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Number of Policiet Issued

... ‘umber of Policies From 15 Dec., 1835, to 20 Nov., 1842 (7 ) -- 3,216 From 20 Nov., 1842, to 20 Nov., 1847 (5 ) From 20 Nov., 1847, to 20 Nov., 1862 (5 “ 1,066 From 20 Nov., 1852, to 20 Nov., 1853 (1 “ ) from 20 Nov., 1853, to 20 Noyv., 1854 (1 ) ) 1,302 7,336 Tetal number issued 17,494 Amount of Income £ s. d. 20 Nov., 1842 .. “- -- 39 9 20 Nov., 1847 -- - = == 13 0 20 Nov,, 1852 = =. 206,700 ...


... MERIC The Louis (s), with the French and English mails arrived off Cowes on Saturday morning en route from New and York to Havre, She brings for Havre 31 310 000 dola. in specie, ot which 213,000 dols. is for Eng fend. Tie St Louss left New York on the 10th inst. dvices from Mexico represent Santa Anna as daily losing, and Alvarez gaining ground, Rivas said that Santa Anna held several ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FARMING STOCK, &C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, -At Little Ryle, in the parish of WhittingitbO, on Wed- f neaday, the 2nd day of May, 1855, Mr WILLIAM MIDDLEMASS, Auctioneer, E L. the STOCK, &o., upon the said farm, belong- AS to Mtr Hlindinarsh, comprising I 8EEP-200 half-bred owes, with their lambs, by a e I3ricester tug ; 60 do. girnmerB, with their lambs, byt do. * 120 do ewe hogs ; 35 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ESTABLIBRMENT, 23, GRAINGER-STRE1IT, NEWCASTLE. T JENNINGS & CO., MERCHANT CLOTHI8sEs, TAILORS, OUTFIrTERss, ?? beg respeotfully to inform thei ?? inhabitants of Newcastle and neighbourhood, that they have opened the above premises with one of the I moagmifiocent stoeks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever effered to the public, and would solicit an inspection, feeling assured that ...


... THE LOSSES BR ‘War Department, June 24. 8 30p.m. Lord Panmure has received the following } i ist of officers killed, or who have died of their wounds, on the 18th of une‘— Major-General Sir John Campbell—Colonel Yea, 7th Regiment—Lieutenant-Colonel Shadforth, 57th Regiment —Lieutenant Meurant, 18th iment, Lieutenant Davies, 38th Regiment—Lieutenant Ashwin, 57th Regi- ment—Lieutenant Bellew, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIE SHARPHOIDERS OF THE NEWCASTLE ON TYNE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY. a iWY LORDS, LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN,_ IDOL The death of Mr Adameon, your late Secretary, baving caused a vacancy in that officee, I beg to offer my)- self as his successor. I was in the service of the company for more than 20 years, during which period I frequently, in addition to my other duties, performed all those belonging ...


... OTLAND Tue Duke or as Rector or Guas- cow University.—The installation of the Duke of Argyll took place on the 29th ult. The Duke delivered his inaugural address. The greater portion of his speech was taken up with the subjects of academic interest, and par- ticularly with the new echeme for regulating the patronage of the East India civil vervice. Some allusions, how- ever, were made to the ...


... LONDON SPIRIT MARKET. Jaw. 20 Since our last there bas been only a moderate demand for are an Rum, the ‘The Brandy market inactive, yet we have no +! Geneve aud corn spirits without alt amy in the quotations. md. a 4 East India, proof WO nn nnn gal. 3 ae 33 10 te 20 over proof. 34 a. Demerara ..----30 to 34 35 to 40 ditto Jamaica to 29 2 to 36 ditte 32 0 36 82 to 40 Shipped Shipped by | Vinyd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURS. IHE Season for this A rtisle of Costume is now at Hand, and we have during the Summer, * z . energetically prepared to open our EXHIBITION OF FURS with a rich and aplendid Acso'mrt, t Pices lower thnthose of our Crinpetitors in this District, They are all manufactured af ihis Season's Skins, of the choicest Seections end consist of the newest Shapes. In hor, tis epatmetunder theo able ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOINTYRE & ARTHUR -DESPECTFULLY inform Merchant Tailori and the Public generally, that they bave reneived their 2:E8vWINTER STOCK OF ISEAVERS, WITNEYS. MELTONS, PILOTSKERSEYS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, MOLESKINS, CORDS, &o., &o., .- Alao, a large Stoek of WITNEY OLO rR and BATH BL&NKETS. Having been pereonally eleoted by Mr Arthur in the various markets, we have every confidenoe in recom- mending them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIE' AND GIRLS' FELT HATS. WIT ViILSON & CO. inform the Ladies of New- W castle and its vicinity, that they have com. menced to SELL FELT WHIPS and BONNETS, and have now to offer at NO. 38, GREY STREET, The newestshape in Oirl'sDrab BONNETS, and in Black, Brown, and Drab Flat Brims for Girls' and Ludies, as well as Eoft Felts in the same cclours. Aleo, pure White and Fawn Felts for Infants. ...