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Advertisements & Notices

... SOHN BIOWOOD, 1)1sFFNS1-G, CIIEMI-1ST , 44, St. Jamtse's-str et, DISPESI~& Portoerw. ; bygius, rreocriptiosc carefully di'spoensd from Pure and Untadulterated Drugs on Moderate Termis. IlTISH WfINE AND FRENCH CHOCOLATE IRITIH WU DEPOT. F Paris Chocolate CompIPny's Prize Choconates, Ron-bons, ~r rd syruips patronitsed by her Majesty. Economiral [,shfOt Luxury, 8d. per lb.; French Chocolates, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. RfR. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to 1 announce his ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN for the Summer Season. The NEXT SoIasEE, Monday, July 23. NAVAL EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. Y OUNG GENTLEMEN are prepared for entry into Her Majesty's Service, as Naval Cadets, Masters' Assistants, &C., and for tho Examination for Direct Commissions in the Royal Marines, by ;r. THOMAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS SOUTH WESTON, &c., INCLOSURE. 1 WILLIAm BROWN, of Tring, inl the county of Hertford, the Valuer acting in the matter of the is Inclosure of South Weston Field, with several outlying is parcels of land, locally situate in the adjoining parishes of St Wheatfield and Stoke Talmage, in the county of Oxford, do Y hereby give Notice that, on and after the First day of May, V) 1855, the following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEDGES AND BUTLER, WINE XERCHANTS, &c., 155, Regent Street, London, & 29, King's Road, Briyheton. t (Originally established A.D., 1667.) HE okl-fashioled DRY PORT, 54s. per dozen: Wtis wine possesses all the genuine qualities of pure . and fully fermented Port Wine, which are-dryness, astria- gency, fruitiness, and good colour, with bouquet, and is well worthy the notice of connoisseurs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... atOTICE is hereby given that, unless the N HORSE which was ridden by Private John Ludlow, i the B Troop of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry Cavalry, and left at John William Garrett's, the Blandford Arms Inn ',oodstock, on the 19th of May last, be removed before the 1st day of Angnst instant, and the expenses incurred paid, it l on the said 21st day of August instant be Sold by public Auction, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAIL. T HE ROYAL FARMERS' and GENERAL T INSURANCE COMPANY, 3, NonROLC STREET, STRAND, LONDON. The First Office established in this country for Insurance against damage by Hail. WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS,) and other ordinary Crope,without >6d. per Acre. limitation as to quantity grown ) Farmers are recommended to insure their Growing Crops against damage by Hail. The loss by the Hail Storm which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KIRTLINGffON. 8 Sixty Lots of useful HOUSEHOLD :FURNITURE, AN) EFFE0TS, mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, T By Messrs. JONAS & THOS. PAXTON, g Oi the premises of Mlr. French, ,ls Kirtlington, on Monday y next, April 23, at Three ?? lots may be inspected ou the nmorning of sale, and catulogues had at the neigh- bouring inns, or of the auctioneers, Bicester. e AMBROSDEN, NEcA BICESTER. Eighty Acres of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rj'i be LET, with possession, in a very populous Tvillage and great ?? old-established PUBLIC HOUSE. Coming-in, under £30.-Apply imme- diately to Mr. Veal, wine-merchant, Stow-on-the-Wold. TO COACH-BUILDERS AND WHEELVRIGHTS. rwO be LET and entered upon immediately,-A 1i3 capital BUSINESS in the above line, well situated in the neighbourhood of Reading, in the county of Berks, which is capable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OREIGN VINEYARD ASSOCIATION. .1.rCouSpletely registered. Capital, £200,000, in 10,000. Shares. Chairinan.-The Right Hon. Lord mussatasv, Carlton Club, and Springfield Castle, Limierick. eput'y Chairmasi-ALyxx. BrATTIn, Esq., M.D., Porcheoter-. terrace, Bayswater. Col. 1V. T. Cockburn, Alex- lV. H. PalmnerEsq., Barnes, ander-square, Brompton. Surrey. Colonel C. Wyndhaam, U.S. MajurC.J.Oldfield ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL Oxfordshire Horticultural Society. 1HE FOURTH SHOW for this Season will be 1 bolden, in conjunction with the NATIONAL CAT- NATION and PICOTEE SOCIETY (by the kind permission of the President and Follows), in the Colonnade of the New Buildings and in the Grove of MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD, on THURSDAY NEXT, August 2, 1855. The Exhibition of Carnations and Picotees is open to all England, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOKS, SOUTHSEA. BR HOLLINGSWOBTH has the hononr to .1an1OUn1C his ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN for tbe Summer Season. The NsxT SOIRED, Monday, Jody 9th. - p3ORTSEA ANIS D HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. lHE MIDSUMMER SHOW will take place, near T Mr. HOLLINoGWORTTH's Rooms, On Thursday, July Admiesion to Non-Subscribers, Is. each. G. LONO, Secretary. NAVAL EDUCATION. SOUTHSEA, PORTSMOUTH. YTOUNG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pplYTsiANUTH INVESTMENT AND LOAN CLASS. C ASS No. I established in February, 1854, being in full operation, aand working to the satisfaction of 1 the MeMmers. Clss 2 has been formed for Investments J aad Loans from 251. to 250l. Shares, 501, Entrance. at * Firs SubSubseription Meeting of Class 2 was beld at tbe Ateen Btm hispop-trreet, Portsaa, on the 3rd of Mayt wyhere the futu Monthly ...