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Freeman's Journal


... I - - - - I~ ~ .L . . . . . .. . .1 We hav had frequently of late occasion to uotico instances of the progress made amongst us in the arts employsd in the decoration of our churches and altars. For centuries these arts may be said to have been extinguished in Ireland along with the lights of our sanctuaries; yet now, when religion once more resumes its pristine splendour and external order, ...


... I FASB)'.6OAkt .k .)TiPLLIGENCE. ?? ?? WxIDSOI~, NOV. 2-2-Piince.4AlbQrt, attended by Viscount Torrington, Major General the Hon. GCharles Grey, and Captain Du Plit, left Windsor thie niornlng by a^ speclal t In of thio Great Western Railway for Birmingbafi. Thle Luctess of Athol, Lord Pannnure, and Major General Sir Colin Camp3ell left the Castle Colo0el Herbert, M.P,, and Mrs. ...


... 't - -11 -- 11 ?, - I 1; : zT i , r i..4 ,5? ?i? W o I .11 . I I at'?4 Ij It,;. 1, ??j -, Jfizantwcnp§,tthi NOWan 'by Mchlas O'Kearey. (Deier tl Oniasnic Societg by JoAks O'Zaily). se ow' apology for having 50 long delayed our notice of this ipta sig iablicstiou. The book; however, is one of no transitory interest. It is the irstipublication of an Irish manuscript xrportirsg to have been ...


... I . BALI TsnA2oiN.-The great harvest fair or this t0 held on Tuesday lest, was the largest we have seeea several years, At an early hour vast quantities of b t4 cattle, ebeep, pigs, &c., arrived at tbe green. M e4 were made before nine o'clock, and continued until eve r A Prices were very high for every description of cattl almost all offered for sale were disposed oE.-g, al Herald. 44 Tris ...


... - Saturday evening a crowded audience witnesied with evi- dently unabated pleasure theextravaganfa of Pstqce Prettypet, followed bythe comedy (compressed) ?? Wife. With regard to the new extravagazza, we beliere It will be conceded that we have hitherto said nothing in Its praise that has not been fully borne out by its merits, whether as to the material of the piece itself and the style of ...


... THEATRE RlOYA- MR. RBRYs BMEJEI'IT. The bencfit of Mr. Richard Barry, the well-known and generally esteemed boxkeeper of our natlonal theatre, is au- nounced for Thursday evening next. To those who have known Mr. Barry little need besaid ofthe many ?? whioh he possesses on. the generous support of the frequenters of the Theatre Royal. Always courteous and 'oblighig In every exl. gency in whibh ...


... I TEaE BLESSED ?? or SMa tidis,8 of an Arch- bishop 6f Armaegh, oho mauwe to lponme in toe 12th centusry, and did not return ; with a brief nai',*atire of a visit to Rome in 1S64. Bythe Afoot Rev. Joseph lsiron, Archbishop aj Ar- magpl, and Primiate of all Ireland.. Dublin : J. Duffy).- This, though a small, is a very remarkable book.- Both in style and in matter, it belongs rather to the ...


... FASH1ONABL 7sNTrELrIGNCE. _ Her Majesty will hold a drawingroom at St. James-s palace, on Thursday, 14th June next;nt twoo 'ok, and a levee at St. James's Palace, On Wednesday, the 27th instaut, at two o'alook. Tbe Queen and Prince. Albert visited Gore House, Kensington, at ten o'clock, on Tuesday mornugs to Inspeot the works of students in the metropOlltan, and provincial schools in connexion ...


... Io -- - I THE DuBLtx RvItEW.-(Lenden at. .Dublinu pic1hard. son and SOO).-In reply to the question Who are the per- seoutors? the Dublin Eoisct triumphantly refutes one of the charges most comnmonly brought against Catholics by their antagonists, and shown that wherever a fair parity of circumstances is to be round there also will we find Catholics aud Cathol c institutions much more ...


... THEATIUCALS, U. TIRuEAM Boi Uire-4TAeAN Or ?? evening Verdi's opera oit 2Wewa Urs p.W db fer fe- ted1 -i Oublin before t highly distinguished stud numercus'ncdiehoe for the benefit of Signor Tamberlik. , The dres circle pro. sentet on the occasion au array of beauty and fashion which we have seldom or never seen surpsaeed in the Theatre Royal. The second circle was well filled, and the pit and ...


... ROYAL AGRICULTURAL IMPROViMIENT SOCI0L I -THIE CARLOW CATTLE SHOW. (FROMS OURt OWN RtEPOR2TERc). Carlow, Tuesauay. Active and extensive preparations have been inakileg I ~re since an early hour this morning to renc'cr as snccessfal i useful as possible the Agrienltliral Society's show, which '.11 open to-morrow. All classes are co-operating eniergetica. V, and during the day there haB been a ...


... I FANAtIO*A L I | W:NDSOB, !X>DIsni. .Tt-adPi walked in the Home Pork- this morng;. ,Maj3.epera Simpsoa arrived yesterday' afier! nou, lip the hohigr Pf din- Iug withlnher Majesty, and returned to London this alterecoD. rnu 'G OF GENPA..-Tvbile t~ e soyal i of. Sardinia, has lot twoof its members the lte ef a th ie Duke ofGeuoa, la Dow~iVaiiei to le in,.serlious daugcX , Royal highness bas ...