. Considerable interest has been excited at Kirtlington, in _ this county, in consequence of the death of a woman named Ann Mobley, whose decease was supposed to have been accelerated by her having taken some quack medicines, wbich she had obtained from Mr. Scott, hatter, of the Corn Market, in this city. W~ith a view of setting the publicmindii( at rest upon the case, ...


... The following correspondence has passed between Dr. Jackson, of Darlington, and Mr. Baron Martin, in re- ference to this mysterious case:- Darlistgtoi, Dec. 17. Mly Lord,-It is with intense pain and anxiety that I feel coupelled to approach your Lordship on the subject of the Burdon poisoning case, tried by you at the late Durham Assizes. As the principal medical man examined on the case, ...


... HLVYTN'GDO\, TnvasmmT July 19. citowN COURT.-Olefore Mr. Baron P4rke.) H w t An/t, aged 29, was indicted for felOuiouslY kijlling Somua BrOwr, at Overon Waterville, on tha fith of May last. Mr. Burebam conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Welb spieared for the priaoner. ?? m It appeared that the Prmisoer an ev rl t er m n incluing ne S ith and the deceased, werei spending including oe S, ic~ho ...


... EASTERX COLUNT1ES' RAILWAY.iG REiPORT OIP THE COMM1nEE OF INVESTIGA ?? .. Tbe tons ?? lepoft or tbre comwittee of in v~tiefxt:oO on the Easttn Countjns Railway wraa issued on Thursday evening, dated Nov. 2i. Ic rot only s'a tabns all the chamea broht by the auditors against the mana~gement st the las rnecthnz. but s~atcs shatI thiose charges were fa~r belovw W1I~s ?? ha~ve been1 wuanated. It ...


... DRIST9L OQVRT OF BA tKRUTCY-. (Before Mr. Charles Ortne, egi, rrr.) MlONDAY.-R~E ELLIS CUTLAN, Newvport, Cabinet. ?? bankrupt came up on his last examination. The balance-sheet extends from. the 1st 'Mey, 1852, to the 18th August, 1855. The creditors amount to £460 17g. capital, £60; gross profits, £395 Os. 5d. ; total, £915 17s. 5d. The debtors to the estate are set down at £41 18a. Id.;. ...


... HAZARD V. FOLLmWELL.-Tbis was an action for damages, brought by the plaintiff, Mr. Edwin York Hazard, pump and block maker, of this city, for Injuries sustained through the breaking down of defendant's omnibus, whereby he had received a compound fracture of the leg and had been confined to his house for a period of nine months. It having been agreed by both parties to refer the case to ...


... YFOiCE INTE4LL.GENCE. ,, g i: ~~~OU2cfl.Hetar,S, B4'57eojr,JU5W30. .Magistrates present: Sir J- K- Haberfdeld and Gen. Worrell. William Brown was charged with embezzling lle. 6d., tbe property of his m~ster,' Mr. rorker, of West-street. The prisoner was sent out yesterday morning witbh three pecks of flour, for which be received the eium of, IlJ. 6d., with- which be, absconded, end eas ...


... I BRISTOL coumOF BANIRUPTcY. (Bafore Mr. Le Srioner Uetrauhl. MO5NDAY. - Rr PAVreaL BENPE'rI, rjn,, Bristol, licensed ?? wae s'eurtifieite-meeting6 hir. W. Bevan; for the ussignees, stated that a chancery suit whv pending between his clients and the trustees of the, will of the late Mr. Price, 'whose widowv the bank ruit jnsorricid, in which, if the assignees succeeded in estabjisbirig their ...


... COUNOcL-.OUSZ, 84TU42DAY, JUne 16. Magistrates present: The Mayor; and J. George, Esq. William Attwell, brought up on remand, charged with being found in the Albion public-house, for the purpose of committing a felony, was discharged, the police having been unable to obtain any satisfactory evidence against him. MoRa SnEEP-STEALING.-George Stephens was charged with stealing a sheep, the ...


... The bliohaelmas Quarter Se8sion .for the county of Gloances ter commenced on Tuesday last, P. B. Purnell, Esq., the county chairman, presiding. The attendance of magistrates was one of the most numerous and influential we ever re- member. Among those present were the Duke of Beaufort, Lord Fitzlsardinge, Lord Ellenhorough, Sir 0. W. Codrington, Bart., M.P., Sir John Steele, Bart., Hon. A. ...


... P O L I C E. BIURDPSR IN THiS MuiIOaIEs.-On Wednesday a murder of a fear- ful kind was perpetrated in Church street, Miinories, at the resi- dence of Mr Barton, an optician. The victim was a fine young woman named Louisa Corrigan, aged 30 years, and the murderer is her husband, living at Bethnal green.-Corrigan, it seems, had for some years held a responsible situation in the East India House. ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1855
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1148 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment