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The Era


... m, w I T 11 At WN, &Ww, THE CRIMEA. The following telegraphic despatches from Berlin have been received:- Under date of St. Petersburgh, Jan. 2, eve learn that a despatch had been received there Sfrom Prince Xeuisclhikoff; an- nouncing that nothing remarkable .had taken place at Sebas- topol between the 20thl and. 26th oteDecem-ber, with the exception of two sorties on the 21st. In one of ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 770 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 

Catherine Hayes in California

... . Catherine Hayes in, California. fSAW PFANiwoca, J y. -.The passage to the pier head, was safely made, hnd Miss Hayes embarked in a punt. No sooner had she lftt the cab than it was torn to pieces. and the driver assassinated. This last measure, which seems hardly in accordance with tbe mild and humane nature of our institutions,, was perfectly justifiable. It was considered that the man who ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... I J eanuary. 1. Two boys, named Robert and James Bnllen, from Blackburn, Lancashire, starved to death by intense cold, onthe MoorsT between Sheffield and Glossop. - The new and magnificent cathedral forthe congregation of Irviugites, in Gordon-square, London, opened for public worship. - The principal Streets in Rome lighted for the first time with gas, the undertaking being that of an ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6711 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... LOON PGAZZTTRS TUESDAY. WAR-OFFICE; JAN. 2. ist Regiment of Foot.-General the Bight Honourable Sir Edward Blakeney, G.C.B from the 7th Royal Fusillers, to be Colonel, vice General the Bight Honourable Sir James Kempt, G.C.B, deceased. WAR-OFFICE, J rT. 2.-BBEVET. C'olonel Harry D. Jonee, of the Royal Engineers, having rendered dietinguished service in command of the British Land Force at the ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3173 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... The ruffianly attacks of the Times on both Lord RAGLAN and the general management of the Crimean expedition, caught the public mind in its most excited state, and for a moment ignited a feeling of indignation and hostility against our veteran Chief and his Staff. But the public mind is ultimately both generous and just, and the private pique which was influencing the editorial chair of the ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1426 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: News 


... P RBE E X A S ON B Y. Meetings for Next Week. Monday.-No. 5, St. George's and Corner Stone, Freemasons' Tavern. No. I2, Lodge of Fortitude and Old Cumberland, Freema. sons' Tavern. No. 32, St. Albaa's, London Coffee House, Ludgate. hill. No. 206, Domatic, Falcon, Fetter-lane. No. 228, Lodge of Ccnfidence, Anderton's Hotel, Fleet-street. Tuesday.-No. 113, Burlington, Albion Tavern, Alderogate ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1920 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... i F ?? `OaU iARPET BAG. j3UBInLAcIOUS JQCOsITY.-Q. What bar is that whichoften opens, but never shuts P-A. A crow-bar. D: V)rtInG DIALOGUE- `Mbmma, can a door speak? Certainly note, my love. Then, why did you' tell 'Ann this 'morning to answer the door ? It is time for you to go to school, dear.. A: e INDUSTRIOPS EDToR.,- The editor of the' Belknap Gda ette says, ' Dring the past week ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1632 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: News 


... I Subjoined are the official returns of deaths, and ships arrived with sick, since the 20th:- Officers. Lieut. and Adjutant Warren, 55th Regt., fever, Dec. 22 Captain Campbell, 5th Dragoon Guards, dysentery, Dec. 23. Non-commissioned Officers and Moem Private George Crook, Royal Artillery, dysentery, Dec. 19 Private William Anson, Royal Artillery, wounds, Dec. 18 Private Andrew Cochrane, 79th ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1341 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... PROCEEDINGS Il . OF THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS AD THE OBNOXIOUS SUNDAY BILL. _ _ . ?? False Aceusations against Licensedvictlallers. TO TUE EDITOR OF THE ERA. Sir,-! beg to requcst your insertion of this letter, having reference to remarks which appeared in the Dispatch of last Sunday, under the head of c; Christmas with the Publicans: It is said that the trade has to thank itself for the evils ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1538 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: News 


... LFVY v. NICHOLSON.-An action was brought, on Thursday last, In the Westminster County Court, by Mr. Levy, the printer and pro- prietor of Chapman's Railway Guide, against Mr. Nicholson, better known as, Lord Chief Baron Nicholson, of the Judge and Jury Society, Coal Hole Tavern, Strand. The claim against the defendant was for an undisputed sum for printing, and twelve months' advertising in ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 792 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... OnITUArY.-On the 18th uit., at Sibsey, Lincolnsbire, aged 119, Mr. Thos. Whitehead, great-grandfather of Messrs. lKeogh, Soho-street, Liverpool. TamEu are seventy-two members of the House of Commons who claim to be wholly excused on election committees on account of being more than sixty years of age. DuEING the year 1854, li,854 persons emigratedin Govern- ment ships for Australia from ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1399 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... DJSPATQ9E O- V zISFF OZA~II QBERT.I The iofeaiteuir of Thursday contains the following despatch from Gene'ral, Canrobert - PERA, DEc. 27, 1854-The French Charge ?? at Constantinople to the Minister of Foreign Affairs :- General Canrobert writes, under date of the 25th-' We shall soon be enabled to assume the offensive. _We sae renewing our forces *more rapidly aind more safely than theenenay ...

Published: Sunday 07 January 1855
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1524 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News