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... ABERDARE AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. AIR. WILKES' CONCHRT. — We perceive by announcement in our advertising columns that Mr- Wilke^ the talented dir^ctor'of the \lenh,yr Mus-cal yniop, intends holding a yocijl riicl instrumental poiifeft, nt ihe National School-rooip, Aberdarp, cn the evening of Thursday next, for h.e has epga^ed the services of Mrs. Allred Gilbert (late Miss Cole), Miss Susannah Cole, ...


... LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH.—FRIDAY, DEC. 29. At theusual fortnightly meeting on the above day, them were prMcut.—W. Coffin,' Esq., M.P., in the chair (the Mayor _!x?ing engaged during the ir/st portion of the proceedings in disposing of some police cases), Aldermen J. Lewis and T, Morgan, and Councillors C. Vaehell, J. Batcnelor, W. Williams, Ü. L. IWe. M. Grover, W. A. Bradley. E. Evans. J. ...


... CALENDAR. JAN. 7. FIRST SUNDAY AVTEK EnrIU\v.—Mornnig. 1st lesson, 4i;b cii. Isaiah; 2nd lesson, 5,h ch. Eveuiog, 1,t Jesson, 46,11 ch. IsaiaL i lessun, 5th ch. Romacs. FAIRS.-Glamorganshíre: I.\one.-Monmoutl:ôl.irc: N oue. ...

[No title]

... EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS. The Epiphany Qual ter Sessions commenced at the Townhall, in this town, on Monday last, before the following Mallistrate8 „ HENRY THOMAS, Esq., Chairman. R. Ba«se?t, Esq. J- Lewis. Esq. R. C. Nicholl Came, Esq. Rev. Heily ltickards. W. Coffin, Esq M.P. Rev. T. Sucey. E. David, Esq. J. P ipkin Trahernc, E-q. J. C. Fowler, E q. Sir George Tyler, M.P. J. Horn fray, Esq ...

[No title]

... THE GELLIGAER EISTEDDFOD. For sixteen or eighteen years an Eisteddfod, or Bardic festival, hath been held at the Harp Inn, Gelluaer, on Christmas day. And, indeed, much piaise is due to Mr. n. Davies, the landlord, for his lasting energy in getting his neighbours to subscribe, and for his own liberality in giving five or six pounds annually without any ccrtainty of getting any returns. » Let ...


... BKiS ;s. A Kiil'P. Y xMi Wi.i>NEsr>> DKC 27. (Before Mr. Com:iiissiv,nir Ilill.) Re John Price, Newport, draper.-A motion to annul the adjudication in this bankruptcy, or to remove ihe messenger of the Court out of posses-ion, was a.ijurueu r in this day for the purpose of hearing further aiiiJavks and arguments. !\1r. Ediin appeared on behalf of Mr. George Masters, the petitioner in the ...


... MERTIIYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. INQUESTS.—An inquest was held ou tiie 20th instant, before George Overton, Esq., the Coroner of the district, on the body of a young woman named Ann Williams, aged 24 years, who appeared from the evidence to have died suddenly, while in the pains of childbirth. — Another inquest was held on the 2nd instant, at klie Three Horse Shoes public-house, on the body of ...


... Lord Aberdeen, the tirst Minister of the Crown, stated in the House of Lords, August 2, 1853 (spe the daily papers of the following morning), he had learnt from the best possible authority, the head of the (Inland Revenue) department that the coffee of that man (John Cassell) had been repeatedly analysed, and found pure. This shows that John Cassell's coffees are what he really represents ...


... CARDIFF A\b IIEILTIIYIL GUARDIAN. THE PORT OF CARDIFF.As a proof of importance of our town, We may state that Mr SS Plll|liP* I* recently opened very large bonded .to, e'. hi Bute-8t!ee,» in which undeitaking we wish him success. THE RACES.- Weare Phased to know that Lady Clive has kindly consented to her land at Ely being used for the purpose of a race course in the ensuing sumrner; and Mr. ...

I' H'O; ru VI i I— I) U i* \ R i' M li.s r OK SCU-'.NCE AN!) ART

... BEES AND IIA$ITS.—Truly they re a wonderful people—peifept in architecture—bold in strategy»-leirned in the division of labour—exemplary in their aly,ctioli for •he yeung—and unselfish, some say, in labouring, lot for themselves, but for others. With all their virtues, however, they are given to tippling, and many a bee who has lelt the hive before noon sober as a philosopher, lias ...

-------------------------------EPIPHANY QUARTER SESSIONS

... DEATH OF CANON WILLIAMS, OF YSCEIFIOG. it is with pain that we record in our obituary the decease, wttci a severe illness, of the much respected Kector of Yseeitiog, iu Flintshire. His death will not only have indicted on hill immediate friends and family an irreparable loss, but leaves a place vacant in the ranks of the Church to which he was an ornament, which it will be most difficult to ...

'----L O N I) O N M A R K 15 T S

... FROM FRIDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE.—DEC. 29. Samuel Lumpkin, Gibson-street, Lambeth, baker. George Filoot Lyue. Chuich-passuge, Basinghall-etreet sewed m IJ ,Jilin lab,r. James and AlfVeu AlWinson, Huntingdon, drapers. Henry Lin'iyi'd, Shcrborne-iane, tavern-keeper. Geoige Jam.> Loe Chertsey, builder. Charles Manoll Crooks, llouodsditch, licensed victualler. James Mortimer, G-rosvenor-road, Abbey ...