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... POETRYC-,cs ALL adown the tangled wildwood . . Wheu the sultry day wa past, Roamed a gallant youth and maiden .'Mlid the shadows gathering fast. . evlre the flow'ring sweet-briar bushes Fluttered in the evening breeze, Sat an aged Gipsy woman . 'Neath two old and tvisted trees.. Cross my bland with silver, lady, 2 . .Supolo the Gipsy 'noath the troe, And ulPl tell thy fortune truly, Truly ...


... EXMIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOTIISII ACADEMY. j Notvithstanding ?? unfvonarable state of thce weather on | Sceur day nmrid g, the ns w Galic~ies of Art were crowded at an early hour %with anxious spectators, evidsntlt highly inte- he rested and delighted with thc pictures which covered the w1- walls. We have to congratulate both the public and the nl Artists upon the increase of accommodation ...


... Xi t t a t ut. TMsi Homr SCHOOL: or Hints on Home Education. b By the Rev. Norman Macleod. Edinburgh: Paton s and Ritchie. 1856. 1 TIE importance of the subject here treated of, it ist C impossible to over-estimate. Our education for good c or evil begins at the household hearth. It is there t that we are trained up in the way in which, throug6' t after life, it is almost certain that we shall ...


... SIR JAMIES GRAHAMr. Sir James Graham owes more to natural advantages than any of the statesmen who have been mentioned. A tall and commanding figure, handsome conutenance, and pow erful sonorous voice, give him the superiority iP debate which, in civil almost as much as military contests, these qualities never fill to confer ; and to these he unites administrative and oratorical talents of a ...


... (l rom C. Mleyer's .Uagrsia Franwaiu.) The advent of this month has been, as usual, the signal for the introduction o ., great varicty of novelties, both us re- gards the texture and make of dresses, aid the shapes of mantles, bonnets, &c. We vere much struck during our visit to Paris last week vith the activity which reigned in every branch of manufacture connected ;sith la mise des dames; ...


... li te x at.r TNE SCOTTrss REVIEW. NO. I April 'iB55- Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League Office. HlowEEVR much we may be inclined to think that the proper time for a general estimate of the claims of Thomas Do Quin- cey to a place on2 that long and brilliant roll of modern au- tbors, who have exerted an ennobling influence over British literature, would obviously have been after we were put in ...


... LI TE RAT U RE. ScoTTIc1sMIS CORRECTED. London: John F. Shaw. ToIS publication (a part of a series, entitled, Never too late to Learn), begins by defining a Scotticism in tvo wsays. The first definition, that of Dr. Beattie, the well-known poet of the last century wepresume, is, a Scotticism is an idiom or peculiar expression of the natives of Scotland. The second definition is stated to ...


... THE SHADOW ON TIlE WALL. Was the Shadow kissed by child or maiden? Infantine caressing! By pale dreamer, liro's full sun forbidden? Twilight of half-blessing! Or by votaries' lips a saintly image pressing? M1enl like fiends who Ieap o'er dead and dying Still new heaps to pile, Tossing a fierce laugh to Death's defying, Wild with wrath erewhile- Now like children lie and wait the nurso's smile. ...


... . THE 'OPERA. Since our last notice of the Opera Roberto was put on the sta ic fir tile first time on Monday, and again on Thursday yenitig. Mfasndiello was performed on ''uesday, and Fidelio on lridiy. We have very little space to devote to the opera this morning, as the crowded state of our columns will ft showe. Loberto is one of the most popular of Mleyerbeer's h operas, and justly so, ...


... POETRY, -LINES WRITTEN ON TR LI DEPARTURE OF THE Ssr. LAWRENCE. The parting hour! Motbinks I feel The magic of its powerful spell, A strange sensation o'er me steal, Which whispers in mine oar, Farewell I Farewell ! for now the spreading sail Unfvrls to'catch the fav'ring breezo; The barquo bends proudly to the gate, And steers her course for distant seas. My native shores will soon recede, ...


... LIT E Rf AT U RE. Vlackeosod's Magazine. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons. tive! Fraser's Magazine. London : J. W. Parker & Son. don The Dzublin niversifty Mragazine. Dublin : W. M'Glashano bull BLACl;WOOD is strong on tho conduct of the war-denouncing tonl, the conduct of the Minlistry from the outset, especially ol tice a q Foroigu enlistment act. A secoixd pap-er, viz., Peace and Patriot. ...


... THE SNOW-SBHOWERR BY W. C. BRYANT. 1.1 STANB; llerc by my sido and torn, I prtay, . On the lake below thy gentle eyes; btai The cloruls haug over it, llivy-duld gray, irn And dark aud silent the water lies; 1 And out of that frozen mist the snow In: wavering flakes begins to flow; Flake ofter flake, They sink ill the dark and silent lake. he See, now; it a living swarm they cono From the ...